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Statistical presentation

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Short-term Statistics, Business Statistics
Lina Pedersen
(+45) 39 17 36 75

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Purchases and sales by enterprises

Purchases and sales by enterprises is a monthly statement of purchases and sales of goods and services. The Statement is calculated in millions (Danish kroner). The statement is calculated at industry level defined in the Danish Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2007 (DB07). In addition, the statistics are divided into domestic purchases and sales.

Data description

The statistics Purchases and sales by enterprises is a statement of sales at industry level (DB07). Depending on the level of detail on the industry level the sales is distributed by months, quarters and years.

The statistic has four variables: domestic purchase and domestic sale as well as purchases in total and sales in total. This separation originates from what is reported as VAT-subject and non-VAT-subjects purchases and sales to the Danish Tax Agency.

The definition of the variables is described on the web page (in Danish).

Classification system

The statistics is calculated at the industry levels defined in the Danish Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2007 (DB07). The statistics Purchases and sales by enterprises covers all industry levels in DB07, and is published at 19-, 36-, and 127-industry level. News from Statistics Denmark (NYT) on Purchases and sales by enterprises was published until December 2023, and here NYT data is calculated at the 10-industry level.

Sector coverage

The statistics covers all activities at industry level, defined in the Danish Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2007 (DB07).

Statistical concepts and definitions

Enterprise: Enterprise, organisation registered in the CVR. In FIKS an enterprise is always equal to legal unit, i.e. A/S, Aps, sole proprietorship etc

Statistical unit

Enterprises (legal units).

Statistical population

Enterprises with a sale above 50.000 kr. per. year.

Reference area

The statistics covers Denmark, with exception of the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Enterprises without permanent address in Denmark are furthermore included, if The Danish Tax Agency have assigned the given enterprise a SE-number.

Time coverage

The time period from the year 2009 onwards is covered by the statistics

Base period

The statistics do not have a base year.

Unit of measure

On the webpage, StatBank Denmark the amount in tables is calculated in million DKK.

Reference period

The reference period is months.

Frequency of dissemination

The statistics are published monthly.

Legal acts and other agreements

Legal authority for data collection is found in § 6, subsection 1 of the Act on Statistics Denmark, cf. Legislative Decree No. 610 of 30 May 2018.

Statistics requested by Eurostat prepared from these statistics are based on Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics.

Cost and burden

The statistics is based on administrative data. The data originates from the Tax Agency's register of VAT that the enterprises have reported that they owe to the Tax Agency. The statistics are therefore not an extra workload for the enterprises, as no enterprises have to fill in an extra questionnaire in order to contribute to the statistics.


Purchases and sales by enterprises have a webpage (Danish). Terms and definitions in the VAT scheme are on the webpage Danish Tax Agency’s legal guidance on VAT (Danish). Read more about the VAT Act here (Danish).