Contact Research Services
Support for Denmark’s Data Portal and research projects
Telephone: +45 39 17 31 30 // Email
If you have questions about user and association agreements, researcher creation, the data ordering process or navigation in Denmark’s Data Portal etc., you can contact Research Services’ call centre all weekdays. Please note that we do not put calls through to individual employees.
We respond to emails within 2 working days, and our telephone hours are Monday from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. and Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. until 12 noon.
The Research Services’ call center will be closed on Friday, March 28th.
If you have inquiries about physical tokens, you can send them to
If you need help in connection with errors in Denmark’s Data Portal, please write to
Telephone meeting
If you have questions to a specific project/order, you can always arrange for a telephone meeting with your project owner in Research Services. You do so by sending an agenda to the project owner with the questions you want clarified along with times where you are available and a telephone number where the project owner can reach you. Before the meeting, the project owner will confirm when you can expect a call.
Remember to state in your inquiry: the project number, agenda/questions, when you are available and your telephone number.
Note that the meeting can be associated with costs if it does not concern a specific order.
IT support
Telephone: +45 39 17 38 00 // Email
If you need help with login, servers or other IT issues, please contact our IT department.
You can contact IT Monday through Thursday 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
In Research Services, we will respond to your inquiry/assignment as soon as possible, and we handle all inquiries/assignments in the order we receive them.
The existing response times indicate the following:
- From your first inquiry until delivery of data, it takes approximately eight weeks on average, while we deliver 50 per cent of the assignments within 4 weeks approximately.
- It takes three weeks on average from contract signing/acceptance of quote until delivery.
We recently started indicating the waiting time in real time, whereas we used to indicate it in working days. This is why it may appear as if the waiting time has increased. We now include all days from contract to delivery. This new indication of waiting time includes weekends and holidays, which we hope will make it clearer for you how many days you can actually expect to wait.