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    Documentation of statistics: Convicted Persons

    Contact info, Population and Education , Isabell Hartvig Larsen , IBC , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Convicted Persons 2023 , Previous versions, Convicted Persons 2022, Convicted Persons 2021, Convicted Persons 2020, Convicted Persons 2019, Convicted Persons 2018, Convicted Persons 2017, Convicted Persons 2016, Convicted Persons 2015, Convicted Persons 2014, Convicted Persons 2013, Documents associated with the documentation, Engelsk_Voldtægtsforbrydelser_Dømte (docx), The purpose of the statistics is to analyze the number of persons who have been found guilty in violation of the penal code and the special laws (among these the Danish Road Traffic Act). The statistics on convicted persons was published for the first time for the year 1995. Since then it has been published for the years 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004 and hereafter annually., Statistical presentation, The statistics shed light on the number of persons who have been convicted for violation of the penal code, the road traffic act and other special legislation. In the published statistics the convicted persons are classified into sex, age, municipality, national origin, country of origin and type of offence and conviction. From 2018-2021 also into citizenship and from 2021 into socio economic status and education. , Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, Data from Statistics Denmark's register of convictions are linked to data from Statistics Denmark's population register and Statistics Denmark's income register. Data are already validated. However, central variables go through a probability check in form of a comparison with data from the previous year., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, The statistics are used broadly by the authorities, enterprises, organisations, researchers, the press, in the public debate etc. Views and suggestions from key users are taken into consideration in the preparation of the statistics., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The data used in the statistics are drawn from the Central Criminal Register. The data are typically drawn about 1 February following the relevant calendar year. A number of convictions made during the calendar year have not been registered before the data are drawn. This implies that the total number of convictions presumably is under-estimated., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The statistics are published approximately 11 months after the end of the reference year. The statistics are published without delay in relation to the scheduled time., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, Since 1995, the statistics has been prepared on the same date source. In general the statistics is therefore comparable during time. As a consequence of law amendments or wishes for more information on specific kind of offences the division of type of offences has been altered during the years. An overview of new and ceased type of offences can be found in this annex (in Danish only): Development in types of offences., Fines for violation of the road traffic act below DKK 2,500 are not included in the statistics as from 2012. In the period 2001-2011 the limit was DKK 1,500 and before 2001 DKK 1,000., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, In StatBank the statistics are published in [Convicted Persons] (, Furthermore the statistics are published in the publication , "Kriminalitet", (Criminality) and the publication , "Indvandrere i Danmark", (Immigrants in Denmark, as from 2005)., See more at the , Subject page, ., Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Documentation of statistics: International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics

    Contact info, External Economy , Søren Burman , +45 30 51 45 62 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics 2022 , Previous versions, International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics 2021, International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics 2019, International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics 2018, International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics 2017, The purpose of Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics (TEC) is to describe enterprises engaging in foreign trade, how large they are, which economic sector they belong to, how many countries they trade with etc. These statistics have been compiled since 2010 are comparable until 2018 for legal units. From 2019 and onwards the statistics have been compiled on the basis of the enterprise unit., Statistical presentation, Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics is an annual measurement of enterprises involved in foreign trade and their characteristics, stated in number of enterprises and value. The statistics are grouped by economic activity, enterprise size, partner countries, ownership, type of trade and concentration of trade until 2022. From 2023 the statistics will be a measurement of enterprises involved in foreign trade and their characteristics, stated in value and they will be grouped by economic activity, items, enterprise size and ownership. The statistics can be found in our statbank under the subject External Economy. , Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, These statistics are compiled by combining data for International Trade in Goods (ITGS) with Business register data. Data is validated by comparing data with the sources used for compiling the statistics and by comparing the different tables compiled in this statistic., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, These statistics are relevant for analysts and enterprises, for