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Holiday and business trips

For decades Spain has been the favorite travel destination for Danes when it comes to long holiday travels with at least four overnight stays. Italy, France, Sweden and Germany normally also attract many Danish tourists.


For decades Spain has been the favorite travel destination for Danes when it comes to long holiday travels with at least four overnight stays. Italy, France, Sweden and Germany normally also attract many Danish tourists.

The statistics cover what countries we visit, how long we are there for but also what the purpose of the holiday visit was both in Denmark and abroad. The following are among the most common purposes:

  • Visit with family or friends
  • City break
  • Beach holiday
  • Holiday house

For long trips the transportation to the holiday destination is mostly frequently by plane. However, the car is most frequently used when it comes to shorter stays abroad with one, two or three overnight stays.

The statistics are calculated from a sample survey among Danes aged 15 years or older and also covers numbers for business trips.The numbers cover how much money the holiday or business trips costed on average and whether the accommodation was a hotel/holiday center, holiday house or with family and friends.


Documentation of statistics

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Key figures

Related content in Holiday and business trips


Kari Anne Janisse Arildsen
Phone: +45 39 17 36 09
Majbrit Holst
Phone: +45 39 17 33 61

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