Statistical processing
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Food IndustriesSimone Thun
+45 51 36 92 51
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The data is collected in biannual and annual questionnaires where the incoming data is checked. Data is from different sources where some are sample surveys and others are censuses why there can be differences in how the further data is calculated. The statistics is produced by setting up balance sheets for each feeding product so the supply equals the demand for each product. The calculations are made on crop years, because the calculations are most accurate but calculations on calendar year is also made because of the calculations of the Economic Accounts for Agriculture.
Source data
Data input are collected from a wide range of sources. The main sources are:
Annual stock at cereal trading companies (census) Annual stock of cereals on farms (400 farmers in the sample and 1 per cent does not deliver data) Indirectly are data from other statistics from Statistics Denmark used: the annual harvest survey, manufacturers’ sales of goods and international trade in goods Moreover some information is collected elsewhere, from businesses with industrial activities and industrial organizations.
Frequency of data collection
The are differences in the frequency of the collection of data to this statistics. The stock of cereals at farms and the harvest statistics are collected yearly whereas stock at cereal trading companies are collected biannual. International trade in goods and manufacturers’ sales of goods are published monthly.
Data collection
The data collection is in a Web questionnaire.
Data validation
Different methods are used to check to incoming data.
The stock of cereals at farms are compared with information about their cultivated area with cereals. Other than that, the stock of cereals is compared to the number of pigs on the farm because pig farms most often have large amounts of cereals in stock. This information helps to prove small or large amounts of cereals in stock. Regarding stock of cereals at cereal trading companies, data is compared to data from the same period last year. Moreover the size of the harvest has a large influence on the amount of stocks of cereals. If data is missing or very different from previous years, we contact the reporting company to have the data validated.
The harvest of cereals etc. and international trade in goods are validated in other statistics so information can be found here: Harvest of cereals etc and International trade in goods
Data compilation
The use of feed is calculated using supply balance sheets for the single kinds of feed stuffs. On the one hand, the total supply is calculated containing domestic production, stocks at beginning of period and imports, and on the other hand uses are calculated containing exports, stocks at end of period and feeds used for animal production. The use of feed for animal production is calculated as a residual in the balance.
- Yield or production ÷ loss at producer
- import
- initial stock = Available total
÷ seed
÷ export
÷ industrial use
÷ human consumption
÷ consumption for other purposes
÷ final stock
= use for feed
The results are calculated on crop years, because this supplies the most accurate results, but balance sheets are also compiled on calendar years as input for compiling Economic Accounts for Agriculture.
Corrections are made on an ongoing basis because of updates in the harvest data and international trade in goods. The statistics is preliminary until 2 years after it has been published for the first time.