analyses of e.g. globalization and enterprises which contribute to external trade in Denmark., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The accuracy for International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics is closely related to the accuracy of International Trade in Goods Statistics which is high on an aggregated level. The revisions follow the revision structure of International Trade in Goods Statistics., There may be changes in enterprise characteristics (e.g. size, industry and ownership) during a given year, which can give rise to a change the trade flows, but the statistics reflect the characteristics at the end of the year., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, These statistics are published 10 months after the reference period. They are published without any delays., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, These statistics have been disseminated since 2014 and contains values from 2010 and onwards. It is in its present form comparable from 2010 and onwards. These statistics are compiled according to common European guidelines and are therefore comparable with statistics from other EU countries published by Eurostat. The comparability can be influenced by the difference between the general- and special trade system., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, These statistics are published annual in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the , International Trade in Goods, . The statistics can also be found in various publications and analysis’ and it is possible to gain access to microdata through our program for authorized research institutions., Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics


    The cost of a task in Research Service is based on the time it takes to solve the task’s sub-elements. We have two types of pricing agreements: fixed price agreements and framework agreements. You can also order a combined fixed price and framework agreement. In addition, you pay for disk rent for active projects located on Statistics Denmark’s servers. If you have your own hosted server set up in Statistics Denmark, you must pay for setup and for ongoing maintenance., Table 1: Hourly rate and disk rental,  , 2024, 2025,  , Hourly rate for private institutions, DKK 2.130, DKK 2.299 , excl. VAT, Hourly rate for public institutions*, DKK 1.538, DKK 1.674, excl. VAT, (after deducting the special contribution from the Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation via the Coordinating Body for Register-based Research)., Disk rental, DKK 16, DKK 16, DKK 16 excl. VAT per 5 Gigabyte (GB) storage space per quarter, *For public authorised institutions, a special contribution is made to the hourly rate from Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation via the Coordinating Body for Register Research., Research service provides, for a fee, service to users of Statistics Denmark's microdata schemes. Initially, we provide advice on clarifying questions regarding a task. Subsequently, we invoice for the actual time spent at the prevailing hourly rate. This applies even if it turns out that you do not wish to proceed with the task. If a specific fixed-price agreement is subsequently entered into regarding the task, service and advice will instead be included within a reasonable scope and time period., Fixed price agreements and framework agreements, Both fixed price agreements and framework agreements are based on the time it takes to process and deliver a task. The time is settled based on the applicable hourly rate at any time. Research Service uses standardised prices based on an average expected hourly consumption for a given service task., Fixed price agreement, The price is determined on the basis of an expected average time spent for a given service. With a fixed price agreement, you pay the same price for comparable services., Read more about the basis for fixed price agreements, The price of a fixed price agreement is based on one or more of the following task elements. The table below shows the different elements of the task, which are settled as fixed price agreements and associated hourly consumption., Task element, Time consumption, Project proposal (Processing and approval thereof), 2, Register extraction of 1 dataset, 1,05, Register extraction of 2 datasets, 1,09, No hourly surcharge for register extraction <= 15 variables, 0, Hourly surcharge for register extraction > 15 variables, 0,5, Population of 1 dataset, 1,05, Population of 2 datasets, 1,09, No hourly surcharge for population formation <= 15 variables, 0, Hourly surcharge for population formation > 15 variables, 0,5, The assignment price also consists of a fixed surcharge for , Other Service & Advice, of 20 % of the price for the parts of the task that are not necessarily direct contact with you. Such sub-elements are, for example, the service employees’ meeting activities, internal documentation, documentation requirements, invoicing, etc., Population formation and register extraction include time spent for e.g. programming, pseudonymisation and control of extracts from , Statistics Denmark’s Databank of Basic Data, . Population formation and register extraction may also include time spent for checking and pseudonymisation of population submitted to Research Service from sources other than Research Service’s Basic Databank., Framework Agreements, The price is variable and the payment is settled according to the actual time spent on the specific service. Invoices are made per hour started. If less than an hour has been spent on an individual task and the task must be settled, you will receive an invoice for the first hour started., Read more about the structure of framework agreements, When a task is particularly advisory heavy or it consists of data sources that are not