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Artists in Denmark

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Research, Technology and Culture, Occupation statistics
Cecilie Bryld Fjællegaard
51 27 86 09

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Artists in Denmark 2022

The purpose of 'Artists in Denmark' is to contribute to increased knowledge about the conditions of artists in Denmark. The statistics is used to establish a data foundation for understanding artists in Denmark. The statistics was first published in 2023, with figures for the year 2022.

Statistical presentation

The statistics on artists in Denmark are an annual compilation of the number of artists in Denmark, categorized by artistic area, income basis, gender, age group, and residential region. The statistics are divided into the five artistic areas: music, writers and words, visual arts and designers, film and TV, and drama and performing arts.

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Statistical processing

The population in the statistics is based on four data sources: 1) Membership data from the member organizations under the Council of Danish Artists, 2) Data on recipients of royalties from artistic activities and 3) Data on recipients of grants or project support from the Danish Arts Foundation. The population in the statistics is linked to information from the population register regarding gender, age, and residence, as well as information on income from the Income Register and educational level from the education register.

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The statistics is relevant for anyone with an interest in the cultural sector. The data can be used for analysis, research, and discussions within the cultural domain.

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Accuracy and reliability

The statistics are based on extensive data collection with broad coverage. However, there is uncertainty about whether everyone in the population can be considered artists. Additionally, some organizations under the Council of Danish Artists have chosen not to contribute to the data collection, potentially resulting in an underestimation of the number of artists. There is also uncertainty about the assessment of income from artistic activities, which is likely underestimated. Continuous efforts are being made to improve the statistics to enhance the accuracy of both the population and income from artistic activities.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The release time for the statistics is 20 months after the end of the reference period to allow for the completion of the underlying registers. The statistics is entirely new but is expected to be published as planned.

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The statistics have been compiled since 2023 with data from 2022, and this is the first release of the statistics. The statistics is specifically prepared by Statistics Denmark and, therefore, cannot be directly compared to statistics in other countries.

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Accessibility and clarity

Statistics are published in the NYT. In Statistikbanken, figures for artists in Denmark are released under the topic 'Cultural education and employment.

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