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    Documentation of statistics: Economics and employment of the sporting activities

    Contact info, Science, Technology and Culture , Søren Østerballe , +45 23 42 32 97 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2023 , Previous versions, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2022, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2021, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2020, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2019, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2018, Economics and employment of the sporting activities 2017, These statistics highlight the economy and employment in the sports industry, thus providing a picture of the sport as a profession. These statistics are comparable from 2013 onwards., Statistical presentation, These statistics are an annual estimate of key economic and employment figures, by sports industries, including turnover, payroll and number of full-time employees., Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, The statistics are based on registry data from the Employment statistics and General Business Statistics for the selected sports industries., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, These statistics are available for all to be used for a description of the economy and employment in the sports-related industries., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The statistics are based on validated register data, which is considered to be of high quality, cf. the relevant statistics documents. There is no definite quality measurement of the statistics, as well as no calculations on uncertainty., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, Publications are made annually approximately twenty months after the end of the reference period., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, These statistics can be compared to selected results from the Employment statistics, The Register-Based Labor Force Statistics and the General Company statistics, as well as the Industrial Structure and Labor Market., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, These statistics are published in the StatBank under , Economics and employment of the sporting activitiess, ., Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Submission of data

    For research and analysis, it is often necessary to link information from several different data sources. Statistics Denmark’s register data can be combined with other data materials (here referred to as “external data” or “external data material”) that you want to connect to register data. This may include extracts from registers that are located outside Statistics Denmark or your own survey information., Research Service have requirements for the external microdata before it can be included in projects. The requirements ensures that the external microdata provided, will be used in the project and ensure that Research Service receives the information necessary to handle the external microdata and make it available in the specific project., All external microdata must be delivered securely, Here you will find the guide on how to upload external datasets:, Instructions for uploading data (in Danish), Requirements for external microdata, In general, microdata may only contain information to be used for the specific project. Therefore, variables that will not be used must be removed before microdata is submitted to Research Service., Only approved external microdata:, Before external microdata is submitted to Research Service, their use in a specific project must be approved. The external microdata shall be subject to an approved project proposal., Only the key variables to be used:, Only the key variables — e.g. the personal identification number — that are to be used to link the external microdata with the other data on the project may be included. Other key variables, e.g. foreign keys that are not to be used, must be removed before microdata is submitted to Research Service., Only numerical variables and categorised text variables:, Only the numeric and categorised text variables to be used for the project may be included. Variables that are not expected to be used must be deleted before external microdata is submitted to Research Service., No names and answers with free text:, External microdata must comply with the same requirements for discretion as Statistics Denmark uses. This means that information that approximately identifies individuals or companies may not be included in external microdata — e.g. personal names and responses with free text in surveys. Such variables must be removed or categorised before external microdata is provided to the Research Service., File formats, External microdata may be provided in the following formats:, .ASC, .CSV, .DTA, .ODS, .PDF, .SAS7BCAT, .SAS7BDAT, .SAV, .XLS, .XLSX, Documentation of data, External microdata must be documented. The documentation shall contain the following:, Project number of the project the external microdata is approved to be used in, Name or names of variables to be deidentified, i.e. the variables that will be used to link the external microdata with other data in the project. For example, variables with personal numbers, If the external microdata contains multiple keys to connect e.g. multiple external datasets, these variables must also be highlighted, Once the external data has been delivered and documentation submitted, it is recommended to notify the project manager in Research Service by email., Send the documentation to the project responsible in Research Service., Delivery of external microdata to Research Service, All external microdata must be delivered securely to Statistics Denmark, External microdata can be delivered securely to Statistics Denmark in the following ways, Use FSE-Upload, Users of the Research Service can use our upload solution, FSE-Upload. Upload via FSE-Upload is done via a secure connection and external microdata can therefore be uploaded immediately., Instructions for uploading data (in Danish), Use Safe Email, Data can be sent via secure email to ,, in one of the following two ways., The institution have to collect Statistics Denmark’s certificate at , our page for downloading security certificates, . Select ,, . The VCF format is recommended for Outlook., External microdata must then be sent to ,, . Always enter the project number and project responsible in Research Service in the subject field of the e-mail and inform the project responsible in Research Service directly once the external microdata is sent., Statistics Denmark does not provide support for encryption and Digital Signature. Instead, refer to , NemID’s website for secure email (website is only available in Danish), The institution can use secure tunnel encryption (SEPO). The setup is individual for different institutions and is carried out by the institution’s IT department, which should be involved before external microdata is submitted., Always enter the project number and inform the project responsible in Research Service that the email has been sent with tunnel encryption (SEPO). If tunnel encryption is used, external microdata must also be sent to ,, Registered letter/personal delivery, For data security reasons, it is recommended that one of the two options above is used., If this is not possible (e.g. if the files are very large), then password-protected external microdata can also be delivered on physical media directly to Statistics Denmark at the address below. The project responsible in Research Service and project number must always appear on the submitted material:, Statistics Denmark, Servicedesk, Sankt Kjelds Plads 11 , 2100 København Ø , ATT. Project responsible for the project in Research Service, Regarding project number: 70XXXX, External microdata can either be delivered in person at Statistics Denmark’s reception or be sent recommended to Statistics Denmark on a physical medium (DVD, CD-ROM or USB connector that is not returned). When delivered on a physical medium, the external microdata must be password protected. Password should not be provided with the physical medium., ' , Once the external microdata is received, the password must be sent by email to the project responsible in Research Service., Do NOT send microdata on regular mail, External microdata must not be sent by regular e-mail, as this is not a secure way of delivery., Other data providers, External microdata can also be delivered from other data providers directly to Statistics Denmark on the project researcher’s order and in agreement with Research Service and the data provider. The delivery of external microdata must be done in one of the above ways, but you must ensure that the external microdata meets the requirements above before it is delivered to Research Service., Deidentification, When the external microdata is received by Research Service, it is de-identified in the same way as the other data that belongs to the project. This is done by deidentifying key variables. Then the external microdata is made available together with the other data in the project.

