Violations of the penalcode, v1:2024
This is an overview of the types of violations that occur in the StatBank and what they contain at a more detailed level. The classification by Statistics Denmark differs from the classification of the Danish National Police. Both Statistics Denmark's crime statistics and the statistics of the Danish National Police, however, are made on the basis of the same data.
Valid from:
January 1, 1980
Population and Education
Iben Birgitte Pedersen,, ph. +45 23 60 37 11
Codes and categories
1: Criminal Code, total
11: Sexual offenses, total
1110: Incest, etc.
- 111072121: Incest, children under 15
- 111072122: Other kind of incest
- 111072123: Incest between siblings, children under 15
- 111072124: Any other kind of incest between siblings
- 111072125: Incest, sexual act (other than intercourse) with children under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
- 111072126: Incest, sexual act (other than intercourse) between siblings (Repealed in 2013)
- 111072127: Any other kind of incest, sexual act other than intercourse (Repealed in 2013)
- 111072128: Incest, sexual act (other than intercourse) with children under 15 (New from 2013)
- 111072129: Incest, sexual act (other than intercourse) between siblings (New from 2013)
- 111072130: Any other kind of incest, sexual act other than intercourse (New from 2013)
- 111072233: Intercourse with foster child/stepchild (Repealed in 2013)
- 111072244: Sexual act (other than intercourse) with a foster child/stepchild (Repealed in 2013)
- 111072320: Indecent exposure of foster child/step child etc.
- 111072321: Intercourse with a foster child/stepchild (New from 2013)
- 111072340: Sexual act (other than intercourse) with a foster child/stepchild (New from in 2013)
- 111072356: Sexual act other than intercourse with foster child/step child
1120: Rape, etc.
- 112072211: Rape (Repealed in 2013)
- 112072215: Intercourse by illegal coercion (Repealed in 2013)
- 112072229: Intercourse by false pretences (Repealed in 2013)
- 112072235: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by violence (Repealed in 2013)
- 112072236: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by unlawful coercion (Repealed in 2013)
- 112072241: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by false pretences (Repealed in 2013)
- 112072301: Rape by use of violence or threat of violence (New from 2013)
- 112072302: Rape by unlawful coercion other than violence or threat of violence (New from 2013)
- 112072305: Rape
- 112072307: Rape by misrepresentation
- 112072317: Intercourse by false pretences (New from 2013)
- 112072330: Sexual act (other than intercourse)
- 112072331: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by violence or threat of violence (New from in 2013)
- 112072332: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by unlawful coercion (New from 2013)
- 112072338: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by false pretences (New from 2013)
- 112072345: Sexual act other than intercourse
- 112072346: Sexual act other than intercourse by misrepresentation
- 1130: Heterosexual offence against a child under 12 (Repealed in 2013)
- 1131: Sexual offence against a child under 12 (New from 2013)
1140: Any other kind of heterosexual offence (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072221: Intercourse by exploitation of mental abnormality (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072222: Intercourse by exploitation of incapacitated state (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072225: Intercourse with inmate in institution (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072227: Intercourse by abuse of dependency (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072230: Intercourse with prostitute under 18, customer (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072231: Intercourse with a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072234: Intercourse by seduction (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072237: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by exploitation of mental abnormality (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072238: Sexual act (other than intercourse) with inmate in institution (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072239: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by abuse of dependency (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072242: Sexual act (other than intercourse) with a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072245: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by seduction (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072261: Sexual offence by negligence against a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
- 114072263: Any other kind of sexual offence by negligence (Repealed in 2013)
1141: Sexual offence against a child under 15 (New from 2013)
- 114172306: Rape by sex. intercourse w child under 15 y/perpetrator has reached age 22
- 114172319: Intercourse with a child under 15 (New from 2013)
- 114172339: Sexual act (other than intercourse) with a child under 15 (New from 2013)
- 114172344: Sexual rel. other than intercourse btw person reached age 22 and child under 15 y
- 114172348: Sexual act other than intercourse b/w a person aged 22+ and child under 15
- 114172355: Sexual act other than intercourse w/ a child under 15
- 114172361: Sexual offence by negligence against a child under 15 (New from 2013)
- 114172364: Sexual offence by negligence against a child under 15
1145: Any other kind of sexual offence (New from 2013)
- 114572303: Rape by exploitation of incapacitated state
- 114572311: Intercourse by exploitation of mental abnormality (New from 2013)
- 114572313: Intercourse with inmate placed/detained in institution (New from 2013)
- 114572315: Intercourse by abuse of dependency (New from 2013)
- 114572316: Intercourse by abuse of dependency
- 114572322: Intercourse by seduction (New from 2013)
- 114572324: Contribution towards prostitution (intercourse) - person under 18 (New from 2013)
- 114572325: Intercourse with prostitute under 18 - customer (New from 2013)
- 114572333: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by exploitation of incapacitated state (New from 2013)
- 114572335: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by exploitation of mental abnormality (New from 2013)
- 114572336: Sexual act (other than intercourse) with inmate placed/detained in institution (New from 2013)
- 114572337: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by abuse of dependency (New from 2013)
- 114572341: Sexual act (other than intercourse) by seduction (New from 2013)
- 114572342: Contribution towards sexual act other than intercourse in connection with prostitution of person under 18 (New from 2013)
- 114572343: Sexual act (other than intercouse) with prostitute under 18 (New from 2013)
- 114572349: Sexual act other than intercourse by abusing mental disorder
- 114572350: Sexual act other than intercourse with someone placed in an institution/detained
- 114572352: Sexual act other than intercourse by abuse of dependency
- 114572357: Sexual act other than intercourse by seduction
- 114572358: Contrib. to sexual act other than intercourse connected to prostitution of a person under 18
- 114572359: Sexual act other than intercourse with prostitute under 18 years - client
- 114572362: Any other kind of sexual offence by negligence (New from 2013)
- 114572365: Any other kind of sexual offence by negligence
- 1146: Grooming
- 1150: Homosexual offence against a child under 12 (Repealed in 2013)
1160: Any other kind of homosexual offence (Repealed in 2013)
- 116072251: Any other kind of homosexual offence against a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
- 116072253: Any other kind of homosexual offence (Repealed in 2013)
- 116072254: Homosexual offence by violence (Repealed in 2013)
- 116072255: Homosexual offence by unlawful coercion (Repealed in 2013)
- 116072256: Homosexual offence by violence against a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
- 116072257: Homosexual offence by unlawful coercion against a child under 15 (Repealed in 2013)
- 1172: Offence against public decency by groping
- 1174: Offence against public decency by indecent exposure
1176: Any other kind of offence against public decency
- 117672281: Offence against public decency
- 117672284: Offence against public decency by voyeurism (Repealed in 2013)
- 117672285: Offence against public decency by verbal indecency and similar (Repealed in 2013)
- 117672286: Offence against public decency by other indecency (Repealed in 2013)
- 117672287: Any other kind of offence against public decency (Repealed in 2013)
- 117672373: Offence against public decency by voyeurism (New from 2013)
- 117672374: Offence against public decency by verbal indecency and similar (New from 2013)
- 117672375: Offence against public decency by other indecency (New from 2013)
1180: Prostitution, etc.
- 118072271: Procuring (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072275: Promotion of fornication (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072276: Rental of room for fornication (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072277: Pimping (maintenance)
- 118072278: Pimping (shared accommodation)
- 118072280: Indecent photo/film shooting of a person under 18 (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072291: Harass by request etc. of fornication (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072292: Recruiting/contributing to indecent behavior of persons under 18 years (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072293: Witness indecent behavior of persons under 18 years (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072295: Pornography (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072296: Child pornography (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072297: Breach of injunction (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072298: Injunction issued (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072299: Child pornography, possession of / acquainted with (Repealed in 2013)
- 118072351: Pornographic photo/film shooting of a person under 18 (New from 2013)
- 118072353: Contribution towards pornographic performance of a person under 18 (New from 2013)
- 118072354: Witness pornographic performances of person under 18 years (New from 2013)
- 118072360: Sexual material, photo/film shooting of a person under 18 years
- 118072363: Contrib. to/attending sexual performance of persons under 18 years
- 118072378: Procuring (New from 2013)
- 118072379: Promotion of prostitution (New from 2013)
- 118072380: Rental of room for prostitution (New from 2013)
- 118072382: Fraudulent or other improper promotion of prostitution (New from 2013)
- 118072385: Sexual material and items, sales to persons under 16 years
- 118072386: Disseminates sexual material of a person under the age of 18
- 118072387: Possession of/acquaintance with sexual material of a person under the age of 18
- 118072388: Child sex doll, production/sale/transfer
- 118072389: Child sex doll, possession
- 118072391: Restraining injuction issued according to section 236 of the Criminal Code (New from 2013)
- 118072392: Contravention of restraining injunction under section 236 of the Criminal Code (New from 2013)
1110: Incest, etc.