part of Statistics Denmark’s Databank of Basic Data, you can get a framework agreement. You can also get a framework agreement when we have initially reviewed data including documentation with one or more of the following specifications:, Data from statistical offices or Survey in Statistics Denmark. This is settled as a framework agreement based on actual use of time. The service covers, among other things, register extraction in the statistical office, pseudonymisation as well as direct communication and advice, back office activities and internal communication., Data submitted from sources outside Statistics Denmark. This is settled as a framework agreement based on actual use of time. The service includes verification and pseudonymisation of the submitted data., Sub-elements of a task, The total cost of a given task depends on the time it takes to solve a task and the sub-elements that are included in the task. Therefore, the price can vary from task to task. The price depends, among other things, on the number of registers to be used to form a population or how many registers the project should have provided extracts from., View the task’s sub-elements, Project proposal:, Processing and approval. The project proposal is settled with a fixed price agreement, which is based on a fixed time value equal to two hours., Population:, Partially standardised register extraction. Population formation is settled with a fixed price agreement based on fixed time values per number of registers and variables., Standardised data from Statistics Denmark’s Databank of Basic Data:, A fixed price agreement is settled based on fixed time values per number of registers and variables., Other services and advice:, Direct communication and advice, back-office activities and internal communication. It is settled with a fixed price agreement, which is based on fixed time values depending on the scope of the task., Other data from Statistics Denmark:, Register extraction, direct communication and advice, back-office activities and internal communication. A framework agreement based on actual time is settled., Data from other data providers:, Processing of data submitted by you or other data providers. The data processing is settled with a framework agreement, which is based on actual use of time., Special data from Statistics Denmark:, Data generated especially for users (not part of statistics). The reprocessing is settled with a fixed price or framework agreement based on actual hourly consumption for reprocessing divided with expected sales., Examples of price calculations, Example of a price calculation of a new research project, The population consists of all persons residing in Denmark at the end of the years 2015-2019 (drawn from BEF 201512-201812) aged 18 or over at the time of the calculation (ALDER>=18). For these persons, their demographic conditions (BEF) (register extraction), the level of education (UDDA), the income of the persons and the family (FAIK and IND) and employment data (DREAM) must be drawn for the same period., As Research Service rounds up to the nearest integer due to the standardised method of price calculation, the price is calculated according to the following table., ask element, Time consumption, Price, Project setting, 2, Formation of Population, 2, Register extraction, 6, Register extraction > 15 variables, 0, Partial sum, 10, Other Services & Advice (surcharge 20%)*, 1, Total time consumption, 11, Public user, 11 hours * DKK 1,538.00 = DKK 16,918.00, Private user, 11 hours * DKK 2,130.00 = DKK 23,430.00, *The surcharge corresponds to 20 % of the hours for population formation, record extraction and extraction description and specificities (programming/data)., Example of a price calculation of a new research project where population needs to be enriched with data from the Danish Health Data Authority, The population consists of people with a consumption of certain types of medicinal products found via variables in the Medicines Database (LMDB2005-2015). These persons must not be registered with an emigration in the Register of Historical Migrations (VNDS), i.e. they must have the mark INDUD_KODE=U. In addition, they must not be registered in Death in Denmark (DOD)., These persons are associated with relevant demographic conditions (found in the following registers: BEF, BEFADR, VNDS, DOD) and their registrations in the National Patient Register (LPR_ADM, LPR_BES, LPR_DIAG, LPR_SKSUBE) both before and after registration in the Medicines Database. In addition, the population from Statistics Denmark is transferred to the Danish Health Data Authority for enrichment with data from the National Register of Pathology. The processing and pseudonymisation of data from the Danish Health Data Agency is not included in the price., Task element, Time consumption, Price, Project setting, 2, Formation of Population, 4, Register extraction, >14, Register extraction > 15 variables, 0, Partial sum, 20, Other Services & Advice (surcharge 20%), 4, Total time consumption, 24, Public user, 24 hours * DKK 1,538.00 = DKK 36,912.00, Private user, 24 hours * DKK 2,130.00 = DKK 51,120.00, Setting the hourly rate, The hourly rate is set once a year based on several sub-elements. The final hourly rate consists of a number of sub-elements including development contributions of 8 %., Price supplement:, Revenue forecast for the current year, as well as accumulated surplus/deficit from previous years, Overhead for Statistics Denmark & revenue-generating activities:, Common costs for e.g. staff, rent, electricity, etc. & common administration as maintenance of databank of basic data, development of services, etc., Overhead Research Service:, For example, authorisation of new institutions, control of transferred files, sanctioning and general development of microdata