    Documentation of statistics: Survey on Living Conditions (SILC)

    Contact info, Labour Market , Martin Faris Sawaed Nielsen , +45 23 69 90 67 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Survey on Living Conditions (SILC) 2024 , Previous versions, Survey on Living Conditions (SILC) 2023, Survey on Living Conditions (SILC) 2022, Survey on Living Conditions 2021, Survey on Living Conditions 2020, Survey on Living Conditions 2019, Welfare Indicators 2018, Welfare Indicators 2017, Welfare Indicators 2016, Welfare Indicators 2015, Welfare Indicators 2014, Welfare Indicators 2013, In Denmark EU-SILC (Statistics on income and living conditions) is a combination of survey and register data. The purpose of EU-SILC is to provide a statistics on income, living conditions and risk of social exclusion. Statistics Denmark only disseminate a small part of EU-SILC. Dissemination is by Eurostat primarily., The survey is conducted in all EU member states once a year following the same guidelines. In Denmark the survey has been conducted since 2004., Statistical presentation, SILC consists of data on the composition of the households and their living conditions including questions on how easy it is for the household to make ends meet and the financial burden of the housing costs. Further information is collected on health and position on the labour market etc. These interview questions are then supplemented by a lot of register based information, mainly on incomes, demographics, housing and education. , Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, The subjective data from the interviews are combined with the register based data using the Central personal Register. To adjust for non-response bias, weights are computed and assigned to respondents. This ensures that the survey population match the Danish population on demographics and income levels. , Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, SILC is primarily used by Eurostat and the European Commission. Users of the statistics published in Denmark are mainly the press., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, Data are based on a survey; hence there is some statistical uncertainty; especially on subgroups. In addition to sampling errors there might be a slight risk of bias. A calibration of the survey is carried out in order to limit any bias and make sure that the sample reflects the population on factors such as demographics and incomes. For the published variables the effect and risk of bias is assumed to be negligible due to the strong correlation with incomes., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The data are usually published in December or January following the interview period. There is a risk of delays, due to the many different data sources used to compile SILC - which may not be available in due time., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, The published indicators are assumed comparable over time and between countries participating in the EU-SILC., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, Some main figures are published in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik and in the statbank. Eurostat publish many figures in the , Eurostat database, ., Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Documentation of statistics: Business Demography