12: Crimes of violence, total
1210: Violence against public authority
- 121070300: Actual or threatened violence against police officer (New from 2005)
- 121070301: Threats of violence etc. against senior police officier (New from 2005)
- 121070303: Obstructing a police officer in the execution of his/her duty (New from 2005)
- 121070304: Obstructing performance (police officer)
- 121070305: Violence against police officer
- 121070306: Threat against police officer
- 121070307: Violence against anyone engaged in public service or duty
- 121070308: Threat of violence against anyone engaged in public service or duty
- 121070310: Obstructing the performance of public function or office
- 121070311: Violence etc. against anyone engaged in public service or duty etc.
- 121070312: Threats of violence etc. against public authority
- 121070313: Obstruction of public authority
- 121070314: Obstruction of the performance of duties by public authority, aggravating circumstances
- 121070315: Invasion of privacy against anyone engaged in public service or duty
- 121070316: Assault on the police etc. in connection with unlawful assembly/riot
- 121070317: Obstructing the performance of public function or office, aggravating
- 121070319: Attack using objects against someone performing a public function or office
- 1220: Unlawful assembly/disturbance of public order
- 1230: Homicide
- 1240: Attempted homicide
- 1250: Coercive control
- 1252: Common assault
- 1255: Assault causing actual bodily harm
- 1258: Particularly aggravated assault
- 1260: Unprovoked assault
- 1270: Any other kind of intentional trespass to the person
- 1280: Intentional bodily harm
- 1283: Causing death or bodily harm by negligence
1286: Offences against life and limb
- 128673131: Killing by request
- 128673141: Aiding and abetting suicide
- 128673321: Putting in a state of helplessness
- 128673331: Criminal negligence in connection with a birth
- 128673341: Endanger life and limb
- 128673351: Failure to assist a person in mortal danger
- 128673352: Failure to assist a person in an accident
- 128673353: Failure to assist/flight from traffic accident (New from 2008)
- 128673361: Entrusting of weapons or explosives
- 128673371: Failure to assist a pregnant woman (Repealed in 2002)
1289: Offences against personal liberty
- 128974111: Duress
- 128974115: Religious marriage ceremonies etc. under 18 years
- 128974121: Deprivation of liberty
- 128974122: Deprivation of liberty, aggravated
- 128974123: Deprivation af liberty, gross negligence
- 128974131: Deprivation of liberty by negligence
- 128974135: Human trafficking (New from 2014)
- 128974136: Human exploitation
- 1292: Threats
1210: Violence against public authority
13: Offences against property, total
- 1304: Forgery
- 1308: Cheque forgery
- 1312: Arson
1316: Burglary - business and community
- 131675111: Burglary, library
- 131675112: Burglary, kindergarten/nursery/recreation centre
- 131675113: Burglary, school
- 131675114: Burglary, place of worship/museum
- 131675115: Burglary, municipal office/health insurance office
- 131675116: Burglary, post office
- 131675117: Burglary, indoor bath/sports centre
- 131675118: Burglary, institution/nursing home
- 131675119: Burglary, any other public office/building
- 131675120: Burglary, barracks (weapons/ammunition)
- 131675131: Burglary, banker/stockbroker etc.
- 131675132: Burglary, cinema/theatre
- 131675133: Burglary, camping site/hostel
- 131675134: Burglary, service station/car dealer
- 131675135: Burglary, private institution
- 131675136: Burglary, residents clubs
- 131675139: Burglary, any other private office
- 131675140: Burglary, function rooms
- 131675141: Burglary, bank
- 131675150: Burglary, sports shop
- 131675151: Burglary, clothes/leather/shoe shop
- 131675152: Burglary, kiosk/tobacconists/wine shop
- 131675153: Burglary, grocery/supermarket/dairy
- 131675154: Burglary, radio/camera shop
- 131675155: Burglary, watchmaker/jeweller
- 131675156: Burglary, cafeteria/restaurant
- 131675157: Burglary, hotel/motel
- 131675158: Burglary, computer store
- 131675159: Burglary, opticians
- 131675169: Burglary, any other shop
- 131675170: Burglary, weapons arsenal/arms factory/shop selling firearms
- 131675171: Burglary, factory
- 131675172: Burglary, warehouse etc.
- 131675173: Burglary, workshop
- 131675174: Burglary, timber yard/DIY centre
- 131675175: Burglary, IT company
- 131675179: Burglary, any other company
- 131675181: Burglary, pharmacy
- 131675182: Burglary, hospital
- 131675183: Burglary, medical centre etc.
- 131675184: Burglary, any other kind
- 131675191: Robbing safe using cutting burner
- 131675192: Robbing safe using explosives
- 131675193: Robbing safe using angle grinder
- 131675194: Robbing a safe
- 1320: Residential burglaries
1324: Burglary (uninhabited buildings)
- 132475214: Burglary, ship/vessel (permanently manned)
- 132475215: Burglary, newly-built/model house
- 132475216: Burglary, ship/vessel (pleasure boats)
- 132475311: Burglary, holiday house
- 132475312: Burglary, garage/outhouse
- 132475313: Burglary, basement/loft/boxroom
- 132475314: Burglary, caravan
- 132475315: Burglary, allotment garden house
- 132475331: Burglary, workmens shed/mobile site hut
- 132475332: Burglary, icecream booth/hot-dog stand
- 1328: Theft from conveyances
1332: Shoplifting, etc.
- 133275531: Theft from a vending machine in coin laundry, etc.
- 133275532: Theft from automatic petrol station
- 133275533: Theft from a stamp vending machine
- 133275534: Theft from vending machine
- 133275535: Theft from coin-box telephone
- 133275536: Theft from parking meter
- 133275537: Theft from slot machine
- 133275560: Shoplifting from other types of shops
- 133275561: Shoplifting, clothes/leather/shoes
- 133275562: Shoplifting, kiosk/tobacconist/wine shop
- 133275563: Shoplifting, grocery/supermarket/dairy
- 133275564: Shoplifting, radio/camera shop
- 133275565: Shoplifting, watchmaker/jeweller
- 133275566: Shoplifting, coin laundry
- 133275570: Shoplifting, theft by trick
- 133275571: Smash-and-grab raid, radio/camera shop
- 133275572: Smash-and-grab raid, watchmaker/jeweller
- 133275579: Smash-and-grab raid, radio/camera shop
1336: Other kinds of theft
- 133675432: Theft of baby carriage / ??stroller
- 133675551: Theft from a cafeteria / restaurant
- 133675552: Theft from hotel / motel
- 133675553: Theft from cash register
- 133675567: Theft from exhibition
- 133675568: Theft from coin laundry
- 133675569: Theft from other types of shops
- 133675574: Theft, trick theft on the street (New from 2013)
- 133675580: Theft, trick theft in residence
- 133675581: Theft from camping site
- 133675582: Theft from wardrobe
- 133675583: Theft from school / afterschool-centre etc.
- 133675584: Theft from flat/room/block of flats
- 133675585: Theft from a villa / farmhouse
- 133675586: Theft from a basement etc.
- 133675587: Theft from indoor bath/sports centre/locker room
- 133675588: Theft from showcase
- 133675589: Theft from hospital / nursing home
- 133675590: Theft from holiday house
- 133675591: Theft from institution
- 133675592: Theft from office
- 133675593: Theft from military barracks
- 133675594: Theft from construction site
- 133675595: Theft from night safe
- 133675596: Theft from barracks (weapons/ammunition)
- 133675597: Theft from ATM
- 133675598: Theft from garage/outhouse
- 133675599: Theft from other places
- 133675601: Theft of crops (cereals etc.)
- 133675602: Theft of petrol/oil
- 133675603: Theft of electricity/gas
- 133675604: Theft of shipment
- 133675605: Theft of livestock
- 133675606: Theft of license plates
- 133675607: Theft from pocket/bag/luggage
- 133675608: Theft of bag/luggage
- 133675609: Theft on train/ship/plane/bus
- 133675611: Theft at airports
- 133675612: Theft in connection with prostitution
- 133675613: Theft at railway stations
- 133675614: Theft of drugs
- 133675615: Theft from employer
- 133675616: Theft in connection with violence
- 133675619: Any other kind of theft
- 133675621: Theft of weapons
- 133675622: Theft of fishing gear/nets etc.