schemes and Denmark’s Data Portal, etc., Other services, Disk rent, Projects take up space on Statistics Denmark’s servers. Therefore, we have introduced a disk rent, so that you as a user become aware of how much storage capacity your project will use on Statistics Denmark’s servers. You only pay disk rent for active projects that use a storage capacity of more than 5 Gigabytes (GB) on Statistics Denmark’s servers. An active project is defined by at least one user logging on to the project within a quarter., Disk rent is settled quarterly and you are billed for all projects for which your institution is responsible for data. Therefore, for an individually active project that uses a storage capacity greater than 5 GB, it is settled in units of 5 GB for a quarter at a time. Disk rent is charged regardless of the reason why you log on to the project, and regardless of how often you log in in a quarter., Hosted servers, Statistics Denmark also offers to “host” your own servers, which will be on Statistics Denmark., Read more about hosted servers under Statistics Denmark’s microdata schemes (in Danish), FAQ on prices, We have gathered some of the questions we frequently receive about our prices below. , FAQ on prices, Why does the price vary from task to task?, A task consists of several sub-elements. The price of the task is determined based on these sub-elements. Therefore, the price may depend on factors such as the number of registers used for population formation, populations from other data providers, or the number of registers from which the project requires extractions. The sub-elements of the task are described in the section "Sub-elements of a Task"., The hourly rate has changed over time – why?, You can see the changes in Research Service's hourly rates below., 2008, 2009, 2010, 1st half, 2010, 2nd half, 2011, 2012, 2013, All institutions, 1.229 kr., 1.229 kr., 1.229 kr., 1.197 kr., 1.167 kr., 1.187 kr., 1.248 kr., Prices after 2014, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 1st half, 2018, 2nd half, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Private institutions, 1.650 kr., 1750 kr., 1.650 kr., 1.650 kr., 1.650 kr., 1.749 kr., 2.102 kr., 2.202 kr., 2.168 kr., 2.130 kr., 2.130 kr., Public institutions, 1.150 kr., 1150 kr., 1.150 kr., 1.050 kr., 1.050 kr., 1.150 kr., 1.607 kr., 1.745 kr., 1.735 kr., 1.568 kr., 1.568 kr., Price changes have various reasons, including:, Each year, we adjust the hourly rate for rate supplements, which accumulate surplus/deficit from previous years. Additionally, we include a revenue forecast for the current year, which can lead to fluctuations from year to year., Previously, Statistics Denmark realized a surplus, which is not permitted for public institutions. To balance the surplus, Statistics Denmark hired more employees. When Statistics Denmark's finances stabilized to neither surplus nor deficit, it decided to retain the new employees for other projects to enhance the quality of its service. To finance this, the hourly rate increased, as observed from 2018 to 2019., In 2014, a distinction was made between private and public institutions, as Research Service received a special contribution from, among others, the Coordinating Body for Register-based Research (KOR), which supports the hourly rate for public users. Therefore, there is a difference in price depending on whether the project is owned by a private or public institution., Why do I have to pay for adding other variables to my project?, Changes to an existing project must be described in the project proposal and/or variable documentation. The changes must be documented and submitted for re-approval by Research Service. The only exception that does not require re-approval is updating an already approved population or variable., Approval involves several processes, ranging from dialogue between you and Research Service to reviewing the project and its variable documentation for re-approval. The process can vary significantly depending on the project, where the time spent on approving a proposal ranges from one to four hours for both new projects, updates, and expansions. Therefore, the price for processing a project proposal is fixed at two hours. If the time spent exceeds four hours, a supplementary agreement in the form of a framework agreement must be made to cover the actual processing time., We encourage you to make a professional assessment of when and how often project changes are sought for approval , to minimize the number of ongoing and minor changes., How long does a price offer apply?, A price offer applies for 30 days from the date of the offer. Afterward, we recalculate the price offer based on the prevailing hourly rate., How is a project database billed?, Billing is based on an annual contract with a fixed-price agreement covering the updating of agreed register data in the project database and any framework agreement for other services such as deliveries from the project database to sub-projects and consultancy as needed by the project database., Establishing a project database follows the same pricing guidelines as a new project. Since the project database has a longer time perspective than a project, an annual contract for updating is entered into. Therefore, the price is determined based on an expected average time consumption for the service., The billing period is shown in the table below. The fixed-price agreement for updating the project database is billed together with the 2nd quarter settlement of 'Other Services'. 