    Contact info, Business Dynamics, Business Statistics , Asbjørn Hviid Mikkelsen , +45 29 42 68 36 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Business Demography 2023 , Previous versions, Business Demography 2022, Business Demography 2020, Business Demography 2018, Business Demography 2017, Business Demography 2016, Business Demography 2015, Business Demography 2014, Business Demography 2013, Business Demography 2012, The purpose of the Business Demography is to provide information about the development of enterprise births and deaths as well as the survival of new enterprises over a period of five years. The statistics is comparable from 2019 onwards., Statistical presentation, The statistics cover the annual number of enterprise births and deaths and provides information on turnover and employment. The results are broken down by industry, size class, enterprise form, and geographical location. The statistics are disseminated in Nyt from Statistics Denmark and in our statbank., Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, Data is collected from the Statistical Business Register. Subsequently various processes are undertaken to determine whether or not an enterprise is new (enterprise birth), terminated (enterprise death), or surviving. The controls are done to validate if the new enterprises, which exists in the administrative reality, are in fact real new enterprises, which enters the economy, or if it is an activity that is continued after a takeover or e.g. a split of an existing enterprise., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, The statistic is used by ministries and governmental agencies, regional and county authorities as well as private sector institutions and enterprises, The statistic is a central indicator for entrepreneurship and for sustainability in the economy, and there is a large demand for using the output in combination with other sources, and following the development of enterprises who survive., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The statistics is based on validated register data., Uncertainty is related to relations between units and work places, which are primarily based on digital income reporting by enterprises, and lack of knowledge concerning the transfer of activities from one enterprise to another, including the separation of activities. , Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The statistics is published annually. The publication is usually available 18 months after the end of the reference year. The statistics is also published with preliminary data 12 months after the end of the reference year. , Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, The national published Business Demography is a sub-population of the Danish published General enterprise statistics., Covering private enterprises excluding agriculture, the Danish published Business demography can be compared to the Business Statistics published by Eurostat., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, Results are published in , Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik, . Results are also available in the StatBank under the topic , Business demography, ., Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Documentation of statistics: Imprisonments

    Contact info, Population and Education , Iben Birgitte Pedersen , +45 23 60 37 11 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Imprisonments 2023 , Previous versions, Imprisonments 2022, Imprisonments 2021, Imprisonments 2020, Imprisonments 2019, Imprisonments 2018, Imprisonments 2017, Imprisonments 2016, Imprisonments 2015, The purpose of the statistics is to analyze the number of arrests for violation of the penal code and the special laws (among these the Danish Road Traffic Act). The statistics on imprisonments was published for the first time for the year 2015., Statistical presentation, The statistics shed light on the number of arrests for violation of the penal code, the road traffic act and other special legislation. In the published statistics the arrests are classified into type of offence, outcome and education. Demographically the statistics are divided into age and sex., Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, Data on imprisonments, which Statistics Denmark receive from the Central Criminal Register, are linked to data from Statistics Denmark's Population Register and Statistics Denmark's Educational Register. Data are already validated. However, central variables go through a probability check in form of a comparison with data from the previous year., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, The statistics are used broadly by the authorities, enterprises, organisations, researchers, the press, in the public debate etc. Views and suggestions from key users are taken into consideration in the preparation of the statistics., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The data used in the statistics are drawn from the Central Criminal Register. The data are typically drawn about 1 February following the relevant calendar year. A number of imprisonments started/ended during the calendar year have not been registered before the data are drawn. This implies that the total number of imprisonments presumably is under-estimated., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The statistics are published approximately 5 months after the end of the reference year. The statistics are published without delay in relation to the scheduled time., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, Since 2015, the statistics has been prepared on the same date source. In general the statistics is therefore comparable during time. As a consequence of law amendments or wishes for more information on specific kind of offences the division of type of offences has been altered during the years. , Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, In StatBank the statistics are published in the tables , STRAF70, , , STRAF71, , , STRAF72, , , STRAF73, , og , STRAF74, ., Furthermore the statistics are published in the publication , "Kriminalitet", (Criminality)., See more at the , Subject page, ., Taylor made statistics can be produced on the basis of data from different registers, moreover through Statistics Denmark's Division of Research Service it is possible for researchers to be granted access to anonymised data., Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Documentation of statistics: Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture

