ICT usage in enterprises
You can report your data here
Report via virk.dk Companies typically spend approx. 20 minutes on this survey. |
What is your data used for?
Companies report data on their IT systems, IT security, e-commerce, and, if applicable, the use of various IT technologies, such as robotics and artificial intelligence. Your data is necessary to illustrate the development in the distribution and use of IT in companies. Ministries, researchers, and social analysts use these statistics. Since the survey is EU-harmonized, the results can therefore be compared with those of the other member states, to illustrate IT use in companies.
More about this survey:
The deadline for reporting is February 7, 2025.
Request an extension of the deadline.You can download an overview of all the questions in the survey - as a draft or in preparation of your report.
Questionnaire: ICT usage in enterprises (PDF – draft).
Typical time spent per report is approximately 20 minutes
Report online with MitID Erhverv. Owners of sole-proprietorship can also report with their private MitID.
Click on START REPORTING at the top of this page and report using MitID Erhverv.
- When logged in, you can report to multiple statistics and for multiple periods.
- If the reporting process is interrupted, you can save a draft.
- You can reopen and correct submitted reports using MitID Erhverv.
You can find the guidelines regarding how to report your data in the online form.
Reporting is mandatory by law
Due to EU legislation, Denmark is required to produce a range of business statistics.
Act on Statistics Denmark, Section 8-12a obliges companies to report data for statistical use.
The number of companies required to report
Approximately 4,200 companies are required to report every year.
How are the companies selected?
The survey is based on a sample of approximately 17,000 companies in private, non-financial urban sectors that have at least 10 full-time employees (annual work units).
Typical time spent per report is approximately 20 minutes.
Companies can voluntarily report the time spent completing the online form. Companies typically spent 20 minutes on reporting for the period 2024, including accessing, retrieving, and entering data (based on 2,145 self-reports of time consumption). 4,291 reports were received during the period. Based on the typical time consumption per report, the total time consumption for all businesses is estimated at 1,430 hours per year.
Do you need help?
Our support team can respond to you via email or give you a call.
Extension of the deadline?
You can request an extension of the deadline via our support request form:
Request an extension of the deadline.Latest news from the statistics (in Danish)
Flere virksomheder tilbyder it-opkvalificering
23. august 2024
Danske virksomheder tilbyder i stadig større grad at opkvalificere deres ansattes it-færdigheder. I 2023 blev der tilbudt it-opkvalificering i 35 pct. af danske virksomheder med mindst 10 ansatte.
Subject page: ICT usage in enterprises.
Documentation of statistics: ICT usage in enterprises.