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Accuracy and reliability

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Short Term Statistics
Henriette Erichsen
+45 29 77 56 38

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Transport by pipeline

The statistics is based on an exhaustive census with few and large enterprises and has 100 percent response rate. The transported amounts are coherent with the production of oil and natural gas.

Revisions in published data is rare and only occurs if reporting errors affects previous years.

Overall accuracy

The statistics are assessed to be reliable since the statistics are completely covered, i.e. all relevant enterprises report.

Sampling error

Not relevant

Non-sampling error

No other than the reporting companies can send oil and gas through the network of pipelines. All the companies report all necessary data. It has not been possible to quantify any measurement errors. Based on the character of the main indicators in the statistics, there is not expected to be any systematic errors in reported data.

To calculate oil without water content, it is assumed that the average water content is 3 per cent.

Quality management

Statistics Denmark follows the recommendations on organisation and management of quality given in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and the implementation guidelines given in the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF). A Working Group on Quality and a central quality assurance function have been established to continuously carry through control of products and processes.

Quality assurance

Statistics Denmark follows the principles in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and uses the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF) for the implementation of the principles. This involves continuous decentralized and central control of products and processes based on documentation following international standards. The central quality assurance function reports to the Working Group on Quality. Reports include suggestions for improvement that are assessed, decided and subsequently implemented.

Quality assessment

The statistics is based on reports from a few and very large enterprises working within an sector with extensive legislative control. The reported data show a large degree of consistency.

Partly because of the above and partly because a great consistency between transported quantities and produced quantities, cf. [Danish Energy Agency], the overall quality is assessed to be high.

Calculations are made on transport performance (tonne-kilometres) and crude oil excluding water.

Calculation of crude oil excluding water is calculated based on the assumption that water content in average is 3 percent. The water content can vary and there is an uncertainty in this calculation. It is assessed to be quite small.

Data revision - policy

Statistics Denmark revises published figures in accordance with the Revision Policy for Statistics Denmark. The common procedures and principles of the Revision Policy are for some statistics supplemented by a specific revision practice.

Data revision practice

Only final figures are published. In very rare cases, reporting errors might give occasion to revise previous published statistics