- 133675623: Theft of metals (scrap / parings / burning)
1339: Theft of/taking vehicle without the owners consent (TWOC)
- 133975411: Theft of registered vehicle
- 133975441: Theft of unregistered vehicle
- 133977271: Theft of registered cars (TWOC)
- 133977272: Theft of registered truck / van (TWOC)
- 133977273: Theft of registered motorbike / scooter (TWOC)
- 133977274: Theft of rental vehicle (TWOC)
- 133977275: Theft of unregistered cars (TWOC)
- 133977276: Theft of unregistered truck / van (TWOC)
- 133977277: Theft of unregistered motorbike / scooter (TWOC)
- 133977281: Theft of registered cars (TWOC)
- 133977282: Theft of registered truck / van (TWOC)
- 133977283: Theft of registered motorbike / scooter (TWOC)
- 133977284: Theft of rental vehicle (TWOC)
- 133977285: Theft of unregistered cars (TWOC)
- 133977286: Theft of unregistered truck / van (TWOC)
- 133977287: Theft of unregistered motorbike / scooter (TWOC)
- 1342: Theft of/taking moped without the owners consent (TWOC)
- 1345: Theft of/taking bicycle without the owners consent (TWOC)
- 1348: Theft of/taking other objects without the owners consent (TWOC)
- 1351: Theft by finding
- 1354: Embezzlement
1357: Fraud
- 135776141: Fraud
- 135776144: Benefit fraud
- 135776145: Fraud, Dankort payment card, overdraft own account
- 135776146: Fraud, any other charge cards, own account
- 135776147: Fraud, any other charge cards, stolen
- 135776148: Fraud, unemployment fund
- 135776149: Fraud, stolen Dankort payment card
- 135776151: Computer fraud
- 135776155: Fraud ¿ payment card
- 135776156: Fraud ¿ stolen payment cards
- 135776404: Benefit fraud
- 135776405: Fraud, unemployment fund
- 135776406: Any other tax or subsidy legislation fraud - gross
- 135776407: Any other tax or subsidy legislation fraud
- 1360: Fraud by cheque
- 1363: Fraudulent abuse of position
- 1366: Blackmail and usury
- 1372: Fraud against creditors
1376: Handling stolen goods
- 137676241: Handling stolen goods
- 137676242: Handling stolen goods on arms / ammunition
- 137676601: Handling stolen goods
- 137676602: Handling stolen goods, aggravated / business
- 137676621: Handling stolen goods on arms / ammunition
- 137676622: Handling stolen goods on arms / ammunition, aggravated
- 137676631: Money laundering
- 137676633: Money laundering, serious/commercial
1380: Robbery
- 138076311: Robbery against bank
- 138076312: Robbery against public office
- 138076313: Robbery against enterprise
- 138076314: Robbery against service station
- 138076315: Robbery against funds and securities
- 138076316: Roberry, night safe wallet
- 138076317: Robbing person in his/her home (New from 2008)
- 138076319: Robbing other persons
- 138076321: Aggravated robbery against bank
- 138076322: Aggravated robbery against public office
- 138076323: Aggravated robbery against enterprise
- 138076324: Aggravated robbery against service station
- 138076325: Aggravated robbery against transport of funds and securities
- 138076326: Aggravated robbery against night safe wallet
- 138076327: Aggravated robbery from person in his/her home (New from 2008)
- 138076329: Aggravated robbery from other persons
- 1384: Aggravated tax evasion etc.
1390: Malicious damage to property
- 139077111: Malicious damage to property
- 139077112: Malicious damage to property, serious
- 139077113: Malicious damage to property caused by gross negligence
- 139077114: Malicious damage to property, grafitti
- 139077115: Malicious damage to property, serious, grafitti
- 139077116: Malicious damage to property, aggravating circumstances
- 139077117: Malicious damage to property, serious (aggravating circumstances)
- 139077118: Malicious damage to property, grafitti (aggravating circumstances)
- 139077119: Malicious damage to property, serious, grafitti (aggravating circumstances)
- 139077121: Malicious damage to property regarding computer material
- 1394: Receiving stolen goods by negligence
1398: Offence against and infringement of property
- 139877141: Destruction of own property
- 139877512: Obstruction of the right of others
- 139877611: Illegal vigilantism
- 139877612: Illegal damming
- 139877621: Deceit not constituting fraud
- 139877622: Deceit not constituting fraud (aggravating circumstances)
- 139877624: Deceit by neglicence (not fraud)
- 139877625: Deceit by neglicence (not fraud)
- 139877631: Incorrect information about the finances of an enterprise
- 139877641: Obtaining credit dishonestly
- 139877643: Illegal spending of prepaid consideration
- 139877645: Removal without paying
- 139877647: Gatecrashing
- 139877651: Secret commission/Kickbacks
- 139877655: Trade secrets offence, aggravating circumstances
- 139877656: The Marketing Practices Act, aggravating circumstances
- 139877657: Infringement of copyright, aggravating circumstances
- 139877658: Piracy, particularly aggravating circumstances
- 139877659: Cartel agreement, particularly aggravating circumstances
- 139877660: Insider trading/market manipulation, aggravating circumstances
- 139877661: Illegal deterioration of assets and liabilities
- 139877671: Exploiting the mistake of others
- 139877675: Exploiting the financial difficulties of others
- 139877681: Subsequently usury
- 139877685: Means of payment/payment card, unauthorised use, disclosure
- 139877686: Password to information system, unauthorised access/disclosure
- 139877691: Irregularities in the accounting records
- 139877697: Illegal voting concerning financial matters
- 139877698: Bribing an arbitrator
14: Other offences, total
1410: Offences against public authority, etc.
- 141070086: Professional secrecy, cf. section 79 a of the Danish Criminal Code, breach
- 141070095: Duty of confidentiality cf. section 79 b of the Danish Criminal Code, breach
- 141070097: Duty of confidentiality cf. section 79 c of the Danish Criminal Code, breach
- 141070111: High treason
- 141070115: Instigation of war
- 141070121: Public statements causing danger
- 141070125: Fifth Column activities
- 141070126: Participation in armed conflict
- 141070127: Enlistment into armed conflict
- 141070131: Assistance to the enemy in wartime
- 141070141: Breach of contract during war
- 141070151: Commercial collaboration with the enemy
- 141070161: Improper relations with occupying power
- 141070163: Diplomatic treason
- 141070165: Espionage
- 141070171: Assisting foreign intelligence
- 141070173: Disclosure of secret negotiations
- 141070175: Falsification of documents of national importance
- 141070181: Public description of military installations
- 141070185: Violation of the nations neutrality
- 141070187: Violation of restraining injunction intended to safeguard the nation
- 141070191: Offence against foreign head of state
- 141070194: Public insult to foreign nation
- 141070195: Improper treatment of religious writings or similar
- 141070211: Rebellion
- 141070221: Crime against the Danish monarch
- 141070231: Force against the Danish Parliament
- 141070241: Illegal corps activity
- 141070242: Terrorism
- 141070243: Terrorism, financial support for
- 141070244: Incitement to terrorism
- 141070245: Social order, disturbance/finanial support for disturbance of
- 141070246: Member of an illegal army
- 141070247: Weapons of mass destruction, the spread of
- 141070248: Terrorism / receive financial support
- 141070249: Illegal entry / stay in conflict area
- 141070251: Any other crime against the Danish royal family
- 141070261: Obstructing election for Parliament etc.
- 141070271: Unlawful participation in parliamentary elections
- 141070280: Crime of aggression
- 141070281: Coercion against public authority etc.
- 141070282: Genocide
- 141070283: Crimes against humanity
- 141070284: War crimes against persons
- 141070285: War crimes against property
- 141070286: War crimes against humanitarian relief operations
- 141070287: War crimes, prohibited methods of warfare
- 141070288: War crimes, prohibited means of warfare
- 141070289: Manager accountability for breach of sections 118 c-i of the Danish Criminal Code
- 141070290: Torture, public function/office
- 141070291: Council of Europe Convention on the prevention of terrorism
- 141070292: Terrorism, financial support for
- 141070293: Solicitation of persons to commit terrorist offences
- 141070294: Provision of training for terrorist offences
- 141070295: Incitement to terrorism
- 141070296: Social order, disturbance/finanial support for disturbance of
- 141070297: Member of an illegal army
- 141070298: Weapons of mass destruction, the spread of
- 141070318: Insult to police officer
- 141070321: Insult to public authority
- 141070322: Bribery of public authority
- 141070331: Aiding and abetting to abscond
- 141070332: Illegitimate relations with prisoners etc.
