How we carry out services
The price of a service depends solely on the number of hours spent on the service. As a customer, you can reduce the time spent in the initial phase – and consequently the price – by making yourself acquainted with how we proceed with commissioned services. We have made a bulleted summary below describing a typical procedure for a customised service. We will be happy to help you through all phases of a service, so do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. It is useful to get acquainted with our registers and variables by looking into
It is also a good idea to inform Statistics Denmark about your expectations to price and time frame, so that we can align our expectations from the start as to what is feasible.
Statistics Denmark is not allowed to provide individual pieces of information about persons, families, households or enterprises. For this reason, services will usually be provided as a table or set of summarised data.
Statistics Denmark can combine data from many different registers by correlating data from CPR about persons, CVR about enterprises or BBR about properties.
If you want to correlate several statistical registers, different statistical data periods may cause that some persons/enterprises in one register cannot be matched with the content of another register.
Different statistical methods may also imply that a few persons/enterprises included in one register may not be included in another register. The income statistics, for example, are delimited to include taxpayers. Accordingly, if a person is not a taxpayer, this person is not registered in these statistics. The same person may easily be found in other registers, e.g. in the educational register.
Statistics Denmark makes a point of providing tables and data of a quality that we can vouch for. For this reason, Statistics Denmark may decline to provide a service, if we consider that the data quality, dropout or data construction does not provide a sufficiently well-founded assessment of reality.
If you want to receive a quotation from us for delivery of statistics, click the link below and fill in the form. This allows us to find the right consultant for the further process:
If you want to order an update of previously delivered services, click the link below and fill in this form:
Request update of a former delivery
The completed form will help clarify questions such as:
- Do we have the requested data?
- Can we delimit data in the way that you request?
- Are there any matching problems between registers?
- Do special circumstances exist concerning data, which may involve constraints?
- Do we need to take measures regarding statistical disclosure control to eliminate the risk of disclosing information on a single individual statistical unit?
- When the statistics were last updated?
- By when do you need the data?
The total population will often be a population that is comparable with published, free-of-charge figures at, such as the population of a municipality.
Based on selected variables in the register, we determine how we are going to delimit the population. This could be e.g. persons aged 16-29 in employment.
We can delimit the population on the basis of civil registration numbers (CPR), central business register numbers (CVR) or addresses that you have provided us with, which we can then match with the requested registers. Note that you are not allowed to provide us with your own population without prior agreement, since data must be encrypted when submitted and we must make a data processor agreement.
When we provide services, to the extent possible, we check data against other published sets of statistics and document to which of Statbank Denmark’s sets of statistics you can make comparisons. If we are unable to compare or check data against the published statistics, e.g. if extraction is made from your own population, this is noted in the documentation.
At you will be able to find tables displaying the most widely used variables in our many registers. Please note that many registers/variables are not comparable over time. This is because changes may occur in the sets of values for various variables (e.g. in groupings from e.g. ages 0-5 and 6-10 to ages 0-4 and 5-9), or there may be changes in the method of assessment for the statistics, e.g. changes in the definitions of certain variables. If changes have occurred in Statbank Denmark tables that make it difficult to compare data over time, two tables will be displayed, each with their separate time series, instead of one table.
It is possible to do both: use standard grouping of variable values and make your own groupings. You can find help for standard groupings by looking at the different nomenclatures here:
Consider whether you want one table crossing all variables, or whether you could use several small tables. If you want one big table crossing many variables, it may be necessary to apply statistical disclosure control, which often makes the requested service more costly and data less useful.
When the requested service has been clarified, we prepare a quotation, which is usually open for a month. It is no problem for us to change the quotation during the process, but we do make reservations with respect to increasing the price if we need to spend time adjusting the quotation.
We calculate the price of a service based on the total time spent on the service.
The time spent consists in e.g.:
- Clarifying the scope of the requested service, as we need to close the gap between your ideas and the data
- Preparing a quotation and contract, if relevant, and/or data processor agreement
- Programming, including linking between registers, applying statistical disclosure control as well as test and validation of data.
- Setting up tables in Excel and preparing documentation
The hourly rate for services is DKK 1,476 excl. VAT (DKK 1,845 incl. VAT).
You can read more about the basis of the calculation of the hourly rates for services under prices and pricing policy.
We are very interested in hearing your expectations to price and, if relevant, the budget that you anticipate, as early in the process as possible, as this can help us optimise the time we spend.
If we estimate that it will take more than one hour to clarify the requested service (including table definition and price calculations), we offer to make an initial survey. A preliminary survey can ensure that you do not place an order for a major service project, which later proves to be useless. Before we agree on an initial survey, we are typically able to make a not binding estimate of how much the final service is going to cost.
