Statistical presentation
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Population and EducationMartin Herskind
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The primary and lower secondary educational statistics are a yearly analysis of the populations' enrollment and completion in the basic school system from grade 0 to 10/11th grade. The statistics also cover the participation in special needs classes and number of pupils per class. The statistics are broken down by grades and types of schools, age, gender, heritage and geography. The school statistics are part of The Student Register, which is a longitudinal register allowing one to follow the educational career of each student throughout all the educational programs constituting the student's educational career.
Data description
The statistics are an analysis of the populations' enrollment in the basic school system, which consists of grade 0 up to grade 11. The basic school statistics are part of The Students Register, which is a longitudinal register allowing one to follow the educational career of each student throughout the entire educational programs constituting of the student's educational career.
The statistics are updated annually by reported data from the educational institutions (schools). The reports concern continuing students from the previous year, as well as intake and exit during the year under review. Regarding exit, information on achieved qualification (= graduation) is retained. The register is updated annually by reported data from the Danish schools. The reported data concerns intake and exit from the previous school year, as well as the ongoing school year. Information about grade completion or early drop-out for each pupil is retained. In 9th grade, the school year ends with an final exam. Most intake of pupils takes place in the beginning of August, but later entrance can be seen due to school fusions and pupils change of school. In the primary and lower secondary schools, completion is only accomplished in June. The only exceptions are delayed exams due to illness or 10th grade, which can be completed after half a year at vocational schools. Pupils exiting their school before June are classified as early drop-out, eve though they continue their education at another school. Please note that adult or continuing education, as well as education taken outside Denmark, are not included in the register.
Besides the information needed for The Student Register information collected about class type, class name, level, if Danish is not the native language or participation in an integration class for migrants. During spring semester data is collected about special need education.
For further description of the individual variables see documentation in TIMES.
Classification system
The statistics on the Danish primary and lower secondary education are based on DISCED, which is the Danish version of the international classification system ISCED.
The statistical data is collected from public and private schools, youth schools and youth boarding schools, special support schools, day treatment centers and treatment homes and other schools.
The statistics are broken down by grades, age, gender and heritage. The statistics are presented geographically after municipalities and regions.regioner og kommuner.
Sector coverage
The educational sector
Statistical concepts and definitions
Afbrud: Personer, der afbryder en uddannelse i perioden 1. oktober i det foregående skoleår - 30. september i tællingsåret, som også er det nuværende skoleår.
Bestand: Personer, der er i gang på en uddannelse i perioden 1. oktober i det foregående skoleår - 30. september i tællingsåret, som også er det nuværende skoleår.
Fuldført: Personer, der fuldfører en uddannelse i perioden 1. oktober i det foregående skoleår - 30. september i tællingsåret, som også er det nuværende skoleår.
Klassebetegnelse: Identifikation af klasser fx 3A, 8B. Variablen har ikke noget værdisæt, og det er dermed valgfrit, hvad sekretæren på den indberettende skole kan indtaste i det elevadministrative system.
Klassekvotient: Antal elever med samme klassebetegnelse i en årgangsopdelt normalklasse på en institution og præsenteres på kommunalt niveau. Klassekvotient beregnes kun på folkeskoler og frie grundskoler.
Klassetrin: Det grundskoleniveau en elev modtager undervisning på. I tvivlsspørgsmål om klassetrin, særligt i specialklasser, sættes klassetrin efter alder. En elev kan kun gå på et klassetrin ad gangen.
Klassetype: Klassetype definerer hvilke regler som der gælder ift. undervisning. Mere information om de forskellige klassetyper kan læses her:
Modtagerelev: Elev, som er tilknyttet en midlertidig modtagerklasse, hvor eleverne modtager undervisning, indtil de sluses ud i en stamklasse. Disse elever er indvandrere og de indplaceres på det klassetrin, som de forventer at kunne modtage undervisning på i en stamklasse.
Tilgang: Personer, der påbegynder en uddannelse i perioden 1. oktober i det foregående skoleår - 30. september i tællingsåret, som også er det nuværende skoleår.
Statistical unit
The statistical unit is pupils.
Statistical population
The population consists of people who have been enrolled in a primary or lower secondary school in Denmark, publicly recognized by the Ministry of Education.
Reference area
Denmark with the exception of Greenland and the Faroe Islands
Time coverage
In its present form, the statistics cover the time span since 2007, the number of pupils per class since 2009, and for the special needs education since 2012.
Base period
Not relevant for this statistic.
Unit of measure
The unit of measure is the number of people and number of pupils per class.
Reference period
The reference date is September 30 of the current year.
Frequency of dissemination
The statistics are published yearly.
Legal acts and other agreements
The Act on Statistics Denmark §6 and §8. EU-regulation number 452/2008.
Cost and burden
The respondent burden is minimal, as data is collected from the administrative systems of the local schools or directly through the system suppliers. A few institutions report by Excel spread sheets.
Further information can be found on the homepage of Statistics Denmark: Fulltime education.