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Violations of the penalcode, v1:2024




This is an overview of the types of violations that occur in the StatBank and what they contain at a more detailed level. The classification by Statistics Denmark differs from the classification of the Danish National Police. Both Statistics Denmark's crime statistics and the statistics of the Danish National Police, however, are made on the basis of the same data.

Valid from:

January 1, 1980


Population and Education


Iben Birgitte Pedersen,, ph. +45 23 60 37 11
Codes and categories
Open hierarchy
All versions
Name Valid from Valid to
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2023 January 1, 1980 December 31, 2023
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2022 January 1, 1980 December 31, 2022
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2021 January 1, 1980 December 31, 2021
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2020 January 1, 1980 December 31, 2020
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2019 January 1, 1980 December 31, 2019
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2018 January 1, 1980 December 31, 2018
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2024 January 1, 1980 Still valid