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Tables in StatBank

Social services for senior citizens

Table ID Updated
Home care, refarral hours
region, type of benefits, age and gender | Unit: Hours per week
AED022 08-07-2024
Home care, provided hours
region, type of benefits, age and gender | Unit: Hours per week
AED01 27-06-2024
Home care, recipients who use private contractors
region, type of benefits, age and gender | Unit: Per cent
AED012 27-06-2024
Home care, provided hours per person
region, type of benefits, age and gender | Unit: Avg. hours per week
AED02 27-06-2024
Home care, referral hours per person
region, type of benefits, age and gender | Unit: Avg. hours per week
AED021 27-06-2024
Home care, recipients
region, type of benefits, hours per week, age and gender | Unit: Number
AED023 27-06-2024
Home care, recipents referral
region, type of benefits, hours per week, age and gender | Unit: Number
AED06 27-06-2024
Home care at nursing homes/nursing dwellings, recipents referral
region, age and gender | Unit: Number
AED07 27-06-2024
Training and Maintenance Training, recipients
region, type of benefits, age and gender | Unit: Number
AED08 27-06-2024
Preventative home visits, recipients and visits
region, home visits, age and gender | Unit: Number
AED10A 27-06-2024
Home care, recipients refarral who use private contractor
region, type of benefits, age and gender | Unit: Per cent
AED12 27-06-2024
Home care, recipients refarral who change between private and public contractor
region, type of benefits, age and gender | Unit: Number
AED14 27-06-2024
Free choice of dwelling and average waiting time for nursing homes
region | Unit: -
AED16 27-06-2024
Service indicators, per cent of the population 67 years and above
region and services | Unit: Per cent
AED21 27-06-2024
Home care and home care at nursing homes/nursing dwellings
municipality groups and services | Unit: Per cent
LABY20 27-06-2024
Gender equality indicator home care, recipents referral
indicator, region, age and family type | Unit: -
LIGEHI12 27-06-2024
Gender equality indicator home care, referral hours per person
indicator, region, age and family type | Unit: Avg. hours per week
LIGEHI13 27-06-2024
Rehabilitation, recipients
region, age and gender | Unit: Number
REHAB19 27-06-2024
Private contractors of home care
region | Unit: Number
VH33 27-06-2024
Home care, first-time referred recipients who use private contractor
region, type of benefits, age and gender | Unit: Per cent
AED13 19-02-2024
Length of stay (days) for persons aged 67
region, unit and diagnosis. | Unit: Number
AED19A 25-08-2023
Clinical pathways and readmissions for persons aged 67,
region, unit and diagnosis | Unit: -
AED20A 25-08-2023