Radio and TV Statistics, Equipment Statistics, Appliances and Distribution (Discontinued)
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Radio and TV Statistics, Equipment Statistics, Appliances and Distribution 2016
These statistics are meant to provide easy, simple access to basic facts on the reception of electronic media in Denmark. For example, they show how many households receive TV via cable, satellite dish or aerial, and the proportion with special reception appliances.
Statistical presentation
Distribution shows statistics for different types of media appliances within the population.
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Statistical processing
The role of Statistics Denmark with respect to this statistics is solely to assure the quality and communicate information that is selected, collected, processed and disseminated by other producers of statistics/data suppliers. Please refer to the original sources for a detailed review of the statistical processing
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The user satisfaction is not examined. These statistics are used by ministries, students and the press.
Accuracy and reliability
Overall reliability is basically satisfactory. Several equipment statistics tables are based on sources which cover 95-100 pct. of the population. These are the tables based on figures from the Danish energy Agency. Please refer directly to the source for further details concerning overall reliability.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are normally published without delay in relation to the notified date.
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As the media industry undergoes rapid development, changes can sometimes occur which affect comparability over time. More modern media appliances are included in the statistics, whilst others are withdrawn. Rapid developments can also take place in internet media, e.g. speeds and connection types.
Accessibility and clarity
There are no press releases in connection with this statistic.
There are statBank tabels with figuresStatBank.