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Tables in StatBank

Economy of the general government sector

Table ID Updated
General government, income transfers (to households)
type of income and seasonal adjustment | Unit: m DKK
OFF10K 28-03-2025
General government, taxes
type of tax and seasonal adjustment | Unit: m DKK
OFF12K 28-03-2025
Financial accounts
account, financial instrument, assets/liabilities, sector, consolidated/unconsolidated and counterpart sector | Unit: m DKK
OFF13 28-03-2025
Financial accounts
account, financial instrument, assets/liabilities, consolidated/unconsolidated and counterpart sector | Unit: m DKK
OFF22 28-03-2025
General government, final consumption expenditures
eral government, final consumption expenditures | Unit: m DKK
OFF26K 28-03-2025
General government, expenditure and income
eral government, expenditure and income | Unit: m DKK
OFF3K 28-03-2025
Central government finance and debt
item | Unit: DKK bn
DNSOSB 27-03-2025
Central government finance and debt, transactions
item | Unit: DKK bn
DNSOST 27-03-2025
General government, income transfers (to households)
type of income | Unit: m DKK
OFF10 24-03-2025
General government, taxes
eral government, taxes | Unit: m DKK
OFF12 24-03-2025
General government, subsidies (to corporations)
eral government, subsidies (to corporations) | Unit: m DKK
OFF17 24-03-2025
Specification of interest payments and interest receivables etc.
cification of interest payments and interest receivables etc | Unit: m DKK
OFF18 24-03-2025
Expenditure of general government by function, group of consumption and year
function, group of consumption and year | Unit: m DKK
OFF24 24-03-2025
General government, final consumption expenditures
eral government, final consumption expenditures | Unit: m DKK
OFF26 24-03-2025
General government, COFOG
eral government, COFOG | Unit: m DKK
OFF29 24-03-2025
General government, expenditure and income
eral government, expenditure and income | Unit: m DKK
OFF3 24-03-2025
Version table OFF12 - General government, taxes
sion table OFF12 - General government, taxes | Unit: m DKK
VOFF12 24-03-2025
Version table OFF3 - General government, expenditure and income
sion table OFF3 - General government, expenditure and income | Unit: m DKK
VOFF3 24-03-2025
Real expenditure by general government
general government by transaction and price unit | Unit: m DKK
NKOF1 20-02-2025
Real expenditure by general government
general government by transaction and price unit | Unit: m DKK
NOF1 04-02-2025
Public finances
sector and account | Unit: m DKK
OFF14 03-12-2024
Public corporations
sector and account | Unit: m DKK
OFF14A 03-12-2024
Real expenditure by general government
general government by type of consumption, function and price unit | Unit: m DKK
NOF2 28-06-2024
General government, expenditures by function and type of transaction
function and type of transaction | Unit: m DKK
OFF25 06-06-2024
Government Budget for Appropriations or Outlays for R&D
grant-awarding organizations and price unit | Unit: m DKK
FOUBUD 13-05-2024
Central Government appropriations for R&D
socio-economic objectives, sector and type of appropriation | Unit: m DKK
FOUBUD1 13-05-2024
Central Government appropriations for R&D
sector and type of appropriation; fixed prices, mil DKK | Unit: m DKK
FOUBUD4 13-05-2024
Central Government appropriations for R&D
socio-economic objectives and type of appropriation; fixed prices. DKK million | Unit: m DKK
FOUBUD5 13-05-2024