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Food Industries, Business Statistics
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Slaughter Animals and Meat Production

Every month and year figures are submitted to the statistical office of EU, Euro stat. Data for all EU countries can be found at Eurostat homepage. The statistics are produced following the principles of an EU regulation, so the results are comparable.

Comparability - geographical

Every month and year figures are submitted to the statistical office of EU, Euro stat. Data for all EU countries can be found in Eurostat

Comparability over time

For main results long data time series can be compiled. Over the years minor definitional changes have been made, e.g. kidneys and kidney fats are now classified to edible offal. However, it will be possible to conduct some calculations on the basis of a common denominator. Many data can be compared with other EU countries, as data has been prepared in accordance with the EU regulation on slaughtering. At Eurostat homepage can be found corresponding data for slaughtering in EU member states.

Production of meat

The production of meat is estimated on the basis of the number of slaughtered animals and average slaughtered weight for each category of animals. The total production of meat comprises meat from recognized slaughtering and the production of edible offal. The production with regard to poultry meat is compiled as ready-to-cook weight.

The production of beef and veal

On 1 January 1974 and 1 January 1994, the grouping of animals for slaughtering and the definition of slaughtered weight was changed in accordance with EU Council Directives (73/132/EEC) and (93/24/EEC) and Commission Decisions (73/262) and (94/433). The latest amendment as of 1 January 20098 (EU Regulation (EC) Nr. 1165/2008) has only resulted in minor changes.

Animals under 300 kg live weight are regarded as calves. Until 1994, this limit was 220 kg.

During the period 1974-1993, kidneys and kidney fats are included in the weight of carcass, while they are in the period prior to and after 1974-1993 included in edible offal and edible fats, respectively.

From 2015 slaughtering at the producers has been estimated to reach 4,000 units by Statistics Denmark. About 1,500 bulls and bull calves, about 1,000 heifers and cow calves and about 1,500 cows. This results in a total of 1.0 mio. kg. In the period 2005 to 2014 slaughtering at the producers has been estimated to reach 6,000 units by Statistics Denmark. About 2,000 bulls and bull calves, about 2,000 heifers and cow calves and about 2,000 suckler cows. This results in a total of 1.2 mio. kg.

From 2005, the EU reform implies that most existing premiums have been changed to the one-off payment scheme. The only production-dependent EU grants from 2005 are the male-animal premium, which is reduced by 25 pct. in relation to the 2004 level. The premium values are given in Statistics Denmark's annual publication Landbrug "Agricultural Statistics".

Coherence - cross domain

There are additional statistics on the number of livestock and Agricultural economics. The trade organization, e.g. Danish Slaughterhouses compiles comprehensive statistics and some statistics are published by business enterprises.

Coherence - internal

The statistics are coherent and free from contradictions