'Other Services' are billed quarterly., Billed in calendar year yyyy, Billed in calendar year, The yearly contract covers , Medio jan., Medio apr., Medio jul., Medio oct., Medio jan., Data extraction, Fixed price agreement for data, Other services, Consumptions 4th quarter from the previous year, Consumptions 1st quarter , Consumptions 2nd quarter , Consumptions 3rd quarter , Consumptions 4th quarter , Why does the price vary for comparable services?, The price for the service is based on previous experience and averages. Comparable services may include minor differences in various sub-elements, which affect the price. For example, the price for processing externally submitted data may vary compared to processing standardized register extracts from Statistics Denmark's Basic Database. If there are project changes later in the process, the price may change based on these changes. Additionally, the hourly rate is calculated annually, which can also affect the price of the task. , What is the background for Statistics Denmark's prices? , Statistics Denmark is the central statistical authority in Denmark. The costs of fulfilling this statutory obligation are covered by the Finance Act., Data collected and stored by Statistics Denmark can be used for scientific and statistical studies under Statistics Denmark's Research Scheme. Access to data is granted solely to authorized research and analysis environments, and Statistics Denmark charges for making data available for these studies., In principle, the price should cover the costs associated with performing tasks from the initial dialogue to the final dialogue within 30 days after the task is delivered., The price should also contribute to covering the costs associated with:, Advising on the use of data in individual projects, Administration of the scheme, e.g., authorization, Data access, Standardization of register data , Development of our user services, Ensuring a consistently high level of data security and confidentiality , Overhead costs , Statistics Denmark's pricing is subject to the rules for revenue-generating activities in the State and is monitored by the National Audit Office. There must be a balance between revenue and expenses, and revenues from service tasks may not be used to finance statutory obligations. The financial balance is continuously monitored over a 10-year average.

    Microdata schemes in Statistics Denmark

    Statistics Denmark’s Research Service provides microdata (i.e. individual/single company data) for specific research, investigation and analysis tasks for authorised research/analysis environments. We have a number of different schemes for accessing data, Researcher scheme, Researchers and other analysts from authorised research institutions can create a project with access to Statistics Denmark’s register data, provided that their institution is authorised for the scheme., Read more about the authorisation of research institutions, Research projects, In order to create a new project, you must fill in the project proposal in Denmark's Data Portal. , Read more about how to use Denmark’s Data Portal, Project databases, If your institution is authorised for microdata schemes at Statistics Denmark, has a large analytical environment and carries out a significant number of projects at Statistics Denmark, with significant overlaps in the data base, it may be relevant to get a project database scheme., As a starting point, all authorised institutions can have a project database scheme set up. However, it is a requirement that the authorised institution can carry out the task of having its own project database manager. Each project database is created on a case-by-case basis and requires approval from the Head of Research Service in Statistics Denmark., When the institution wishes to create a subproject, the project database manager must submit a project proposal, stating that the subproject uses data from the project database. The recommendation also contains the same information as other projects implemented through the microdata schemes., About project databases, The project database is the main project in the project database scheme. Other projects in the project database scheme are sub-projects to the project database. The authorised institution, which owns the project database scheme, therefore owns both the main project and the sub-projects of the scheme., A project database is a collection of many different pseudonymised microdata, which over time is used for several different projects in the project database scheme. A project database can include extracts from Statistics Denmark’s registers and data from other sources, e.g. the customer’s own data used for several different projects under the project database. Data used in only one or a few projects cannot be included in the project database. The data content of project databases is subject to the data minimisation principle. Data in the project database must be available as SAS data files., The service tasks for a project database consist of updates and possibly extensions of the data content. These tasks are treated as service tasks for projects. Invoices are made for the service tasks performed in connection with the project database., Conditions for a project database scheme, A project database scheme, and the associated project database, can be created after approval by the Head of Research Service in Statistics Denmark followed by the making of a project database agreement. Project databases are subject to the following conditions: , The institution is required to appoint one to three project database manager(s) to act as a permanent contact person for Statistics Denmark. Only project database managers will have access to the project database itself., Users’ access to pseudonymised data for each subproject created with data from the project database remains subject to the data minimisation principle., The user will pay for all costs associated with the creation, operation and maintenance of the respective project database. In addition, service tasks relating to subprojects that make use of the