- 141070335: Prisoner, escaped
- 141070336: Aiding and abetting to abscond
- 141070337: Illegitimate relations with prisoners etc.
- 141070338: Detained, illegal possession of mobile phone etc.
- 141070339: Visitor, illegal carrier of mobile phone etc.
- 141070340: Custody, illegal possession of mobile phone etc.
- 141070341: Obstructing prosecution/enforcement
- 141070342: Location ban cf. section 79 a of the Danish Criminal code, violation of
- 141070343: Location ban cf. section 79 b of the Danish Criminal code, violation of
- 141070344: Contact ban cf. section 79 b of the Danish Criminal code, violation of
- 141070345: Human trafficing, aggravating circumstance
- 141070346: Contact ban, cf. section 79 a of the Danish Criminal code, breach
- 141070347: Location ban cf. section 79 c of the Danish Criminal Code, breach
- 141070348: Travel ban, cf. section 79 e of the Danish Criminal code, breach
- 141070351: Destruction of public seal / mark
- 141070352: Destruction of public notice
- 141070361: Evasion of military service
- 141070365: Illegal recruitment
- 141070371: Disclose confidential negotiations, etc.
- 141070375: Publication of untrue minutes of a meeting
- 141070376: Being in possession of/using the mark of a prohibited association or society
- 141070379: Location ban offence, infringement of (prohibited association or society)
- 141070380: Non-compliance with injunction ¿ participation in assembly (prohibited association or society)
- 141070381: Unjustified exercise of public authority
- 141070385: Purport to be vested with public authority
- 141070386: Carries on activities without public authorisation/despite disqualification
- 141070387: Involved in activities from which one has been disqualified by the court
- 141070391: (Unauthorised use of official garments, badges, insignia etc.)
- 141070397: Involved in a prohibited association or society
- 141070415: Fail to comply with a lawful dispersal order
- 141070423: Improper use of emergency signal etc.
- 141070425: Public incitement to crime
- 141070428: approval of crime in connection with religious education
- 141070431: attempt to prevent a lawful public assembly
- 141070432: Disruption of the Danish Parliament, meetings and similar
- 141070441: Dangerous intoxication
- 141070451: Desecration of a grave
- 141070452: Inappropriate behaviour towards the church
- 141070461: Insulting religious community in public
- 141070463: Neglecting to prevent crime
- 141070471: Failure to provide assistance to public authority
- 141070475: Withholding information about a persons innocence
1415: Offences by public servants
- 141570511: Reception of bribe by public authority
- 141570515: Illegal collection of tax, etc.
- 141570521: Abuse of judicial power
- 141570524: Illegal enforcement of criminal authority
- 141570527: Illegal litigation
- 141570531: Obstructing enforcement of a sentence
- 141570541: Abuse of public office
- 141570551: Inciting subordinate to commit an offence
- 141570561: Undue disclosure of confidential information
- 141570562: Confidentiality breach
- 141570571: Destruction of mail, etc.
- 141570581: Public authorities criminal offences
- 141570585: Any other abuse of public position/office
- 141570591: Misconduct in performance of public function or office
- 141570595: Negligence in public function or office
- 1420: Perjury
1425: Any other kind of false statement
- 142570641: False statement by solemn declaration
- 142570651: Untruthful statement/relationsship of obligation
- 142570661: Any other untruthful written statement
- 142570671: False accusation/distortion of evidence
- 142570672: Detained information about a persons innocence
- 142570681: False accusation/complaint
1430: Offences concerning money and evidence
- 143070711: Counterfeiting money
- 143070721: Putting counterfeit money into circulation
- 143070731: Putting presumed counterfeit money into circulation
- 143070741: Introducing money-like items
- 143070745: Counterfeiting money electronically
- 143070751: Illegal preparation of means of payment
- 143070821: Forgery
- 143070831: Forgery/unauthorised use of genuine document
- 143070841: Insertion of false matter in a genuine document
- 143070851: Forged or counterfeit stamp/symbol etc.
- 143070861: Forged or counterfeit documentary stamp/postage stamp etc.
- 143070871: Elimination of documentary evidence
- 143070881: False boundary posts etc.
- 1435: Trafficking of drugs, etc.
- 1440: Smuggling etc. of drugs
1445: General public offences etc.
- 144571211: Harming other people by explosion, spreading of injuring gases, etc.
- 144571212: Causing imminent danger to other people by explosion, spreading of injuring gases, etc.
- 144571213: Explosion, spreading of injuring gases, etc., by neglience
- 144571221: Hijacking of aircraft / ship, etc.
- 144571224: Interfering with public transport means
- 144571231: Failed to avert fire and similar
- 144571241: Poisoning of drinking water
- 144571244: Suppressing information/distributing items endangering human health
- 144571251: Distributing items endangering human health
- 144571261: Illegal distribution of medicines
- 144571271: Endangered the health of animals
- 144571288: Recruitment of children and young people for criminal offences
- 144571289: Firearms, exceptionally aggravating, public place
- 144571290: Firearms, exceptionally aggravating, non-public place
- 144571291: Causing danger of epidemic
- 144571292: Weapons and explosives of a particularly dangerous nature
- 144571293: Radioactive substances, possession / use of
- 144571294: Weapons and explosives, under highly aggravating circumstances
- 144571295: Weapons and explosives, particularly dangerous
- 144571296: Firearms, exceptionally aggravating circumstances
- 144571297: Other highly dangerous weapons or explosives, highly aggravating circumstances
- 144571298: Other weapons or explosives, highly aggravating circumstances
- 144571311: Interfering with the operation of public infrastructure
- 144571321: Destruction of public memorials and the like
- 144571331: Sale of adulterated or counterfeit foods
- 144571341: Environment, pollution with significant damage
- 144571351: Trade in wildlife, exceptionally aggravating
1450: Illegal trade, etc.
- 145071411: Begging despite being cautioned
- 145071412: Begging, warning served (injunction)
- 145071421: Vagrancy
- 145071431: Illegal trade
- 145071441: Harmful business practices, speculation
- 145071451: Gambling / betting
- 145071461: Gambling in a public place
- 145071471: Fraudulent prompting to emigration
- 1455: Family relation offences
1460: Involuntary manslaughter etc. in connection with traffic accident
- 146073152: Involuntary manslaughter in connection with traffic accident
- 146073312: Causing bodily harm by negligence in connection with road traffic accident
- 146073314: Causing serious bodily harm by negligence in connection with road traffic accident
- 146073316: Causing grievous bodily harm by negligence in connection with road traffic accident
- 1475: Non-molestation order (Repealed on 2012)
1485: Invasion of privacy and defamation
- 148574201: Data system, unauthorised access to
- 148574202: Secrecy of correspondence, breach of
- 148574203: Unlawful interception of communications
- 148574204: Wrongful access to trade secrets
- 148574205: Means of access to data system, unauthorised sale/distribution
- 148574206: Means of access to data system, unauthorised sharing with many
- 148574207: Means of access to data system, unauthorised sale/disclosure, critical to society
- 148574208: Means of access to data system, unauthorised sale/disclosure, personal data
- 148574209: Means of access to data system, unauthorised sale/disclosure, user accounts
- 148574211: Breach of the secrecy of correspondence
- 148574212: Unauthorised access to private rooms of other persons
- 148574213: Unlawful interception of communications
- 148574215: Unauthorised access to computer data
- 148574216: Wrongful access to business secrets
- 148574217: Password to information system, wrongful use of
- 148574221: Invasion of the privacy of someones house
- 148574225: Industrial espionage
- 148574231: Taking photograps of persons without their permission
- 148574241: Invasion of privacy
- 148574242: Unauthorised registration of movements
- 148574251: Use of information deriving from invasion of privacy
- 148574255: Wrongful disclosure of communications or photographs
- 148574257: Misused identity
- 148574274: Hate speech
- 148574277: Persecution by repeated accusations
- 148574281: Defamation
- 148574282: Defamation (New from 2019)
- 148574283: Defamation of dead persons
- 148574285: Allegation ¿ false
- 148574286: Allegations via mass media
- 148574291: Slander
- 148574293: Insults
- 148574297: Defamatory statement against dead person
1410: Offences against public authority, etc.
