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Prices and Consumption
Nicklas Milton Elversøe
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Producer Price Index for Services

The Producer Price Index for Services is a quarterly measurement of service prices relating to the first commercial transaction (business to business), for the domestic market and export. The statistics contains a number of service price indices in different industries, e.g. price indices for transport services, consultancy services and cleaning services etc.

Data description

The Producer Price Index for Services publishes quarterly price indices for services, within selected industries in the service sector.

The statistics also covers internationally traded services that exit from Denmark's resources by the services being exported from Denmark's economic ownership. The statistics follow international guidelines for which transactions must be registered with regard to the export of services.

The indices are calculated on the basis of collected basic prices, from service producing Danish companies. Basic prices apply in the first commercial transaction, that is, the actual price received by the producer (excludes VAT and ancillary charges to the consumer). For example, prices are collected; transport from A to B, hourly rates for legal services and cleaning of office areas.

The indices that are being produce are the following industries (DB07 industry code is in the parenthesis):

Transportation and Storage

  • Freight transport by road and removal services (49.4)
  • Freight transport by road (49.41.00)
  • Removal services (49.42.00)
  • Sea and coastal transport of passengers and freight (50.1 and 50.2)
  • Air transport (51)
  • Passenger air transport (51.1)
  • Freight air transport and space transport (51.2)
  • Warehousing and support activities for transportation (52)
  • Warehousing and storage (52.1)
  • Support activities for transportation (52.2)
  • Service activities incidental to land transportation (52.21)
  • Service activities incidental to water transportation (52.22)
  • Service activities incidental to air transportation (52.23)
  • Cargo handling (52.24)
  • Other transportation support activities (52.29)
  • Postal and courier activities (53)
  • Postal activities under universal service obligation (53.1)
  • Other postal and courier activities (53.2)

Information and Communication

  • Telecommunications (61)
  • Computer programming, consultancy and related activities (62)
  • Information service activities (63)

Real Estate Activities

  • Real Estate Activities(68)
  • Rental and operating of own or leased real estate (68.20.40)
  • Real estate agencies (68.31.10)
  • Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis (68.32.10)

Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities

  • Legal activities, accounting, bookkeeping and management consultancy activities (69 og 70.22)
  • Legal and accounting activities (69)
  • Legal activities (69.10.00)
  • Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy (69.20.00)
  • Business and other management consultancy activities (70.22.00)
  • Engineering activities and related technical consultancy (71)
  • Architectural activities (71.11)
  • Engineering activities and related technical consultancy (71.12)
  • Technical testing and analysis (71.20)
  • Advertising and market research (73)

Administrative and Support Service Activities

  • Employment activities (78)
  • Security and investigation activities (80)
  • Cleaning activities (81.2)

Classification system

The Producer Price Index for Services follows the industry division in the Danish Industrial Classifications 2007 (DB07). DB07 is a subdivision of the common European industry nomenclature, the four-digit NACE rev. 2. Below the DB07 industries, services are grouped into so-called CPA-groups, in accordance with the Statistical Classification of Producs by Activity in the European Economic Community, 2008 version.

Sector coverage

Producer Price Index for Services is covered by the Regulation of European Parliament and of the Council (EC) No. 1158/2005 of July 6, 2005 amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 1165/98 About Business Statistics, as well as the regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC) No. 1893/2006 of 20 December 2006. According to these regulations, Statistics Denmark reports quarterly price indices to Eurostat for the following groupings:

  • 49.4 Freight transport by road and removal services
  • Sum of 50.1 and 50.2 Sea and coastal water transportation of passengers and freight (confidential)
  • 51 Air transport (confidential)
  • 52.1 Warehousing and storage services
  • 52.24 Cargo handling services
  • 53.1 Postal activities under universal service obligation (confidential)
  • 53.2 Other postal and courier services
  • 61 Telecommunications (under development)
  • 62 Computer programming, consultancy and related services
  • 63 Information services
  • Sum of 69.1 Legal services, 69.2 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing services; tax consultancy and 70.2 Management consulting services
  • 71 Architectural and engineering services, technical testing and analysis
  • 73 Advertising and market research services
  • 78 Employment services
  • 80 Security and investigation services
  • 81.2 Cleaning services

Statistical concepts and definitions

Unit price: A price that can only be calculated when both turnover and the number of goods or services sold is known. The price is calculated by dividing revenue by the number of units sold, to an average price for a quantity of comparable goods or services.

Contract price: Actual selling price of repeat product or service to the same customer, as specified in a contract between parties. The price is typically changes due to contact regulation with a specified index, or if the contract is renegotiated.

Hourly list rate: The hourly rate quoted in the manufacturer's price list. List hourly rates may vary for different employee categories, depending on expertise, level of education or seniority. Hourly rates are used when pricing is based on the amount of time spent on manufacturing the goods or services, rather than the goods or services themselves.

Model price: The price of a hypothetic or historically sold good or service. Typically applied in cases where the good or service provided is unique. The approach specifies a standardised product, that is sufficiently representative of the type of good or service provided, and respondents are asked to recalculate a price quote in each period.

Real transaction price: The price of a good or service actually paid in the market. It represents the actual price paid, inclusive of any discounts, surcharges or rebates, for an individual transaction that can be observed repeatedly

List price: A price quoted from the producer’s price list, catalogue, Internet site, etc. It is generally the gross price exclusive of all discounts, surcharges or rebates that may apply to an actual transaction.

Statistical unit

Prices of services in the first stage of turnover.

Statistical population

Prices of services sold in the first stage of turnover from Danish companies in the domestic and export market.

Reference area


Time coverage

The Producer Price Index for Services has been published since 2006 onwards without any breaks in the series.

Base period


Unit of measure

Index and percentage changes.

Reference period

The statistics describe the price development for a given quarter.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Statuity for data collection can be found in section 8 (2). 1 of the Statistics Statistics Statistics District, cf. Statutory Order No. 610 of May 30, 2018.

Producer Price Index for Services is covered by the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC) No. 1158/2005 of 6 July 2005 amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 1165/98 on Equity Statistics, and European Parliament's and Council Regulation (EC) No. 1893/2006. The current *Producer Price Index for Services *, which is published by Statistics Denmark, follows these regulations in this area.

New requirements have been issued from the European Parliament as covered by Commission's Implementation Regulation (EU) 2020/1197 of July 30, 2020, which comes into force from the first quarter of 2023. The regulation contains major changes that have challenged the member states, and it is possible for countries with difficulties to apply for a postponement period to 2023. Statistics Denmark sends data according to the new regulation to Eurostat , but will publishes the indicies according to the new requirements in 2025 on its own sites.

Cost and burden

The reporting burden for these statistics was calculated at DKK 42,000 in 2005. The burden was calculated on the basis of the AMVAB method. AMVAB is a method used to measure the administrative burdens for companies that are associated with having to comply with specific legal requirements. AMVAB is an abbreviation for Activity-Based Measurement of Companies' Administrative Burdens, and is the Danish version of the internationally recognized SCM method (Standard Cost Model). A new reporting burden calculation will be made if the number of reporters increases by 20 per cent. or if there are structural changes in reporting to the statistics, which entails a greater reporting burden.


For more information please contact Statistics Denmark at Producentprisindeks for tjenester.