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Commodity flow systems and construction of input-output tables in Denmark

1. Introduction.

2. Balancing procedures in the detailed commodity flow system at current prices:

1. introduction.
2. The supply side.
3. The user side.
4. Subsystems and notional branches.
5. Balancing the system at basic values.
6. Balancing the system at purchasers¿ values.
7. The system as a basis for national accounts and input-output tables. Diagrams and tables.

3. Techniques in the compilation of Danish input-output tables at current prices:
1. Introduction.
2. The commodity-flow system.
3.The first version of the input-output tables 1966-75.
4. Basic features of the present techniques.
5. The treatment of imports.
6. The treatment of domestic output.
7. Selected commodities.
8. A generalized treatment of imports.
9. Concluding remarks. Figures. Annexes.

4. Calculations of commodity flows and input-output tables at constant prices:
1. Introduction.
2. Deflation in the detailed commodity flow systems.
3. Construction of the input-output tables at constant prices.
4. Change of base year. Figures. Annex. Tables.
5. References.

Indeholder detaljeret dokumentation til den funktionelle del af nationalregnskabet, både i faste og løbende priser. Der er gengivet tre konferenceindlæg om de danske varestrømssystemer og brugen af disse ved udarbejdelse af de årlige input-output tabeller

Arbejdsnotat / Danmarks Statistik, Nr. 15


Digitalisering af denne publikation er sket med økonomisk støtte fra A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine McKinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal.

Commodity flow systems and construction of input-output tables in Denmark


Commodity flow systems and construction of input-output tables in Denmark
Released: 31 December 1986 09:30
No of pages: 113
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