11: Sexual offenses, total
2: The Road Traffic Act, total
21: Traffic accident, unspecified
2110: Traffic accident, unspecified
- 211080100: Road traffic accident (RTA)
- 211080111: RTA. Bodily injury and minor material damage
- 211080112: RTA. Minor material damage, no bodily injury
- 211080113: RTA. Bodily injury and significant material damage
- 211080114: RTA. Significant material damage, no bodily injury
- 211080115: RTA. Bodily injury, no material damage
2110: Traffic accident, unspecified
22: The Road Traffic Act, alcohol
2210: Road traffic accident involving alcohol
- 221080116: RTA. Drunken driving, bodily injury
- 221080117: RTA. Drunken driving, no bodily injury
- 221080119: RTA. Motorised vehicle, euphoriants, bodily injury
- 221080121: RTA. Driver with high alcohol blood level, bodily injury
- 221080122: RTA. Drunken driving, unfit to drive, bodily injury
- 221080123: RTA. Driver, drunken driving, bodily injury
- 221080124: RTA. Driver, medicines etc., bodily injury
- 221080125: RTA. Moped rider under the influence of alcohol, bodily injury
- 221080126: RTA. Moped rider, medicines etc., bodily injury
- 221080127: RTA. Cyclist etc. under the influence of alcohol, bodily injury
- 221080128: RTA. Cyclist etc., medicines etc., bodily injury
- 221080129: RTA. Driver, medicines etc., bodily injury
- 221080131: RTA. Driver with high blood alcohol level, no bodily injury
- 221080132: RTA. Drunken driving, unfit to drive, no bodily injury
- 221080133: RTA. Driver, drunken driving, no bodily injury
- 221080134: RTA. Driver, medicines etc., no bodily injury
- 221080135: RTA. Moped rider under the influence of alcohol, no bodily injury
- 221080136: RTA. Moped rider, medicines etc., no bodily injury
- 221080137: RTA. Cyclist etc. under the influence of alcohol, no bodily injury
- 221080138: RTA. Cyclist, medicines etc., no bodily injury
- 221080139: RTA. Moped rider, medicines etc., bodily injury
- 221080140: RTA. Cyclist etc. under the influence of alcohol, bodily injury
- 221080141: RTA. Moped rider with high blood alcohol level, bodily injury
- 221080142: RTA. Cyclist etc., medicines etc., bodily injury
- 221080143: RTA. Moped rider, drunken driving, bodily injury
- 221080144: RTA. Driver, medicines etc., no bodily injury
- 221080145: RTA. Moped rider, medicines etc., no bodily injury
- 221080146: RTA. Cyclist etc. under the influence of alcohol, no bodily injury
- 221080147: RTA. Cyclist, medicines etc., no bodily injury
- 221080148: RTA. Motorised vehicle, euphoriants, no bodily injury
- 221080151: RTA. Driver with blood alcohol level below 0,81, bodily injury
- 221080152: RTA. Moped rider with blood alcohol level below 0.81, bodily injury
- 221080171: RTA. Moped rider with high blood alcohol level, no bodily injury
- 221080173: RTA. Moped rider, drunken driving, no bodily injury
- 221080181: RTA. Driver with blood alcohol level below 0,81, no bodily injury
- 221080182: RTA. Moped rider with blood alcohol level below 0,81, no bodily injury
2220: Drunken driving
- 222080120: RTA. Drunken driving, bodily injury
- 222080130: RTA. Drunken driving, no bodily injury
- 222080200: Drunken driving
- 222080201: Drunken driving
- 222080210: Alcohol, driver with high blood alcohol level
- 222080220: Drunken driving, unfit to drive
- 222080230: Alcohol, driver, drunken driving
- 222080233: Alcohol, driver with blood alcohol level below 0.81
- 222080239: Driver of motor vehicle, euphoriants
- 222080240: Driver, medicines etc.
- 222080241: Driver, medicines etc.
- 222080242: Motorised vehicle, euphoriants, no prescription
- 222080243: Motorised vehicle, euphoriants on prescription
- 222080244: Driver of motor vehicle, euphoriants, no prescription
- 222080245: Driver of motor vehicle, euphoriants on prescription
- 222080246: THC (points offence), no prescription, motorised vehicle, except small moped
- 222080247: THC (points offence), on prescription, motorised vehicle, except small moped
- 222080249: Alcohol, moped rider with high blood alcohol level
- 222080250: Alcohol, moped rider under the influence of alcohol
- 222080251: Alcohol, moped rider, drunken driving
- 222080253: Alcohol, moped rider with blood alcohol level below 0.81
- 222080260: Moped rider, medicines etc.
- 222080261: Moped rider, medicines etc.
- 222080270: Cyclist etc., under the influence of alcohol
- 222080271: Cyclist etc., under the influence of alcohol
- 222080280: Cyclist etc., medicines etc.
- 222080281: Cyclist etc., medicines etc.
- 222082000: Unspecified drunken driving
2210: Road traffic accident involving alcohol
24: Vehicle defects
2410: Vehicle defects
- 241081445: Small moped, not legal, 40-42 km / h
- 241081446: Small moped, not legal, 43 km / h or more
- 241081447: Large moped, not legal, 60-63 km / h
- 241081448: Large moped, not legal, 64 km / h or more
- 241081449: Moped, not legal, construction changes/increased top speed
- 241081450: Vehicle defects, Executive order on the Design of Technical Equipment
- 241081452: Errors and omissions, safety-critical on lorries and buses
- 241081455: Antipollution equipment, manipulation of, owner¿s responsibility for vehicles
- 241081456: Antipollution equipment, manipulation of, driver¿s responsibility for vehicles
- 241081457: Noise from constructive changes, owner responsibility
- 241081458: Noise from constructive changes, driver responsibility
2410: Vehicle defects
26: The Road Traffic Act in other respects
2610: Any other Road Traffic Act offences
- 261081010: Driving without due care and attention
- 261081020: Instructions, failure to comply with
- 261081021: Traffic light signals, driving through a red/yellow light
- 261081022: Speeding, traffic sign
- 261081023: Automatic traffic control, speeding, traffic sign
- 261081024: Automatic traffic control, speeding, traffic sign
- 261081025: Automatic traffic control, speeding, traffic sign
- 261081026: Automatic traffic control, speeding, traffic sign (penalty points)
- 261081027: Automatic traffic control, speeding, traffic sign
- 261081028: Automatic traffic control, speeding, traffic sign
- 261081029: Automatic traffic control, speeding, traffic sign
- 261081030: Automatic traffic control, traffic light, driving through a red light (penalty points)
- 261081032: Red light, driving through a (penalty points)
- 261081033: The direction of travel, driving against (penalty points)
- 261081034: Prohibitory lines, crossing in connection with overtaking (penalty points)
- 261081035: Emergency lane, driving in (penalty points)
- 261081036: Overtaking, traffic sign/marking (penalty points)
- 261081037: Give way, traffic sign/marking (penalty points)
- 261081038: Speed, traffic sign (penalty points)
- 261081039: Railway crossing, passing through (penalty points)
- 261081040: Emergency driving
- 261081050: RTA. Duty of care not observed
- 261081051: Duty of care in relation to road traffic accidents, fail to stop
- 261081052: Duties in road traffic accident (fails to provide assistance)
- 261081053: Duties in road traffic accident
- 261081060: Position on the road
- 261081061: Distance to the vehicle in front too short (penalty points)
- 261081062: Traffic island etc., bypassing on the left (penalty points)
- 261081080: Turning etc.
- 261081085: Turning etc. in a way causing hazard to/unnecessarily holding up the traffic (penalty points)
- 261081090: Turning, reversing, changing lanes etc.
- 261081091: Turning or reversing in way causing hazard to/unnecessarily holding up the traffic (penalty points)
- 261081092: Changing lanes, starting, positioning, stopping in a way causing hazard to/holding up the traffic (penalty points)
- 261081110: Driving in bus lanes etc.