    Contact info, Food Industries, Business Statistics , Michael Brogaard , +45 51 62 70 89 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2022 , Previous versions, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2021, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2020, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2019, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2018, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2017, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2016, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2015, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2014, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2013, Accounts Statistics for Aquaculture 2012, The statistics show the economy of the Danish aquaculture production., Statistical presentation, The Account statistics for aquaculture is an annual estimation of the production value and costs, results, assets and liabilities and investments of the aquaculture sector in Denmark., Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, Data for this statistics are collected yearly from the aquaculture companies' chartered accountants using an electronic accounting form. The collected accounts (the sample) are thoroughly tested, and possible errors corrected in cooperation with the reporting accountant. When all accounts are approved for statistical use, the sample of approved accounts are used together with register data for the entire population to simulate individual accounts for all units not in the sample., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, The statistics is used by the fish farmers and their organization, Danish Aquaculture, as well as authorities and legislators. The statistics is used in economic models and as a basis for yearly economic statistical reports for aquaculture to EU (DG Mare). The statistics has been produced by Department of Food and Resource Economics at University of Copenhagen since 2004 and in the current form by Statistics Denmark from 2017 and onwards., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The statistic is based on a sample, hence the results are uncertain. The aim is to include the biggest companies in the sample, and that 75 per cent of gross revenue is covered by the sample. There are no planned revisions of the statistics., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The statistics is normally made public before one year after the conclusion of the reference year., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, The statistics is comparable from 2004 to present. All EU member states submit statistics to the , Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, . Hence, it's possible to make comparisons within the EU. The Danish Fisheries Agency publish a Structure and production statistics for the profession., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, The statistics is published yearly in a Danish press release and in the StatBank under , Fishery and aquaculture, accounts statistics, . For more information please see the , subject page, for these statistics., Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Certification of Users via Denmark’s Data Portal

    Certification of Users via Denmark's Data Portal, Starting on October 3, 2023, a certification requirement will be enforced for all users working with data in one of Statistics Denmark's microdata schemes., Certification is implemented to ensure that all users are familiar with the data security rules under Statistics Denmark's microdata schemes and to make users feel more secure in their data usage and submission. To maintain a continued focus on data security rules, all users must undergo recertification annually., Certification in Practice, Certification is practically achieved by taking a test on data security rules via Denmark's Data Window. You have three attempts. To attain user certification, you must first log in to Denmark's Data Window using your three- or four-digit ID and password., On your landing page, select the rightmost window labeled "Learning and Certification.", Next, choose the tab labeled "Certifications" and expand it by clicking on the small blue downward-pointing arrow if it is not automatically expanded., Answer the certification questions by clicking on the blue button labeled "Start Certification.", Click "OK" on the information box that pops up on the screen if you wish to use an attempt., Answer the questions by clicking on the response you believe is correct., Once you have answered all ten questions, the "Submit Response" button at the bottom right will turn blue., If you answer all ten questions correctly, you have passed the certification, and your access to microdata is now certified. Under the results, you will see "Passed" next to your "Status," and there will be a green information box with the text: "Congratulations, you have passed." , If you do not answer all ten questions correctly, you can see under "Result" how many remaining attempts you have and how many questions you answered incorrectly. There will also be a red information box with the text: "Sorry, you did not pass.", a) If you have more attempts left and wish to retry certification, click on the blue button "Certification Front Page" and start the certification again. Note that you have three attempts, and the questions change each time. Consider reviewing the data security rules before attempting again., b) If you have no more attempts left, your access to your projects will be locked for 24 hours. The small clock icon indicates when the 24 hours have passed. Afterward, you can try to answer the certification questions again. ,  ,  , Certification Questions, The test contains questions about data security rules described in , Rules for data safety under the micro data scheme (PDF), . Since Statistics Denmark's data security rules may differ from practices at other institutions, it is important to read and understand the rules under the microdata schemes. These rules also form the basis for answering the ten certification questions correctly., You can find additional information about data security rules on the website: , Transferring of analysis results (, The questions cover topics such as access to research machines, pseudonymization, home return rules, and general work with microdata. Below is an example of a question you may encounter in the certification test:, Question 1, You have collected a survey that you are working on locally. You have notified the data protection authority, so the permissions are in order. You have also sent the survey to Statistics Denmark to have the opportunity to link the survey with register data on the researcher server. Which statement is correct? , Options, I am allowed to transfer microdata to my own computer from the survey I have uploaded yourself. , Only microdata provided by Statistics Denmark for my project cannot be transferred to my own computer., It is never allowed to transfer mikrodata to my own computer regardless of the data source. , The questions will appear in English if you have changed your language in Denmark's Data Window to English.

