Enterprises and groups
How many active enterprises are located in Denmark and how are they allocated across activities? How many employees do they have? You can also find statistics on enterprises that are part of an enterprise group.
Explainer on…
An enterprise that meets a range of criteria for economic activity, such as full-time equivalents, turnover, goods purchases, imports, exports, value added, or balance sheet total. The enterprise's relationships with other enterprises, such as ownership or joint VAT settlement, may also be included. The precise criteria and thresholds vary between statistics and may depend on the purpose of the assessment.
A parent company together with one or more subsidiaries constitutes an enterprise group. A subsidiary company can have only one direct parent company. The parent company is the company that exercises controlling influence over the company's financial and operating decisions.
Staff (excluding apprentices) whose regular working hours are the same as the collectively agreed or customary hours worked in the enterprise, even if their contract is for less than one year.
Selected statistics on Enterprises and groups
Change in the number of enterprises
The following statistics, register and sources are used as input to the General enterprise statistic:
- Accounts statistics (Non-agricultural industries, accounts)
- VAT statistics (via The Statistical Business Register)
- The employment statistics (via The Statistical Business Register)
- The Statistical Business Register.
Change in the number of employees (measured by full time equivalents)
The following statistics, register and sources are used as input to the General enterprise statistic:
- Accounts statistics (Non-agricultural industries, accounts)
- VAT statistics (via The Statistical Business Register)
- The employment statistics (via The Statistical Business Register)
- The Statistical Business Register.
Allocation of enterprises by industry
The following statistics, register and sources are used as input to the General enterprise statistic:
- Accounts statistics (Non-agricultural industries, accounts)
- VAT statistics (via The Statistical Business Register)
- The employment statistics (via The Statistical Business Register)
- The Statistical Business Register.
Geographic allocation of enterprises
The following statistics, register and sources are used as input to the General enterprise statistic:
- Accounts statistics (Non-agricultural industries, accounts)
- VAT statistics (via The Statistical Business Register)
- The employment statistics (via The Statistical Business Register)
- The Statistical Business Register.
Enterprise groups size
The statistics is based on information about enterprise groups from the Business Statistics Enterprise Group Register which are based on the Central Business Register. Sources for background information are a number of sources notably the Business Statistics Enterprise Group Register and the General Enterprise Statistics and external sources such as the annual company reports and
On the statistics – documentation, sources and method
See the documentation of statistics to learn more:
The purpose of the statistic Enterprise groups in Denmark is to describe enterprise group relations amongst Danish companies. Thus the statistic contributes to the description of the business structure in Denmark. The statistic was complied for the first time for the reference year 2009.
The purpose of the statistics is to give a coherent and consistent description of the Danish business structure at the enterprise level.
The General enterprise statistics, which were compiled for the first time for the year 1999, have replaced the Enterprise statistics produced for the years 1992-1999.
The purpose of the statistics Purchases and sales by enterprises is to monitor business cycles in Denmark, based on sales of enterprises. The statistics is based on information on value added tax (VAT) reported by the enterprises to the Danish Tax Authorities.
The statistics is compiled and disseminated monthly and provides a short-term status of Danish business economy. The statistics have been published with variation in calculation methods and frequencies, since value added tax (VAT) was introduces in Denmark in 1967. In its current form, the statistics is comparable from 2011 onwards.