- 261081120: Other vehicles, driving when meeting
- 261081130: Overtaking, reckless driving at the time of
- 261081131: Overtaking, driving in the course of (penalty points)
- 261081135: Overtaking, increased speed (penalty points)
- 261081140: Changing lanes, prohibition against (penalty points)
- 261081150: No overtaking
- 261081152: Overtaking, prohibition against (penalty points)
- 261081155: Overtaking near pedestrian crossing (penalty points)
- 261081170: Offence against duty to give way
- 261081171: Absolute give way, marking (penalty points)
- 261081172: Absolute give way, exit point (penalty points)
- 261081173: Priority to the right (penalty points)
- 261081174: Turning, not made without holding up traffic (penalty points)
- 261081190: Pedestrians, obligations to
- 261081210: Stopping and parking
- 261081220: Signalling
- 261081230: Use of lights, lack of marking
- 261081250: Bicycle- and motor race
- 261081251: Motor racing
- 261081252: Motor racing (penalty points)
- 261081260: Disturbing/disruptive driving
- 261081261: Undue noise
- 261081262: Unduly evolves smoke and gas
- 261081263: Disturbing/disruptive driving
- 261081265: Speeding section 41
- 261081270: Speeding sections 42-43a
- 261081271: Automatic traffic control speeding
- 261081272: Automatic traffic control speeding
- 261081273: Automatic traffic control speeding
- 261081274: Automatic traffic control, speeding (penalty points)
- 261081275: Automatic traffic control, speeding
- 261081276: Automatic traffic control, speeding
- 261081277: Automatic traffic control, speeding
- 261081278: Speed, general (penalty points)
- 261081279: Speed, vehicle-specific (penalty points)
- 261081290: Motorway etc., driving on
- 261081330: Cyclists, special rules for
- 261081338: 3-wheel moped, passenger under 5 years old not wearing seat belt (penalty points)
- 261081340: Moped riding, special rules for
- 261081341: Small moped, riding without having acquired a licence
- 261081342: Driving licence for small moped, not brought or produced
- 261081343: Driving licence for moped/tractor not brought or produced for riding a small moped
- 261081370: Motorcycle riding, special rules for
- 261081372: Two-wheel motorcycle, passenger under 135 cm (penalty points)
- 261081373: Three-wheel/sidecar mounted motorcycle, passenger under 5 years not wearing a seat belt (penalty points)
- 261081390: Drunken driving, failure to prevent
- 261081391: Drunken driving, failure to prevent
- 261081393: Mobile phone etc., use of
- 261081394: Mobile phone etc., use of (penalty points)
- 261081395: Mobile phone etc., use of
- 261081396: Automatic traffic control ¿ Mobile phone etc., use of (penalty points)
- 261081397: Automatic traffic control, mobile phone, use of handheld
- 261081402: Drivers education, breach of rules on (Order on Driving Licences)
- 261081405: Large moped, driving without a driving licence
- 261081407: Tractor/motorised equipment, driving without a licence
- 261081408: Large moped, driving without a driving licence
- 261081409: Motor vehicle, driving without a driving licence
- 261081410: Driving licence not brought (motor vehicle/large moped)
- 261081411: Driving licence, driving despite refusal
- 261081412: Driving without a licence for the category concerned
- 261081415: Occupational driving licence, driving without
- 261081416: Bus, driving without a licence
- 261081417: Foreign driving licence, exchange of licence denied
- 261081420: Driving licence, confiscation for medical reasons
- 261081421: Driving licence, confiscation due to insobriety
- 261081422: Driving licence, confiscation due to euphoriants
- 261081423: Driving licence, confiscation due to inadequate driving skills
- 261081424: Foreign driving licence, confiscation of
- 261081425: Driving licence, confiscation, failed to show up for control test
- 261081426: Driving licence denied, medical condition, insobriety, euphoriants
- 261081427: Occupational driving licence denied, criminal offences
- 261081428: Alcolock programme
- 261081429: Driving licence, disqual., no course in tachograph driving/resting time or cargo securing/overload
- 261081430: Driving practice
- 261081435: Driver without the company of an experienced driver
- 261081436: Companion, rules concerning
- 261081437: Driver (companion demands) not fulfilled duty to provide information / responsibility
- 261081440: Duty of disclosure etc. not met
- 261081451: Speed-limiting device, change/lack of
- 261081460: Small motorised vehicles etc., special rules for (electric scooters etc.)
- 261081490: Connection and towing
- 261081510: No registration
- 261081520: In breach of the vehicle registration order
- 261081522: Automatic traffic control, vehicle registration order (no licence plate)
- 261081550: Illegal driving in foreign vehicle
- 261081555: MOT test, failed to comply with summons to attend
- 261081560: Seat belt, not using
- 261081562: Automatic traffic control, seat belt, not wearing
- 261081563: Transporting a child in rear-facing infant seat in front passenger seat with active airbag
- 261081564: Allowed themselves to be transported despite the lack of seats
- 261081565: Safety equipment, below the age of 15 (penalty points)
- 261081566: Transporting a child without special safety equipment (penalty points)
- 261081567: Transporting a child, any other offence in relation to (penalty points)
- 261081568: Transporting children beyond the number of seats (penalty points)
- 261081569: Transporting children (penalty points)
- 261081570: Safety helmet, not wearing
- 261081572: Safety equipment, below the age of 14 (penalty points)
- 261081573: Transporting a child under 14 in the front seat (penalty points)
- 261081574: Safety helmet, 5-14 years not wearing a seat belt (penalty points)
- 261081575: Safety helmed, 8-14 years (penalty points)
- 261081576: Safety helmet, 5-13 years not wearing a seat belt (penalty points)
- 261081580: Vehicle loading condition
- 261081581: Dangerous goods, national and international transport
- 261081590: Vehicle dimensions
- 261081610: Overload, including the Executive Order on weight and axle load
- 261081611: Overload, total weight
- 261081612: Overload, axle load
- 261081630: Flatbed truck driving
- 261081631: Driving and rest periods
- 261081640: Pollution of road etc.
- 261081650: Animal on the road, etc.
- 261081670: Insurance, no policy
- 261081683: Driving heavy-duty vehicle while disqualified (disqualified from driving heavy-duty vehicles)
- 261081684: Driving heavy-duty vehicle while disqualified (from driving cars and heavy-duty vehicles)
- 261081685: Period of disqualification - driving (motor vehicle / large moped)
- 261081686: Period of disqualification, driving (small moped) in
- 261081690: Period of disqualification, driving during
- 261081810: Confiscation of motor vehicle
- 261081811: Confiscation of large or small moped
- 261081880: Actions abroad
- 261081990: Violated other regulations of the Road Traffic Act
- 261081999: Confiscation of moped parts
2610: Any other Road Traffic Act offences
21: Traffic accident, unspecified
3: Special acts, total
- 32: Euphoriants Act
34: The Offensive Weapons Act
3410: The Offensive Weapons Act
- 341084170: The Weapons and Explosives Act
- 341084171: The Offensive Weapons Act, firearms
- 341084172: The Offensive Weapons Act, knife in a public place
- 341084173: The Offensive Weapons Act, any other knife offence
- 341084174: The Offensive Weapons Act, any other offence
- 341084180: The Knife Act, knife in a place open to the public (Section 1)
- 341084181: The Knife Act, any other offence
3410: The Offensive Weapons Act
36: Tax legislation and fiscal acts
3610: Tax legislation and fiscal acts, etc.
- 361085110: Tax at Source Act
- 361085130: Tax Control Act
- 361085140: Breached the act on registration
- 361085145: In breach of the order on registration
- 361085146: Lacking business name and CVR no., regulation on registration
- 361085147: Automatic traffic control - order on registration, missing number plate
- 361085150: Act on General Sales Tax
- 361085160: Control of precious metals
- 361085170: Fiscal acts on excise duties on beverages, tobacco, petrol
- 361085190: The Registration Fee Act
- 361085210: Vehicle Excise Duty Act
- 361085220: Tax on Casino Games Act
- 361085230: Act on Stamp Duty
- 361085250: The Customs Act
- 361085251: The Customs Act - aggravating circumstances
- 361085260: EC market regulations
- 361085270: Legislation on prices and profits
- 361085990: Other tax laws, etc.
3610: Tax legislation and fiscal acts, etc.
38: Any other special acts
3810: Other special acts in criminal law
- 381083980: Fire investigations
- 381084120: The Administration of Justice Act
- 381084121: Recording / transmit pictures, sounds and text
- 381084125: Discrimination based on race, non-discrimination act
- 381084129: The Administration of Justice Act, refusing to state name
- 381084130: The Aliens Act in other respects, regarding criminal liability
- 381084131: Asylum-seeker returned to another country
- 381084132: Any other alien returned to another country
- 381084133: Asylum-seeker not returned to another country
- 381084134: Any other alien not returned to another country
- 381084135: The Aliens Act, unlawful stay/work
- 381084136: The Aliens Act, entering the country by false information
- 381084137: The Aliens Act, unlawful work/employers
- 381084138: Asylum-seeker in Denmark, returned from other country
- 381084139: Any other alien returned from another country
- 381084140: The Aliens Act, entry into the country by false information
- 381084141: The Aliens Act, breach of issued entry prohibition
- 381084142: The Aliens Act, unlawful stay
- 381084143: Aliens Act, trafficking
- 381084144: The Aliens Act, assisting in unlawful entry/stay
- 381084145: The Aliens Act, transporters responsibility
- 381084146: The Aliens Act, breach of issued entry prohibition
- 381084147: The Aliens Act, expelled from another Nordic country
- 381084148: The Aliens Act, entry probibition issued
- 381084149: Failure to comply with requirement to report to public authority cf. the Aliens Act
- 381084150: Passport Act (Repealed in 2015)
- 381084151: The Aliens Act, assisting in unlawful entry
- 381084152: The Aliens Act, assisting in unlawful stay
- 381084153: The Aliens Act, assisting in unlawful employment
- 381084154: Failure to comply with duty to provide information cf. the Aliens Act
- 381084155: The Aliens Act, unlawful stay
- 381084156: The Aliens Act, unlawful work/employee
- 381084157: The Aliens Act, unlawful stay
- 381084158: The Aliens Act, unlawful work
- 381084159: The Aliens Act, unlawful stay/employees
- 381084160: The Aliens Act, unlawful work/employees
- 381084161: The Aliens Act, unlawful entry
- 381084167: The Aliens Act, assisting in unlawful stay
- 381084169: Failure to comply with order to stay at specified place cf. the Aliens Act
- 381084190: Explosive, Weapons and Explosives Act
- 381084191: Explosive, Executive Order on Explosives
- 381084192: Explosive, Executive Order on Explosives, breach of terms
- 381084201: Fireworks Act
- 381084210: The Fire Protection and Prevention Act/Emergency Mangement Act
- 381084215: Fire safety legislation
- 381084220: Executive Order on Public Order, preservation of the public peace etc.
