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Sales of real property

Comparable house sales statistics for all EU member states can be found on the Eurostats website where figures are published around 100 days after the end of a quarter (reference period).

Comparability - geographical

Comparable house sales statistics for all EU member states can be found on the Eurostats website where figures are published around 100 days after the end of a quarter (reference period).

Comparability over time

The sales of real estate property statistics have methodically developed over time. However since 1992 - when some methodological improvements were implemented - the statistics have been processed in accordance with the same principles. In calculating price indices, the ratio between the sales price and appraisal (spar-value) is used to quality adjust the properties in order to calculate the pure price change (SPAR-method). In 2014 Statistics Denmark carried out retrospective calculations of the tables ejen55, ejen66, ejen77 and ejen88. Originally the series started in 2006 due to the municipal reform by 1.1.2007. The series is now brought back to 1992 based on historical data. For ejen77 and ejen88 the data is comparable to the originally data, but now based on the new geographical subdivisions. However, it was not possible to calculate hectares prices for agricultural property for the period 1992-1999. For ejen55 and ejen66 the price indices might in some cases differ from the historical tables, among others for Counties. This applies especially for the overlap periods where the base year of the appraisals have been changed. It was not possible to calculate the price index for the Province Bornholm due to the municipal government reform in 2003. The yearly price indices are calculated as an unweighted average of the quarterly figures, which may also contribute to minor differences.

When data from the electronic registration system was implemented in 2009, multiple sales were registered in a different way than previous. Therefore, we have excluded multiple sales for building sites and owner-occupied flats from 2011 and onwards. The big jump for building sites in the fourth quarter of 2010 in EJEN77 is due to multiple sales.

Before 13. January 2010, the sales price was not fully public. It could be stated in the deed that the sales price should not be published. Many attorneys used the option by default to protect the buyer from disclosure of sales prices to third-party sites (e.g., weekly newsletters). It has been found that some of the not fully public sales are missing in the statistics. It is not known by sure how big share of all real property transactions they constitute, but it is not assessed as a significant loss of transactions. After the 13. January 2010, all sales are fully public (see for example and are included in the statistics.

Land transfers were included in the previous data files from the Tax Authorities before second quarter of 2022, but is not included in the current data files from the Data Distributor. This particularly concerns agricultural properties, where fewer sales will be included in the statistics.

Coherence - cross domain

Read an analysis of a comparison of different house price statistics in Denmark here. However, this analysis is only available in Danish. This analysis describes the statistics from Boligmarkedsstatistikken, Boligøkonomisk Videncenter and Boligsiden.

Coherence - internal

Data comes from a single data source.

Regarding the variable 'Number of registered sales' in the tables EJS10, EJS20, EJS30 and EJS40 for the years 2012 to 2017: For owner-occupied flats and building sites, figures for postcodes and municipalities include bulk sales (several properties are sold at the same time), while the totals are exclusive of bulk sales.