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National Accounts, Climate and EnvironmentThomas Eisler
+45 20 56 92 83
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The statistics can be compared to the monthly statistics on natural gas from the Danish Energy Agency (DEA).
Comparability - geographical
There is immediately comparable international statistics as this is experimental statistics.
Comparability over time
There has been no change in method nor data so the time series is comparable throughout the period from 2019 till now.
Coherence - cross domain
The statistics can be compared to the monthly statistics on natural gas from the Danish Energy Agency (DEA). Consumption is equivalent to the consumption in the DEA monthly statistics without offshore and upgraded bio gas. The consumption has the same trends over the months but in this statistics total consumption is 10 to 15 percent higher for 2020-2021 while the difference was 6 to 15 percent in 2019. This statistic can be seen as a good indicator as the difference between the figures presented here and the DEA statistics are relative small compared to the seasonal changes in consumption. The consumption in the winter months are 3 to 5 times higher than the summer months which is reflected in both statistics. The consumption presented here is equivalent to the industries and households use of the energy type "Natural gas - consumption and exports" in the energy accounts. However, the consumption level is 10-15 percent higher. The changes in stocks are similar to those in the DEA statistics. The total stocks of natural gas are about 50 thousand terajoule lower than the DEA statistics. This is because the figures in this statistic covers the working gas stocks in the central storage facilities while the DEA includes local storages and gas in piping etc. that are not immediately accessible for consumption.
Coherence - internal
Not relevant for these statistics.