- 381084221: Executive Order on Public Order, preservation of the public peace (porn exhibition)
- 381084222: Executive Order on Public Order, temporary measures/injunction issued
- 381084223: Executive Order on Public Order, temporary measures/breach of injunction
- 381084224: Executive Order on Public Order, prohibition zone (exclusion order issued)
- 381084225: Executive Order on Public Order, prohibition zone (breach of exclusion order)
- 381084226: Executive Order on Public Order, aggravating circumstances (disorderly conduct involving disturbance and disruption of the public peace)
- 381084230: Act on Police Activities
- 381084231: Act on Police Activities, injunction issued
- 381084232: Act on Police Activities, breach of injunction
- 381084233: Act on Police Activities, local
- 381084236: Police law, night life zone ¿ authorised doorman missing
- 381084237: Police law, night life zone ¿ unnecessary driving
- 381084239: Police law, night life zone ¿ breach of injunction
- 381084240: Winter maintenance/upkeep of public road
- 381084241: Winter maintenance/upkeep of private road
- 381084242: Roads Act, road area at ones disposal
- 381084250: The Radio and Television Broadcasting Act
- 381084255: Act on Radiocommunications
- 381084260: Civil Registration System Act
- 381084261: The Law on Personal Names
- 381084265: Act on Processing of Personal Data
- 381084266: The Data Protection Act
- 381084270: Executive order on radio and television license fees
- 381084290: The Inquests Act
- 381084310: Act on Statistics Denmark
- 381084315: The Criminal Enforcement Act
- 381084320: Postal legislation
- 381084330: The Library Act
- 381084335: TV Surveillance Act
- 381084340: Act applying to private security service
- 381084345: The Debt Recovery Act
- 381084350: Act on War Material
- 381084360: The Anti-Money Laundering Act
- 381084370: Stay in property/preparation of exclusion order
- 381084371: Stay in property/exclusion order issued against
- 381084372: Stay in property/breach of exclusion order against
- 381084375: Quarantine from sporting events, preparation of exclusion order
- 381084376: Quarantine from sporting events, exclusion order issued
- 381084377: Quarantine from sporting events, breach of exclusion order
- 381084380: Visitors to specific premises/preparation of exclusion order against
- 381084381: Visitors to specific premises/exclusion order issued against
- 381084382: Visitors to specific premises/breach of exclusion order against
- 381084385: Ouster order/exclusion order, petition for
- 381084386: Petition for ouster order/exclusion order/non-molestation order
- 381084387: Ouster order, exclution order issued
- 381084388: Ouster order, exclusion order and non-molestation order issued
- 381084389: Ouster order, breach of issued exclusion order
- 381084390: Ouster order, breach of issued exclusion order and non-molestation order
- 381084400: Sporting events, organisation/conduct, preparation of injunction
- 381084401: Sporting events, organisation/conduct, injunction issued
- 381084402: Sporting events, organisation/conduct, breach of issued injunction
- 381084405: Sporting events, not conducted, preparation of exclusion order
- 381084406: Sporting events, not conducted, exclusion order issued
- 381084407: Sporting events, not conducted, breach of issued exclusion order
- 381084409: Sports events, stays, breach of imposed injunction
- 381084410: Vehicles, MOT test not taken
- 381084420: Act on Electronic Communications Networks and Services
- 381084427: Sports events, detaining of spectators, breach of imposed injunction
- 381084441: Non-molestation order issued
- 381084442: Exclusion order issued
- 381084443: Ouster order issued
- 381084444: Non-molestation order and exclusion order issued
- 381084445: Ouster order and non-molestation order issued
- 381084446: Ouster order and exclusion order issued
- 381084447: Ouster order, non-molestation order and exclusion order issued
- 381084451: Breach of non-molestation order (New from 2012)
- 381084452: Breach of exclusion order (New from 2012)
- 381084453: Breach of ouster order (New from 2012)
- 381084454: Breach of non-molestation order and exclusion order (New from 2012)
- 381084455: Breach of ouster order and non-molestation order (New from 2012)
- 381084456: Breach of ouster order and exclusion order (New from 2012)
- 381084457: Breach of ouster order, non-molestation order and exclusion order (New from 2012)
- 381084471: Breach of municipal exclusion order applying to a haunt
- 381084474: Breach of exclusion order applying to the haunt of a group
- 381084475: Breach of duty to disclose in connection with municipal exclusion order applying to a haunt
- 381084500: The Passport Act in other respects (New 2015)
- 381084503: The Passport Act, breach of prohibition on leaving the country (New 2015)
- 381084990: Other special acts in criminal law
3815: Health and social security legislation
- 381586110: Social Services Act, Consolidation Act on Social Services
- 381586120: The Child¿s Act
- 381586130: The Health Act
- 381586150: Act on the Danish Labour Market Supplementary Pension (ATP)
- 381586170: Veterinary Legislation
- 381586190: Meat Act
- 381586210: Food legislation
- 381586220: Food law
- 381586230: Legislation on antibiotics
- 381586240: Medicines Act
- 381586245: Act prohibiting certain doping substances
- 381586250: The Practice of Medicine Act
- 381586251: The Authorisation Act, medical doctors
- 381586255: Dentists Act
- 381586256: The Authorisation Act, dentists
- 381586270: Nursing Act
- 381586271: The Authorisation Act, nurses
- 381586290: The Act on Midwives
- 381586291: The Authorisation Act, midwives
- 381586310: Pregnancy Act
- 381586315: Act on the legal status of children
- 381586320: The Tatooing Act
- 381586910: Danish Epidemics Act
- 381586990: Other health and social security legislation
- 381586993: COVID-19, breach of injunction
- 3820: Building and housing legislation
3825: The environmental protection act
- 382588110: The Environment Protection Act
- 382588112: Environmental zone, violation, Danish vehicle
- 382588113: Environmental zone, violation, foreign vehicle
- 382588115: The Marine Environment Act, oil pollution
- 382588116: The Marine Environment Act, any other pollution
- 382588120: Transboundary shipment of waste, green-listed
- 382588124: Transboundary shipment of waste, notifiable
- 382588126: The Executive Order on Waste, breach
- 382588128: The Danish National Waste Register, breach
- 382588130: The Protection of Nature Act
- 382588131: Washington Convention, endangered animals / plants
- 382588150: Forest Act
- 382588160: The Planning Act
- 382588170: The Urban and Rural Zones Act
- 382588190: Act on summer houses and camping
- 382588210: Act on owners right not to have his fields and roads trespassed upon
- 382588230: Chemical Substances and Products Act
- 382588250: Agriculture Act
- 382588990: Other environmental protection legislation
3830: Legislation on animals, hunting, etc.
