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Food Industries, Business Statistics
Mona Larsen
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The pig surveys have been conducted in their present form since April 1974, but the number of pigs have been conducted at varying points in time and frequency since 1915.

Comparability - geographical

Data for all EU countries can be found in the Eurostat database . The statistics are produced following principles of an EU regulation so the results are comparable. Statistic Denmark delivers every half year figures to the statistical office of EU, Eurostat.

Comparability over time

The most important changes took place in 1933 when pigs were classified to 10 groups, compared to 5 groups previously, and pigs were no longer classified according to age but according to their weight. Old data can be find on LANDBRUGSSTASTIK and LANDBRUG.

From the census of April 1, 2018, the stratification of the pig population has been changed. The new statement made a difference of less than 1 per cent. in relation to previous stratificering and extrapolation.

From 1 January 2016. Due to changes in the technical solutions for automatic reporting, in this publication, there is greater uncertainty about certain types of pigs. This is especially about placement in the type of lactating sows, respectively. Golden and pregnant sows. This can also affect the relationship between piglets per sow, usually 12.4 piglets per sow. So, but this time 12.1. There is also a little greater uncertainty as to when a pig of more than 50 kg is calculated as a breeding animal or as a pigs for fattening.

From 1 July 2011 the number of units in the population was reduced form all holdings (about 46,000) to all holdings with pigs (about 5,500).

In 1946 the survey was extended to include all Denmark, compared to only rural municipalities previously.

Over the years that followed the classification of pigs has seen minor changes.

In 1974 the census method and the census groups were changed to comply with an EC Directive.

From 1980 when the number of sampling units were reduced from 10,000 to 5,000 it has not been possible to publish regional figures.

From 1 January 1998 the groups of piglets under 20 kg and weaners 20-50 kg were altered to sucking pigs with sows and weaners under 50 kg.

From 1 January 2004 the number of sampling units were reduced from 5,000 to 3,500.

From 1 July 2011 the number of sampling units were reduced from 3,500 to 2,500.

The number of sampling units was extraordinary 2,800 at the 1 April 2012.

From 1 July 2011 the number of units in the population was reduced from all holdings (about 46,000) to all holdings with pigs (about 5,500).

Coherence - cross domain

Every year the Agricultural and Horticultural Survey is public and there is it possible to find figures on the total number of pigs. See Stat Bank

Livestock by county, unit and type

Livestock by area, unit and kind

Livestock by unit and size of herd

Livestock combination with cattle and pigs by region, type and unit

There are some different in the figures in the two surveys because of different samples and populations. See the Documentation of Statistics for Agricultural and Horticultural Survey for more information.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for this statistics.