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To illustrate the transition from the education groups in the transition register to continuing education or the labor market, there are information about ongoing education or labor market status 3, 9, 15 and 21 month after exit from a education group.
Data description
In The Exit Register there is a status of the student 3, 9, 15 and 21 months after leaving a training group in the transition register. For each status date there is an information that tells whether the student is still in the education system or possibly have started working. If the status is undergoing education, there is information about the education and the institution in which the education is conducted. For those who are in employment, there is for instance information about Industry and sector code.
Classification system
In connection with publications from The Completion Exit Statistic Denmark's classification system "DISCED" is used. A description of it can be found at: DISCED
Sector coverage
Educational institutions providing publicly recognized education or education which give access to public grants.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Status after 15 month: Status after 15 months: The statistics show the status after 15 months. Is the student on a new education or at the labor market 15 months after leaving a training group in the transition register.
Status after 21 month: Status after 21 months: The statistics show the status after 21 months. Is the student on a new education or at the labor market 21 months after leaving a training group in the transition register.
Status after 3 month: Status after 3 month: The statistics show the status after 3 month. Is the student on a new education or at the labor market 3 month after leaving a training group in the transition register.
Status after 9 month: Status after 9 month: The statistics show the status after 9 month. Is the student on a new education or at the labor market 9 month after leaving a training group in the transition register.
Statistical unit
The unit of measure is the number of people.
Statistical population
The population consist of student who has completed a education in The Transition Register in the school year 2020.
Reference area
Student at Danish education institutions.
Time coverage
The The Exit Register is based on The transitional register. From the labor market accounts, a labor market status is assigned 3, 9, 15 and 21 months after the student have left an education group. In order to be able to make these status reports, the latest departure population is approx. 21 months earlier than the latest available labor market accounts.
Base period
Not relevant for this register.
Unit of measure
The unit of measurement is number of people
Reference period
The population in The Exit Register 2020 are those who have completed a education group in The Transition Register in the school year 2020. For these persons, information on education and labor affiliation is linked 3, 9, 15 and 21 months after exit.
Frequency of dissemination
The register is updated once a year
Legal acts and other agreements
Act of Statistics Denmark §6 and §1. There is no EU-regulation.
Cost and burden
There is no respondent burden, since The Exit Register is based on existent data source.
Further information can be found on Statistics Denmark homepage: Educational transition