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Classification of education (DDU), current educations, v1:2023




DDU stands for Den Danske Uddannelsesklassifikation and is the Danish classification system for all educations in Denmark. Statistics Denmark operates the classification in cooperation with The Ministry of Higher Education and Science (UFM) as well as the Ministry of Children and Education (BUVM).

The classification covers both regulated and private educations and serves as a national standard for organising, describing and comparing the different possibilities for educations within Denmark’s educational system.

All educations in DDU have a unique four-digit education code, also known as UDD, e.g. 4443: Miller. The education is placed in four groups in a hierarchical structure, which categorises the educations based on level, differences in content and kinship:

Main area

A one-digit classification which describes the level of education at an aggregated level

Main group

A two-digit classification that represents the element of a legal or functional difference between the main areas in the education types within the same overall educational level. For example, distinctions can be made between vocational bachelors, academic bachelors and other medium cycle further educations within the main area=6,’’Medium cycle further education’’.

Middle group

A three-digit classification and the first level in the classification of education where a division is made based on the content differences of the educational programs. Here, the education- and admission regulations are included.

Sub group

A four-digit classification, which gives a more detailed content based division of educations within the same middle group.

So far, three new statbank tables based on DDU have been published:

Valid from:

December 1, 2023


Population and Education


Martin Herskind,, ph. +45 39 17 31 64
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Classification of education (DDU), current educations, v1:2023 December 1, 2023 Still valid