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Parental leave benefits

The maternity and paternity leave part of the statistic is used by ministries for reasons of gender equality policy and of the unions and the employers' organizations in connection with collective bargaining agreements. The statistics are included as an important data element concerning analyzes of the productivity of the Danish workforce (economic model calculations), the labor market accounts, the statistics statistics on Public dependents and the absence statistics

User Needs

The statistics are used for planning, research and political discussions for example the split of parental leave into the fathers leave and the mothers leave from an equality point of view. To meet user requests, it is calculated 1. Maternity leave per. parent couple per. children at regional level. 2. Maternity leave per. parent couple per. children at municipality level. 3. Maternity leave per. individual father or mother by industry.

Statistics are still under development and there are plans for tables illustrating public expenditure and there is demand for figures showing how many take 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . 50, 51, 52 weeks of maternity leave. For example, in the form of a graph. In August 2022, an EU directive extending men's earmarked maternity leave from two to 11 weeks will become part of maternity law. At the same time, women's earmarked maternity leave will be reduced from 14 to 11 weeks. Men's earmarked maternity leave cannot be transferred to women and vice versa. Tables showing maternity leave broken down by the legal basis for the payment of daily allowances will therefore be needed.

User Satisfaction

The latest user-oriented initiatives have been to make the Parental Benefits Register (quarterly updates) and the Parental Benefits Statistics Register (annual updates) available to Statistics Denmark's users with associated documentation in the metadata bank. In addition, three statistics bank tables, Barlov1, Barlov2 and Barlov3, have been developed specifically for the evaluation of the parental benefit reform, which entered into force on 2 August 2022.

Data completeness rate

Not relevant for these statistics.