If a service is difficult to estimate in terms of time or to define, we offer to create a framework agreement. In case of a framework agreement, we agree on a framework for a certain number of hours, but you only pay for the time we actually spend performing the service. A framework agreement provides more room in the process for clarification and changes of definitions, but we cannot guarantee how much we can accomplish within the agreed number of hours.
If a service is well-defined, we can make a fixed-price contract, in which we agree on a price as well as which aggregated tables we provide at the given price.
We greatly emphasize the protection of personal data as well as data on enterprises. For this reason, we do not provide statistics involving a risk that individuals or individual households or enterprises can be identified. For further information about this, read our Data confidentiality policy.
Statistics Denmark reserves the right to apply statistical disclosure control to datasets to the extent deemed necessary.
We must apply statistical disclosure control if:
- the tables are highly detailed and it is possible to identify individuals or enterprises
- you want to break down on variables included in your submitted datasets, which have been used to delimit the population (e.g. types of customers). In this case, we typically require a minimum of 30 or 50 units in each cell
There are several methods of statistical disclosure control and it is agreed in collaboration with the customer which method we use. We typically select one the following options:
- Automatic aggregation of categories of variables to an aggregate category named “statistical disclosure control” until the statistical disclosure control requirement has been met.
- Manual aggregation of categories of variables until the statistical disclosure control requirement has been met. This solution is somewhat more time-consuming and consequently involves higher costs.
- The value in the cell is set for “statistical disclosure control” if the number of observations is too low. With this solution, all categories of variables are maintained, but you can no longer use the sums in the table.
You commission a service when you accept the quotation from Statistics Denmark in writing.
Statistics Denmark prepares a contract for all services above DKK 25,000 excl. VAT or services on special terms.
In principle, we create data based on the definitions we have established together. In practice, questions will emerge along the way, to which we will find a solution together. This means that it is necessary that you are available and able to respond to any clarifying questions within reasonable time while we work on the service.
We deliver the service to you along with documentation describing the registers, variables, population, any data breaks and how we have carried out the actual service.
Documentation of variables is available at
Documentation of registers is available at
We endeavour to execute minor services within 1-3 weeks. For major service projects, the delivery time varies. The delivery time depends on the number of services that we are contractually committed to complete, and the scope of the service. Especially during the holiday season or in periods where new data is released, the delivery time may be long.
We usually deliver the tables in Excel, but also offer to deliver in other formats.
Large tables can be delivered as Excel pivot tables or in PC-Axis. In this way, you can extract parts of the table and analyse a subset of data. Large tables are typically unsuitable as frozen tables in Excel. Delivery of data in PC-Axis format is more costly.
We can deliver summarised data as e.g. SAS, SPSS, semicolon separated file or other flat file.
When we have delivered the service, we will invoice you. The time for payment is 30 days. We reserve the right to sub-invoice services stretching over a long period of time.
Within the first month after delivery, we offer up to 15 minutes of advisory services/help to understand and interpret data. For major services, we incorporate subsequent consulting services in the contract.
We offer further consulting by special arrangement and settled by separate payment at the current hourly rate. We will notify you when the included time has been spent.
If within 30 days, you or we become aware of errors in the registers, or if we have made a programming error in the service provided, we deliver new data as soon as possible.
We are very interested in knowing about errors, small or large, or any inexpediencies in the statistics, so that we can check and, if relevant, correct the content in customised services as well as in the registers. It is only rarely possible for us to immediately correct errors in the underlying registers, but we do anything we can for it to happen as soon as possible.
You will find the general terms for services here:
General terms and conditions of agreementsIf you want to e.g. pass on the customised set of statistics to a third party, or publish data directly on a website in raw form, this must be incorporated in the contract.
If the service requires that you submit personal data to us, you must enter into a data processor agreement with us before you submit data.
For security reasons, you are not allowed to submit personal data via regular email. You must use one the following options:
- If your organisation has secure, encrypted FTP access, you may use this to submit data to for the attention of your contact in DST Consulting stated in the email.
- If your organisation has tunnel access, you may use this to send an email with attached information directly to your contact person in DST Consulting.
- You can download a safety certificate from the website and submit data via encrypted email based on the contact person that is created. Then you can submit data via email to for the attention of the customer’s contact person in DST Consulting.
- You can email the contact person in DST Consulting and submit data by attaching it as a password protected zip file, provided that you transmit the password via another channel – e.g. via text message or telephone
To facilitate subsequent consulting services, we generally store personal data for three years after delivery of the service. If you want us to store data for a longer period, this must be indicated in the data processor agreement. You can find further information about this under data processing.
For accounting reasons, Statistics Denmark stores contact information you have provided for you and your enterprise/organisation. Further information about the processing and storage is available in our Privacy policy for the handling of personal data at DST Consulting.