Seasonally adjusted labour force status
employment status (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU100K |
20-02-2025 |
Seasonally adjusted labour force status in percentage
employment status (15-64 year olds) | Unit: Per cent
AKU101K |
20-02-2025 |
Labour force status
employment status, age and sex (15-74 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU110A |
20-02-2025 |
Labour force status
employment status, age and sex (15-74 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU110K |
20-02-2025 |
Labour force status in percentage
employment status, age and sex (15-74 year olds) | Unit: Per cent
AKU111A |
20-02-2025 |
Labour force status in percentage
employment status, age and sex (15-74 year olds) | Unit: Per cent
AKU111K |
20-02-2025 |
Labour force status
employment status and region (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU120K |
20-02-2025 |
Labour force status in percentage
employment status and region (15-64 year olds) | Unit: Per cent
AKU121K |
20-02-2025 |
Labour force status
employment status and level of education (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU130A |
20-02-2025 |
Labour force status in percentage
employment status and level of education (15-64 year olds) | Unit: Per cent
AKU131A |
20-02-2025 |
professional status, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU210A |
20-02-2025 |
professional status, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU210K |
20-02-2025 |
Employed (in thousands)
industry (10-grouping), region and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU220K |
20-02-2025 |
Employed (in thousands)
region, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU230K |
20-02-2025 |
Employed (in thousands)
hours of work, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU240K |
20-02-2025 |
Employed (in thousands)
desired working hours, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU250K |
20-02-2025 |
working time arrangement, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU260A |
20-02-2025 |
atypical hours, frequency, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU270A |
20-02-2025 |
Employed with work at home
frequency, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU280A |
20-02-2025 |
Employed with work at home
frequency, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU280K |
20-02-2025 |
Overtime for employees
status of salary and industry (10-grouping) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU310K |
20-02-2025 |
duration of the work contract, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU320A |
20-02-2025 |
Average weekly hours of work in main job
hours of work, age and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: Hours
AKU410A |
20-02-2025 |
Average weekly hours of work in main job
hours of work and industry (10-grouping) | Unit: Hours
AKU420A |
20-02-2025 |
ILO-unemployment composition
status for unemployment and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU510K |
20-02-2025 |
Registered unemployment
type of benefits and employment status (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU520K |
20-02-2025 |
Composition of ILO-unemployment
level of availability and type of benefits (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU540A |
20-02-2025 |
Labour market slack
labour market affiliation, sex and unit (15-74 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU550K |
20-02-2025 |
Labour market slack
labour market affiliation, sex and unit (15-74 year olds) | Unit: Per cent
AKU560K |
20-02-2025 |
Persons outside the labour force
self-percepted status and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
AKU610A |
20-02-2025 |
Employed with work at home
municipality groups, frequency and sex (15-64 year olds) | Unit: 1,000 people
LABY35 |
20-02-2025 |