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Statistics based on distances or neighbourhoods

kort med blåt farvediagram

Define your own statistical areas

In addition to statistics on administrative units such as regions and municipalities, smaller units such as postcode districts, parishes or school districts, you can also get data for analyses of geographical areas that you define yourself.

Statistics on an area within a certain range from a point

A typical example of such an area is an area whithiin a certain range from a point on the map. The "point" can be a shop, a hotel, a railway station or a public institution and the periphery you define as a distance, for example, in kilometres from this point.

You can define the distance in three ways:

  • as the crow flies
  • along established roads
  • as driving time by car along established roads.

Specify the statistical data you want

Once you have defined the geographical area, you can add the statistical data you want. For example, it can be as simple as the number of people in the area in a certain age group, or the number of households with children under the age of six.

Find inspiration to define your geographical area

You can also define a geographical area based on other criteria, such as areas bounded by physical barriers and lines. These can be areas of the cities or the open land you demarcate by using city limits, field boundaries, edges of forests, bridges, railroads, dams, highways, roads, streets, streams, lakes and coastlines - in short, everything you perceive as a transition from one area to another.

You can also deifne an area on geometric shapes, such as circles, triangles, squares, and many-sided polygons where you define the centre or the corners by geographical coordinates, buildings, addresses or the like.

There are many ways to delimit an area – the only limit is your imagination! The only requirement is that the size of an area must comply with the rules of discretion, ie. we cannot disclose statistics that make it possible to identify any individual or any individual company.


The price depends on both the number of areas and the variables for which you want statistical data. Please contact DST Consulting for a specific quotation.

Contact information

DST Consulting
tel. +45 3917 3600

Allan Hansen
tel: +45 3917 3168

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DST Consulting
Phone: +45 39 17 36 00