Requests for shelter at womens crises centres
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The statistics on inquiries to women's crisis centers aims to provide information on the demand for and the capacity of the crises centers based on the number of inquiries to this. The inquiries include both questions about available spots and general guidance. The statistics were first compiled in 2022 with data from the second half of 2021. Reporting to the statistics is voluntary.
Statistical presentation
The statistics are an annual count of the number of inquiries to women's crises centers, which have been set up and operated in accordance with §109 of the Act on Social Services. Among other things, the statistics cover the duration of the inquiry, who submits the inquiry, and what the purpose of the inquiry is. The statistics contribute with an insight into the reasons for and the extent of requests for available spots, as well as where women, e.g. due to lack of space, instead refer to.
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Statistical processing
Data for these statistics is collected via quarterly reports from the individual women's crises centers. By the end of the year, the collected data is processed to a single dataset. The majority of the reported inquiries are anonymous which means the inquiry does not include a valid CPR number. The crisis centers do not approve their data afterwards.
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The statistics are relevant for authorities, analysts and researchers who want information about the demand for and the capacity of women's crisis centers as well as the reasons behind the inquiries.
Accuracy and reliability
Reporting of social security numbers to the statistics is voluntary, and 95 pct. of the reports are based on anonymous social security numbers.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published approximately 9 months after the end of the reference period.
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The statistics on inquiries for women's crisis centers are a relatively new statistics. Among other things, it supplements the statistics on stays at women's crisis centers.
Accessibility and clarity
Data is only made available to ministries and researchers by Statistics Denmark's Scheme for researchers.