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Access to data

Access to data under the Research Scheme

Statistics Denmark’s extensive collections of registers contain a significant potential for research and analysis.

In order to use this research and analysis potential in accordance with the current register legislation and Statistics Denmark’s data confidentiality principles, Statistics Denmark has established special micro-data schemes (Research Scheme, Authority Scheme and Legislative Model).

Through the micro-data schemes, microdata (i.e. individual/single company data) is made available for specific research, investigation and analysis tasks for authorised research/analysis environments. Foreign research/analysis environments cannot be authorised for the scheme, but under certain conditions, foreign users can access data.

Rules for use of data

Microdata is not provided from Statistics Denmark. Data is made available through the so-called external electronic access, which provides access to data from one’s workplace via the internet and under certain conditions.

Users of Statistics Denmark’s micro-data schemes may not pass on material supplied from Statistics Denmark to third parties. Products from Statistics Denmark may only be passed on to third parties after a substantial further processing of the supplied material has been carried out. The disclosure, lending, rental or sale of unprocessed data to third parties may only take place in exceptional cases, and only after prior written agreement between Statistics Denmark and the user. The user’s restrictions on disclosure or publication of either processed or unprocessed material have no limitation period.

How to access data as a new user

1. You need to have an association agreement with an authorized institution

The first step is to have an association agreement with an authorized institution (a research environment that has been granted access to microdata arrangements at Statistics Denmark). Along with the association agreement, you need to register as a user in the Research Services application Denmark's Data Portal (DDV).

If you are associated with an institution that is not yet authorized, this must be done before you can access data through this institution. Read more about which institutions can be authorized and how.

2. The institution's administrator requests to have you registered as a user in Denmark's Data Portal

You will register as a user when the institution's administrator requests it directly in Denmark's Data Window. An employee in Research Service must approve the user request. Read more about how to request a new user.

You will receive an email as soon as Research Service has approved the user request.

3. The institution's authorization responsible or their deputy approves your affiliation agreement with the institution

Once Research Service has approved your user request, the institution’s authorization responsible or their deputy must approve your association agreement. You also do this step in Denmark's Data Portal. Read more about how the authorization responsible approves an association agreement.

You will receive an email when your association agreement has been approved. You will also receive a separate email with login information and guidance on logging in.

4. You approve your user request and pass the certification

Once your association agreement is approved, you can log in to and then Denmark's Data Portal (DDV). Read more about how to log in to Denmark's Data Portal for the first time.

The first time you log in, you need to approve your user agreement. It pops up automatically. Then it might be a good idea to take the certification quiz because you cannot access microdata until you pass. Read more about the certification test.

5. You can now create a project proposal and request data

You request data from Statistics Denmark's databank with a project proposal. You have the option to create a project proposal as a regular user in Denmark's Data Portal. During the preparation of the project proposal, you can choose registers and variables from a register overview and indicate whether you would like to add external data to the project. Read more about how to create and fill out a project proposal.

6. Research Service approves your project proposal and sends a contract and final price offer

Once you have completed your project setting, you must submit it to Research Service for approval. Your project is assigned a project owner at Statistics Denmark after submission. When your project setting is approved by your project manager, it will subsequently also be signed by Statistics Denmark. A user from your institution who has the role of signer must then sign it. You will receive a price offer and a contract, once the proposal is approved.

7. Data delivers to your project

Once both parties have approved the price offer and the contract, research service will deliver data to your project.


Data confidentiality and rules for access

Confidentiality of statistical products and other data materials is about securing statistical units against the dissemination of information on confidential matters. Rules for enforcement that data confidentiality is translated into a data confidentiality policy and associated guidelines for disclosure and discretion as well as the establishment of individual access rights to confidential information in Statistics Denmark. Read more here:


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