Statistical presentation
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The statistics present the activities of the municipal music schools in Denmark detailing the volume of instrument classes and ensembles as well as key figures for staff and finances. The results are primarily presented on the level of municipalities.
Data description
The purpose of the statistics is to shed light on the music schools' activity and work in key figures about the schools, the students' activities, the MGK students and the employees at the school. The statistics include the following areas:
- Key figures for music schools: Background information for individual music schools as institution, supply, rental price, length of season, etc.
- Pupil activities: Statistics of ordinary pupils' participation in instrument subjects, ensembles, pre-school teams and a number of other offers. Preschool groups are the music schools' offer for children in the municipality's day care institutions. In addition, there is an inventory of MGK students.
- Staff: Summary statements of the music schools’ various staff groups. Data regarding full-time work derived from the survey reports from individual music schools.
- Economy and grants: Key figures for schools of music economy, e.g. wages and subsidies.
The statistics are revised and updated with a new collection of tables from the period 2021/2022. The new statistics shed light on the students' activities at the music schools, also the MGK students. In addition, the employees are highlighted based on their staff category, place of work and education and annual working hours. A distinction is made between activity students and unique students in the new statistics. Activity students correspond to the total number of registrations for the courses on the music school, which is calculated without regard to whether it takes place as one-on-one or group course. A person therefore can cover several activities, but only counts once in the calculation of unique persons. The number of unique people who relate to the music schools concerns both regular students, MGK students and staff. 'Not stated' is a new category in the new statistics that does not contain validated personal identification numbers (error reports) or discretionary values. the set of values for the activities students' subjects has been grouped, with the new classification appearing in the section 'groupings and classifications'.
Classification system
These statistics are grouped by municipalities.
Sing String instrument Woodwind instrument Brasswind instrument Percussion Keyboard instrument Other subjects Subjects in other arts String instrument Team subjects Preschool Not stated
MGK centres:
MGK Hovedstaden MGK Sankt Annæ Gymnasium MGK Sjælland MGK Fyn MGK Nordjylland MGK Midt- og Vestjylland MGK Østjylland MGK Sydjylland
Teachers and staff are distributed according to education
Conservatory Student College University Other education Education not stated
The subject areas the teachers and staff work in are as follows:
Principal and administration Music Visual art Crafts and design Performing arts Dance Film and animation Art of writing Media Others
The Statbank table LABY41 is based on the students' activities at the music schools, which can be found in the table SKOLM02A. A student may have several courses associated with different subjects at a music school. The population is subtracted from the table FOLK1A. The municipality groups of the LABY table can be found from the following link.
Sector coverage
Music Schools.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Activity students: corresponds to regular students' participation in classes on individual instruments, orchestra/band classes, preparatory classes, and other subjects offered by the music schools. The account of activity students shows the number of tuition sign ups for the regular music school student. The regular students are also counted per head.
MGK: is an advanced course at a music school and trains performers, who can stimulate the local music milieu and can prepare student for admission to music training college or further education within music. Students at the Music Ground Course (MGK) are not a subgroup of the regular music school student and are therefore not counted as activity students.
Statistical unit
Pupils, staff and music schools.
Statistical population
The music school statistics in the Statistics Bank include data from the music schools which, pursuant to the Music Act and the [Executive Order on music schools]( lta/2013/673) receives state reimbursement for the music school business. These are municipal music schools and independent music schools with municipal support. The legislation can be opened up to other financing models, but such do not currently exist. The state reimbursement is a grant set out in the Finance Act (21.22.17). For the municipalities that are part of a regional cultural agreement, the grant for the music schools under the agreement is transferred from the music school grant to the cultural framework grant (21.11.32). Music schools under a regional cultural agreement have, like the other music schools that receive state reimbursement, an obligation to report statistics to Statistics Denmark.
The music schools offer many different courses within music, but also have a wide range of other art courses, including writing, dance and performing arts. This is because some of the music schools that receive state reimbursement in accordance with the Music Act Law interact as cultural schools in their respective municipality, where education in arts other than music is also offered.
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics cover the period from season 2012/13 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Economic data is measured in Danish kroner, while personnel information etc. is indicated by numbers. Student activity is measured in the number of pupils that have signed up for each class.
Reference period
01-08-2022 - 31-07-2023, corresponding to the season of the music schools
Frequency of dissemination
The statistics are disseminated annually.
Legal acts and other agreements
Music schools must annually report to Statistics Denmark for statistical purposes according to the Cultural and Palaces Agency’s guidelines referred to in Notice for Music Schools (no. 673 of 05/14/2013).
The music school statistics in the Statistics Bank include data from the music schools which, pursuant to the Music Act ( and the Executive Order on music schools ( lta/2013/673) receives state reimbursement for the music school business. These are municipal music schools and independent music schools with municipal support. The legislation can be opened up to other financing models, but such do not currently exist. The state reimbursement is a grant set out in the Finance Act (21.22.17). For the municipalities that are part of a regional cultural agreement, the grant for the music schools under the agreement is transferred from the music school grant to the cultural framework grant (21.11.32). Music schools under a regional cultural agreement have, like the other music schools that receive state reimbursement, an obligation to report statistics to Statistics Denmark.
Cost and burden
The statistics are not considered to pose a significant burden on the data providers as most of the collected data is drawn from the music schools’ student administration systems. The burden concerning the questionnaire from the music schools is estimated to take up to 60 minutes.
Other information can be obtained by contacting Statistics Denmark.
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