- 383089107: Animal welfare, provisions relating to
- 383089108: Animal health, provisions relating to
- 383089110: Act on the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal
- 383089111: Act on the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal, mistreatment/aggravated negligent treatment of animals
- 383089112: Transport of animals, aiding commercial transport of animals
- 383089113: Transport of animals, commercial transport of animals whilst disqualified
- 383089114: Transport of animals, no certificate of competence
- 383089115: Transport of animals, floor space/surface, transporter (penalty points)
- 383089116: Transport or animals, inside height, transporter (penalty points)
- 383089117: Transport of animals, ventilation, transporter (penalty points)
- 383089118: Transport of animals, water/feed, transporter (penalty points)
- 383089119: Transport of animals, resting periods, transporter (penalty points)
- 383089120: Transport of animals, bedding, transporter (penalty points)
- 383089121: Transport of animals, transportability, transporter (penalty points)
- 383089122: Transport of animals, floor space/surface, driver/attendant (penalty points)
- 383089123: Tranport of animals, inside height, driver/attendant (penalty points)
- 383089124: Transport of animals, ventilation, driver/attendant (penalty points)
- 383089125: Tranport of animals, water/feed, driver/attendant (penalty points)
- 383089126: Transport of animals, resting periods, driver/attendant (penalty points)
- 383089127: Transport of animals, bedding, driver/attendant (penalty points)
- 383089128: Transport of animals, transportability, driver/attendant (penalty points)
- 383089129: Slaughter and killing of animals - departmental order
- 383089130: The game act
- 383089131: Transport of animals, floor space/surface, company
- 383089132: Transport of animals, inside height, company
- 383089133: Transport of animals, ventilation, company
- 383089134: Transport of animals, water/feed, company
- 383089135: Transport of animals, resting periods, company
- 383089136: Transport of animals, bedding, company
- 383089137: Transport of animals, transportability, company
- 383089138: Transport of animals, any other kind
- 383089140: Act on the Keeping of Horses, preparation of prohibition
- 383089141: Act on the Keeping of Horses, injunction issued
- 383089142: Act on the Keeping of Horses, breach of issued injunction
- 383089143: Act on the Keeping of Horses, no insurance
- 383089146: The Animal Welfare Act, breach of issued order
- 383089149: The Animal Welfare Act, breach of imposed injunction
- 383089150: The Act on Dogs, preparation of order
- 383089151: The Act on Dogs, order by
- 383089152: The Act on Dogs, in breach of, and breach of order
- 383089153: The Act on Dogs, disqualification by
- 383089158: Live animal transport, breach of imposed injunction
- 383089162: Dairy cattle, breach of injunction
- 383089170: Fishing Legislation
- 383089180: Act on pilot whales for the Faroe Island
- 383089990: Other legislation applying to animals, hunting, etc
3835: Legislation on employment, transport, etc.
- 383590110: Employment protection legislation
- 383590111: Workers Compensation Act
- 383590120: Regulations on tachographs
- 383590121: Rules in respect of driving and rest periods
- 383590130: Maritime Law
- 383590131: Ship Registration
- 383590132: The Pilotage Act
- 383590133: Act on Diving Operations and Equipment, etc.
- 383590140: Ships inspection
- 383590150: The Air Navigation Act
- 383590151: Flights with drones, order on
- 383590170: Railway Act
- 383590180: Taxi law
- 383590190: Act on the transport of goods
- 383590195: Cabotage, violation
- 383590201: The Buses Act
- 383590205: Emergency driving, order on
- 383590210: Seamens Act
- 383590211: Act on the Manning of Ships
- 383590212: Act on seafarers conditions of employment, etc.
- 383590230: The Holiday Act
- 383590250: Apprenticeship Act
- 383590260: Public Employment Services Act
- 383590265: Act on Posting of workers etc.
- 383590266: Posting of workers etc., Act on Service Providers
- 383590267: Posting of workers etc., Act on Assignor
- 383590268: Act on Posting of workers etc. ¿ remuneration transport
- 383590270: Working Environment Act
- 383590271: Statutory Order on occupational health service
- 383590275: Act on Smoke-free Environments, smoking policy
- 383590276: Act on Smoke-free Environments, preparation of injunction
- 383590278: Act on Smoke-free Environments, breach of issued injunction
- 383590279: Act on Smoke-free Environments, smoking indoors
- 383590301: Tachograph workshop, executive order on authorised
- 383590302: Driver tachograph cards, order on the issuance of
- 383590303: Employer tachograph cards, order on the issuance of
- 383590304: Workshop tachograph cards, order on the issuance of
- 383590305: Driving and rest periods, driver, order containing provisions on
- 383590306: Driving and rest periods, employer, order containing provisions on
- 383590307: Driving and rest periods, driver
- 383590308: Driving and rest periods, employer
- 383590309: Driving and rest periods above 30%, driver
- 383590310: Unauthorised interference with tachograph, driver
- 383590311: Unauthorised interference with tachograph, employer
- 383590312: Tachograph, driver
- 383590313: Tachograph, employer
- 383590314: Driving- and rest periods, control data, record keeping, etc.
- 383590315: Tachographs - unauth. tampering driver (s. 129(1)(i) of the Road Traffic Act, regulation (EU) 165/2014
- 383590316: Tachographs - unauth. tampering employer, regulation (EU) 165/2014
- 383590317: Tachographs - driver, regulation (EU) 165/2014
- 383590318: Tachographs - unauth. tampering employer, EU regulation 165/2014
- 383590320: Unauthorised technicians for inspection, employment of
- 383590330: Driving and rest periods, driver
- 383590331: Driving and rest periods, employer
- 383590332: Driving and rest periods, driver
- 383590333: Driving and rest periods, employer
- 383590334: Driving and rest periods above 30%, driver
- 383590400: Counterfeiting
- 383590430: Longer combination vehicle, traffic area
- 383590431: Longer combination vehicle, foreign vehicles
- 383590432: Longer combination vehicle, not approved combined vehicle
- 383590433: Longer combination vehicle, weight
- 383590434: Longer combination vehicle, dolly/number of axles
- 383590435: Longer combination vehicle, length, etc.
- 383590436: Longer combination vehicle, fitting up and equipment
- 383590437: Longer combination vehicle, LCV type 1-4
- 383590438: Longer combination vehicle, dangerous goods
- 383590440: Long combination vehicle (EMS1), order on permitted road network
- 383590441: Long combination vehicle (EMS1), order
- 383590445: Double trailer vehicle (EMS2), order on permitted road network
- 383590446: Double trailer vehicle (EMS2), order
- 383590460: Special transport, requiring permit, order
- 383590461: Special transport, not requiring permit, order
- 383590462: Special transport, escort car, order
- 383590990: Other legislation on employment, transport, etc.
- 383590463: Special transport, regulation of traffic, order
3840: Companies Act
- 384091110: The Public Companies Act
- 384091120: The Danish Companies Act (Consolidated Act 2015-09-14 No. 1089 on Public and Private Limited Companies)
- 384091130: The Private Companies Act
- 384091150: The Companies Act
- 384091155: The Central Business Register
- 384091170: The Bookkeeping Act
- 384091190: The Marketing Practices Act
- 384091191: Act on Copyright
- 384091192: Act on Trade Secrets
- 384091193: Counterfeiting
- 384091210: The Raw Materials Act
- 384091230: The Business Development Act
- 384091250: Competition Act
- 384091260: Law on capital injection
- 384091270: Currency Legislation
- 384091280: The Financial Business Act
- 384091290: Act on Shop Opening Hours
- 384091990: Other legislation concerning companies
- 3845: Legislation on the national defence
- 3850: Legislation applying to public utilities
3855: Legislation on gambling, licencing, trade
- 385594110: Act on Restaurants
- 385594111: Act on Restaurants, serving customers after closing time
- 385594112: Act on Restaurants, unauthorised serving
- 385594113: Act on Restaurants, prohibition
- 385594114: Act on Restaurants, prohibition issued
- 385594115: Act on Restaurants, breach of prohibition
- 385594121: Sale of alcohol to youth under 16 years
- 385594128: Sale of tobacco to youth under 18 years
- 385594129: Sale of tobacco to youth under 16 years
- 385594130: Trade Act
- 385594150: Trade in second-hand goods
- 385594160: Act on Auctioneers
- 385594170: The Film Act
- 385594180: Act on Casinos
- 385594190: Act on Totalisator Betting
- 385594230: The Pharmacy Act
- 385594250: Media Liability Act (press laws)
- 385594270: The Fundraising Act
- 385594280: The Weights and Measures Act
- 385594990: Other legislation relating to gambling, licencing, trade
- 3865: Any other special legislation
- 3870: Special legislation, unspecified
3810: Other special acts in criminal law
All versions
Name | Valid from | Valid to |
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2023 | January 1, 1980 | December 31, 2023 |
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2022 | January 1, 1980 | December 31, 2022 |
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2021 | January 1, 1980 | December 31, 2021 |
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2020 | January 1, 1980 | December 31, 2020 |
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2019 | January 1, 1980 | December 31, 2019 |
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2018 | January 1, 1980 | December 31, 2018 |
Violations of the penalcode, v1:2024 | January 1, 1980 | Still valid |