    Documentation of statistics: Employment and Compensation of Employees in National Accounts

    Contact info, National Accounts, Climate and Environment , Martin Brandstrup , +45 23 80 57 50 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Employment and Compensation of Employees in National Accounts 2023 , Previous versions, Employment and Compensation of Employees in National Accounts 2022, Employment and Compensation of Employees in the National Accounts 2019, Employment, Compensation of Employees and Hours Worked 2015, Employment, Compensation of Employees and Hours Worked 2013, Employment, Compensation of Employees and Hours Worked 2014, Documents associated with the documentation, Overgangstabel (docx) (in Danish only), Employment and wages in national accounts shed light on labor market developments in a way that makes it possible to compare labor market developments with developments in, for example, GDP, production, and value added, as measured in national accounts. The statistics have been revised since the last publication. In this revision, the statistics have been revised back to 1981. The purpose of the revision is to incorporate new knowledge and new methods and to ensure uniform compilation methods for all countries. Read more at , Statistical presentation, For many analytical purposes it is useful to include information on labour inputs in production. In such cases, definitions of labour inputs must be consistent with the concepts used in national accounts. Labour inputs in production are shown by employment (measured by the number of persons employed) and hours worked., Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, The primary statistical basis for compiling employment, compensation of employees and hours worked in Denmark's national accounts is the , working time accounts, (WTA), which integrates the existing labour market statistics., In selected areas, alternative sources are applied in order to obtain consistency with the remaining national accounts, and supplementary sources are utilized in order to fulfill the obligations of ESA2010., Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, As fundamental data for everyone dealing with socioeconomic conditions like economic ministries, organizations, the press, the financial sector, larger companies, students and researchers. Quarterly national accounts are used as the basis for analyzing the economic development. National accounts continuously evaluate feedback from users via national and international forums., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The inaccuracy of the national accounts figures relates to the inaccuracy of the various sources .Employment, compensation of employees and hours worked, the combination of primary sources consisting of official statistics based on register data and the use of a coherent framework facilitating cross checks help maintain a reasonably accuracy of the figures. As regards the latest year the inaccuracy is higher than for the other years. This is due to the fact, that the main source for the statistics, the working time accounts, is based on a forecast rather than based on consolidated data. , Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The quarterly national accounts are published first time 50 days after the end of the quarter and in a revised form 90 days after the end of the quarter. The quarterly sector accounts are published 90 days after the end of the quarter. The statistics are published according to schedule. The statistics are published according to schedule., Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, It is a fundamental that the national accounts to the largest possible extent are comparable over time. This means e.g. that new sources always have to be adapted to the concepts of the national accounts, and that changes of existing sources cannot be seen directly as changes of variables and concepts in the national accounts.The quarterly national accounts are consistent with the annual national accounts. Internationally there is a high degree of comparability with other countries because its compiled in accordance with the definitions in the European System of National Accounts ESA2010., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, Current publication:,, subject: National accounts and government finances.,, subject: National accounts and government finances., Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Documentation of statistics: Purchases and sales by enterprises

    Contact info, Short Term Statistics , Lina Pedersen , +45 51 68 72 80 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Purchases and sales by enterprises 2024 , Previous versions, Purchases and sales by enterprises 2020, Purchases and sales by enterprises 2019, The purpose of the statistics Purchases and sales by enterprises is to monitor business cycles in Denmark, based on sales of enterprises. The statistics is based on information on value added tax (VAT) reported by the enterprises to the Danish Tax Authorities. , The statistics is compiled and disseminated monthly and provides a short-term status of Danish business economy. The statistics have been published with variation in calculation methods and frequencies, since value added tax (VAT) was introduces in Denmark in 1967. In its current form, the statistics is comparable from 2011 onwards., Statistical presentation, Purchases and sales by enterprises is a monthly statement of purchases and sales of goods and services. The Statement is calculated in millions (Danish kroner). The statement is calculated at industry level defined in the Danish Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2007 (DB07). In addition, the statistics are divided into domestic purchases and sales. , Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, Data originates from the Danish Tax Agency’s VAT registers plus information from the Central Business Register (CVR). Missing reports are replaced with imputed values, which are values estimated for each missing report. Imputed values are provisional and removed when the enterprise has reported VAT to the Tax Agency or the enterprise's business status in the CVR register is updated as inactive. The report follows the enterprise's main industry. , Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, Users of the statistics are ministries, researchers, students and organizations. Used for e.g. analysis of business trends and market research. In Statistics Denmark, the statistic provides supporting information to e.g. the National Accounts and statistics on foreign trade. Data contribute to the Danish compliance with requirements in the European business statistics regulation regarding turnover on industries on service and trade. In order to comply with requirements, monthly turnover must be distributed to Kind of Activity Units (KAU). A model is used to split legal units into KAU. , Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The statistics is based on VAT, reported by enterprises to the Tax Agency. The precision is strengthened by the fact that all companies subject to VAT are included. It is weakened by too little information sales not subject to VAT, e.g. train tickets and recycled clothes. The reliability increases as the enterprises report and revise values. It's possible to revise up to three years after submission. Values are considered final after three years. The sales are used as an estimate for turnover. Please notes that turnover includes more than sales, e.g. revenue from investments., Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The statistics are published approximate 40 days after the end of the reference period. The statistics contain a statement of sales that are subject to VAT. A statement of an enterprise's sales subject to VAT can be used as an estimate of the enterprise's turnover, which is why the statistics are used for short-term statistics on turnover. The publication date is announced at least 6 months in advance, and it is rare that a publication of the statistics is delayed. , Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, From 2010, the statistics are based on register data, the information on VAT that enterprise report to the Tax Agency. From the year 2010, data is comparable year to year, as it includes all enterprises that report VAT. The variable "salg i alt" can be used as estimate for the enterprises' net turnover and can be compared with the net turnover in other statistics, e.g. General Enterprise Statistics. When comparing, take into account the differences, for example which types of sales or revenue are included, whether excise duties are included, and whether smaller companies are included. , Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, The statistics are published on the webpage , StatBank Denmark, under the topic Purchases and sales by Enterprises. Until December 2023, the statistics was published monthly in a Danish newsletter called NYT. , Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics

