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Food Industries, Business Statistics
Karsten Kjeld Larsen
+45 21 29 55 76

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Cereal Prices used for Regulation of Land Rents

Official prices have been around since the beginning of the 17th century. From 1910-1970 the statistic covers the former Parishes "Stifter" which were the old zoning. In the period 1937-1953 statistic covers only Zealand diocese. The statistics are fully comparable back to 1985.

Comparability - geographical

The price concept in the statistics - basic prices - is used in the national accounts for all EU member states and is further described in Manual on the economic accounts for Agriculture and Forestry EAA/EAF 07 (Rev.2).

Comparability over time

The statistics are fully comparable back to 1985. Subject to reservations due to data breaks caused by the change in the legal act, data are comparable back to 1921. Previous statistics can only be found on writing in Danish. The time series "Landbrugsstatistik" dates back to 1900.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics is comparable with Prices on selected agricultural output, see LPRIS10 at StatBank Denmark.

Coherence - internal

There are no inconsistencies in the statistics since the base is one survey.