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Rules for working with microdata

Gain an overview of the most important rules and guidelines users of the microdata schemes must observe when working with microdata on Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines. Note: Non-compliance may involve sanctions. 

Where can you access microdata on Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines? 

Working with microdata under the microdata schemes in your workplace (the authorised institution) and via your home workplace is allowed. It is important that unauthorised persons do not get access to or a view of your work on the researcher machines. By “unauthorised”, we mean, for example:

  • Employees and colleagues who are not associated with the project you are working on
  • Business partners who are not associated with the project you are working on
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Other people, such as workmen in your home

This means that you are not allowed to work on Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines in public spaces, such as trains, buses, libraries, your local coffee shop or on public networks in general. Furthermore, you must always log out of Statistics Denmark’s researcher machine if you leave your screen temporarily, regardless whether it is just briefly or for a longer time. Consequently, it is not enough to switch to a screen saver – the access to the researcher machines must be cut off completely.

Co-operation and sparring – what is allowed?

You are allowed to show your screen to persons who have approved access to the data that you are working with. If you need help or guidance, you must therefore first ensure that the person in question has access to the same project as you. Pay attention to the following:

  • Never leave your screen to anyone while they are helping or guiding you.
  • If you want to share files, you must indicate the file path, so that the person can access the files via his or her own user access.
  • If you want to spar with a person or for example, your contact person in Research Services via email, and you need to provide examples, you must never include actual data or information from Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines. Always use fictitious figures and examples.

Working with microdata – what is not allowed? 

Below is a list of actions that are not allowed: Note: The list is not exhaustive:

  • You may not attempt to identify statistical units, such as households, businesses or individuals – yourself included – in the data that you get access to under the microdata schemes.
  • You are not allowed to share your user access to Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines with anyone, and the passwords you are given, are personal and may never be disclosed. If you suspect that anyone knows your password, you must change it immediately.
  • You may not let unauthorised persons get access to or view of your work on Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines. This rule applies, whether you do so deliberately or fail to pay attention. “Unauthorised person” means anyone not associated with the project you are working on. 
  • You are not allowed to transfer data from the researcher machine to your own computer, to paper, email or any other medium or means, for example between Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines and the user interface in Denmark’s Data Portal. It is thus strictly forbidden to copy, transcribe or illustrate information from Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines – regardless of purpose.
  • You may not take photos of Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines. This ban applies to all types of images, including screendumps and snapshots or photos taken with your mobile phone, iPad or any other electronic devices.
  • You are not allowed to send information from Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines via email to colleagues, neither business partners nor Research Services. If you are to describe your data set or a problem, you must always use fictitious examples. Actual data or information must never be part of it.


Are you in doubt about the rules? This is how you get answers

If you are in doubt or have questions about Statistics Denmark’s rules for working with microdata on the researcher machines, you can ask for help from the person responsible for authorisation in your institution. In case of questions about a specific project, you must make sure that the person whom you ask for guidance, has access to the same project as you, before you show your screen to that person.

In case of questions of a more general nature, you can also contact Research Services at In your request, you must indicate your ident and, if relevant, your project number. Note: If you want to describe a data set or what you suspect could be microdata, you must never include actual data or information. Always use fictitious figures and examples.

Breach of the rules? This is how you handle it

If you fail to comply with Statistics Denmark’s rules or you suspect that you have failed to do so, you have a duty of notification. If you comply with your duty of notification, this will be regarded as a mitigating circumstance.

Please notify both the person responsible for authorisation in your institution and Research Services. You notify Research Services by sending an email to with the following: 

  • Your ident 
  • Project number, if any
  • A description of the breach or where you suspect a breach
  • Date and time of the breach 

If the breach involves files, for example files you have transferred, image files on your computer, in your mailbox or similar, you must delete them immediately from your PC, Denmark’s Data Portal, mail folders etc. and inform about this in your email to Research Services.


Data security and transfer – your responsibility

As a user of Statistics Denmark’s researcher machines, it is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with Statistics Denmark’s rules and to observe them. Accordingly:

  1. You are responsible for your work on the researcher machines being in compliance with Statistics Denmark’s data security rules, and 
  2. You are responsible that any transfer of analysis results and other materials complies with Statistics Denmark’s transfer rules. Read more under Rules on transfer of analysis results, and
  3. You are responsible for notifying Research Services immediately, if you suspect that you or someone else has breached Statistics Denmark’s data security and transfer rules  

Non-compliance may involve sanctions. Read more under Sanction rules


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