    Documentation of statistics: Participation at folk high schools

    Contact info, Science, Technology and Culture, Business Statistics , Søren Østerballe , +45 23 42 32 97 , , Get documentation of statistics as pdf, Participation at folk high schools 2024 , Previous versions, Participation at folk high schools 2023, Participation at folk high schools 2022, Participation at folk high schools 2021, Participation at folk high schools 2020, Participation at folk high schools 2019, The statistics describes the participants at the Danish folk high schools according to age, gender, ancestry, education, income, area of residence by course length and school type. The statistics describes the students, which can be found in the statistics about supplementary courses - Folk High Schools, which gives a comprehensive description of the students participation in courses in folk high schools and free vocational schools., Statistical presentation, The statistics describes the background of the participants at Danish folk high schools. In addition the background of the participants is described in terms of age, gender, ancestry, education and income in actual number of participants as well as in full-time student equivalents. Course lengths are short, medium and long. The statistic results are presented in school years and calendar years. , Read more about statistical presentation, Statistical processing, The statistics are based on the coordination of several of Statistics Denmark's statistic registers. The participants are identified from the register of adult education and continuing training, which annually collects data from the folk high schools' administrative systems and manual reporting. From this register information about the participants course length and about the type of school. The population register provides information of age, gender, residence, ancestry and family relations. The Register of highest education provides information about education, and from the the Income Register data on income is drawn. , Read more about statistical processing, Relevance, The folk high schools are often debated in the media, but there is limited knowledge of the participants' background. The statistics shed light on the folk high school area with a focus on the participants' background in addition to the existing statistics about folk high schools, which focus on the participants' course activity. The statistics are relevant for supporting educational and cultural policy debates and can be used by individuals, journalists, authorities and interest groups, as well as the providers of the basic statistical data., Read more about relevance, Accuracy and reliability, The number of participants are derived from a total reports of the folk high schools. The primary sources of uncertainty are errors in the reports of the schools and the existence of any schools that Statistics Denmark is not aware of. When combining the student register with the other background registers some register information may be incomplete. These participants will be categorized as uninformed. As the register coverage for foreign participants is generally poorer, the proportion of uninformed will be higher for the medium and long courses. , Read more about accuracy and reliability, Timeliness and punctuality, The statistics is issued once a year, and publication is approximately 10 months after the end of collection period. In general, the statistic is published in accordance with the announced time. , Read more about timeliness and punctuality, Comparability, The statistics is comparable with Statistics Denmark's statistics on activity at folk high schools. There are also statistics on the activity at participants in Sweden and Norway. There are statistics covering activities at folk high schools back to 1901, but this statistic on the background of participants are comparable from 2016 onwards., Read more about comparability, Accessibility and clarity, These statistics are published in the StatBank Denmark under the subject , Folk high school, . For further information, go to the , subject page, ., Researchers can get access to the detailed data of the basic registers according to special agreement with Statistics Denmark. Special analyses using anonymized data from the basic registers used for this statistic can be supplied by the DST Consulting. , Read more about accessibility and clarity

    Documentation of statistics