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Water and Waste Water

The water account consist of a physical and an economic part. The physical water account document abstraction of water, use well as the discharge of waste water to the aquatic environment in households and 117 industry groups as used in the other parts of the environmental economic account and in the ordinary Danish National Accounts. The economic water account document the income in water supply and waste water treatment plants from households and industry groups. The water accounts are prepared annually and published in Latest releases from Statistics Denmark and in StatBank Denmark.

The water account is a module in the environmental economic accounts for Denmark. Read about the environmental economic accounts.

Data description

The water account is a part of the environmental economic accounts for Denmark. The water account describe the flows of water into the economy (abstraction and distribution of groundwater), between industrial groups in the economy, and from the economy to the environment (from households and industrial groups to sewerage or directly to the aquatic environment).

The economic water account document the income in water supply and waste water treatment plants from households and industry groups. The distribution of companies between industrial groups has been done according to the 117 group classification used in the other parts of the environmental economic account and in the ordinary Danish National Accounts. The account is annually and published primarily in Latest releases from Statistics Denmark and in StatBank Denmark.

Classification system

The industry groups are the same as in the Danish National Accounts. These are based on the national version of NACE rev. 2 , with a limited number of deviations.

Sector coverage

All sectors, incl. households, are covered.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Overfladevand: Ferskvand fra vandløb, søer o.l.

Statistical unit

The local unit is used for distribution to industry groups.

Statistical population

The population consists of all production units (local units) in Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage

Water accounts: 2010-

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Water and waste water volumes are measured in 1000 m3. Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Organic matter (BOD5) are measured in tons. The income from water supply plants and waste water treatment plants is measured in mill. kr.

Reference period

01-01-2010 - 31-12-2023

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Data are collected by other public authorities and no separate regulation is required for Statistics Denmark. Law on Statistics Denmark (§6) regulates the access of Statistics Denmark to data from administrative sources.

Cost and burden

Based on administrative data. There is no burden on respondents from Statistics Denmark.


Water and waste water statistics are presented on the subject page Water and Waste water.