project database are paid under the same conditions as for other projects., A project database may be maintained as long as it is used for specific sub-projects, but may be dismantled or restricted if it is not used to an extent reasonable with the amount of data made available in the project database. When a project database is created, a date of termination is agreed. If necessary, an extension can be agreed with Statistics Denmark.,  , The agreement establishing a project database scheme and associated project database have to be signed by the responsible head of the authorised institution requesting the project database., The authority scheme, Statistics Denmark’s authority scheme provides microdata to the institutions that carry out regulatory tasks, i.e. departments, agencies and directorates, regions and municipalities. The scheme responds to their need for ad hoc analysis with short deadlines., If you wish to apply for access to the scheme, you have to contact , DST Consulting, . If access is approved, the rest of the application process takes place in collaboration with , Research Service’s authority team, Read more about the authority scheme, What data can be accessed?, The authority scheme is based on a written agreement between a given department, agency, directorate, region or municipality and Statistics Denmark. The description of the purpose determines which subject areas and registers the authority has access to. The data available is determined on the basis of a “need-to-know” assessment. This means that the authority has access to the data that they consider it is professionally relevant to have access to., You do not have to draw up a project proposal (as in the current researcher scheme) every time you have to analyse data. The authorities, on the other hand, have quick and flexible access to the entire package of data contained in the purpose description. If the need changes over time, Statistics Denmark must be informed. Data access will then be adapted to the new needs. If the authority wishes to have tailored data prepared for a specific purpose, this data can be provided through the authority scheme., How to get access, Step 1: The initial contact,  , Contact , DST Consulting, to find out if your institution can become part of the authority scheme., Step 2: Negotiation of content and price,  , If your institution is eligible for an authority scheme, the process will be taken over by , Research Service’s Authority Team, . The authority shall make a proposal on which registers, variables and time series are needed. Research Service is happy to provide guidance in this process. When the description is agreed, DST Consulting calculates a final price offer. At this stage, the conditions for updates of both Statistics Denmark’s data as well as other data requested are also agreed. The price consists of a basic price for administration, SAS licenses and disk space, as well as a price for data extraction and input of data., Step 4: Access to data by analysts,  , Once the scheme is approved and established in the Research Service, the authority may itself associate employees who must have access to the scheme in the administration system FSE-BOA. Employees who do not already have access to FSE-BOA must be created by the Research Service before they can be associated with the scheme., Step 5: Data analysis,  , Data will be made available on a dedicated server at Statistics Denmark, where there is, among other things, access to SAS. If you want access to other analytical programs than the already available or your own server, this can be agreed further with Research Service., The Law Model, The law model is also an authority system, but it has its own purpose, its own user group and thus its own rules and conditions. The law model is used for minister service and pre-legislative work. DST Consulting administers the law model., The law model can be contacted Monday-Friday 8:30 to 16:30 at ,, //tel: 39 17 31 55//mobile: 23 30 84 78, Read more about the law model, The law model is used for minister service and pre-legislative work. This includes, among other things, contributions to the Government’s Economic and Coordination Committee, answers to parliamentary questions and § 20-questions, preparation of government publications, feasibility studies for reform work and contributions to commission work., The target group of the law model is ministries and agencies. The law model consists of two parts: A data base — the so-called “model populations” — as well as a set of models based on the data base. Since its creation in 1978, the Law Model has been used for a number of analytical purposes. The construction of a law model — including a separate database and preparedness — is fundamentally necessary to ensure good quality in the performance of the purpose., The purpose of the law model justifies, among other things, that the scheme, as something special, makes it possible for ministries and agencies to work together on projects, and that the law model’s data administrators have the opportunity to design, develop and refine the data base in a secure and flexible manner., Data confidentiality and access rules, Access to data may be granted in accordance with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation, in particular Article 5 C: Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed (‘data minimisation’). And section 10 of the Data Protection Act: Data as mentioned in Article 9(1) and Article 10 of the General Data Protection Regulation may be processed where the processing takes place for the sole purpose of carrying out statistical or scientific studies of significant importance to society and where such processing is necessary in order to carry out these studies., Data Confidentiality Policy at Statistics Denmark 2024 (pdf)