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Rent indices

How has the rent for housing developed in Denmark? The rent index for housing shows the development in rent broken down by types of rental housing and by region. The rent index covers three different types of rental housing: private rental housing, social housing and cooperative housing. 

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A price index is used to track relative price changes. The price index measure average price changes between two time periods by comparing the price index in the two periods.

Selected statistics on Rent indices

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Rent indices. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Rent index for housing, all of Denmark

The figure shows the quarterly change in rent.
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Source data

The rent survey is based on a sample of privately owned rented dwellings, social rental housing and cooperative dwellings. The rent development for the social rental housing is based on administrative data from The National Building Fund (Landsbyggefonden) and thus covers the entire population of social rental housing. Privately owned rented dwellings are covered by a sample of approx. 110.000 dwellings out of a population of approx. 500.000 privately owned rented dwellings. Cooperative dwellings are covered by a sample of approx. 600 dwellings. The same rental dwellings are included in the sample over time (a panel) as far as possible, but the sample is updated on a continues basis with newly built rental dwellings to ensure that the sample continues to reflect the population.

Change in rent compared with the previous year

See the percentage change in rent against the same quarter the year before by type of rental.
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Source data

The rent survey is based on a sample of privately owned rented dwellings, social rental housing and cooperative dwellings. The rent development for the social rental housing is based on administrative data from The National Building Fund (Landsbyggefonden) and thus covers the entire population of social rental housing. Privately owned rented dwellings are covered by a sample of approx. 110.000 dwellings out of a population of approx. 500.000 privately owned rented dwellings. Cooperative dwellings are covered by a sample of approx. 600 dwellings. The same rental dwellings are included in the sample over time (a panel) as far as possible, but the sample is updated on a continues basis with newly built rental dwellings to ensure that the sample continues to reflect the population.

Rent index for housing by region

See how the rent index for housing has developed in the different regions. 
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Source data

The rent survey is based on a sample of privately owned rented dwellings, social rental housing and cooperative dwellings. The rent development for the social rental housing is based on administrative data from The National Building Fund (Landsbyggefonden) and thus covers the entire population of social rental housing. Privately owned rented dwellings are covered by a sample of approx. 110.000 dwellings out of a population of approx. 500.000 privately owned rented dwellings. Cooperative dwellings are covered by a sample of approx. 600 dwellings. The same rental dwellings are included in the sample over time (a panel) as far as possible, but the sample is updated on a continues basis with newly built rental dwellings to ensure that the sample continues to reflect the population.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Rent indices for commercial real estate (Experimental statistics)

The rent indices for commercial real estate is an experimental statistics for rented property units in the commercial real estate market. The purpose of the statistics is to measure change over time. The statistics is published since 2023 with indices going back to 2021.

Rent indices for housing

The purpose of the statistic Rent indices for housing is to measure the development in rent (housing). The statistic covers the years from 2021.

Need more data on Rent indices?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. See, for example, the development in rent for commercial properties.


Martin Sædholm Nielsen
Phone: +45 24 49 72 81