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Tables in StatBank

Households and families

Table ID Updated
Average distance to grandparents of 0-24-years-olds1. January
type of relation, residence of the main person and age of the main character | Unit: km
PAAROE01 04-03-2025
Population (0-24-years-old) 1. January
age of the main character and number of relations | Unit: Number
PAAROE02 04-03-2025
Adults 1. January
municipality, family type, number of persons in the family, number of children in the family, sex and age | Unit: Number
FAM100N 11-02-2025
Adults 1. January
municipality, type of household, number of persons in the household , number of children in the household, sex and age | Unit: Number
FAM122N 11-02-2025
Families with children 1 January
region, unit, family type, children from the age of and children to the age of | Unit: Number
FAM44BA 11-02-2025
Families 1. January
municipality, type of family, size of family and number of children | Unit: Number
FAM44N 11-02-2025
Households 1. January
region, type of household, household size and number of children in the household | Unit: Number
FAM55N 11-02-2025
Families with/without children i percentage of all families in the same municipa
region and family type | Unit: Per cent
LABY04 11-02-2025
Households' distance to the nearest convenience store (share in per cent))
municipality groups and distance | Unit: Share in per cent
LABY50A 11-07-2024
Households 1. January
urban, rural areas, and children | Unit: Number
BY4 31-05-2024
Households' distance to the nearest convenience store
municipality groups and distance | Unit: Number
LABY50 21-03-2024