Statistical processing
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Science, Technology and CultureChristian Max Gustaf Törnfelt
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Annual electronic questionnaires answered by the individual museums. The statistics on museums is validated and corrected at the micro level i.e. the individual museums. If a museum has large fluctuations in the number of visitors contacted the museum for a clarification of the cause.
Source data
Information about which museums have received support can be found on the Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen website. This information forms the basis for the study population of the state-supported museums. The museums - and possibly. associated departments - can be found both via the CVR register and Statistics Denmark's own business register. Information from the individual museums / museum departments is reported via electronic questionnaire. Reporting to the statistics is voluntary. The reports include information on the individual museums and museum department's visitor numbers, opening hours and number of museums
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Electronically questionnaire.
Data validation
Validation is done based on the reporting from previous years. As of 2018, the debugging process is standardized via a new debugging system. In the electronic questionnaires, troubleshooting has been advanced. That is, reporting is given a message in the form if there are large fluctuations in, e.g. the number of visitors or opening hours, etc.
In case of large fluctuations, a visit site is contacted to obtain a clarification. In addition to debugging the individual visitor locations, data is validated based on the aggregated figures found in the statistics bank tables. Museums that have not reported will be imputed if they have reported last year or the year before that.
Data compilation
For 2023, schedules were distributed to about 270 museums (460 visit sites/museum departments). The data collection started in February, 2023. Museums that find it difficult to provide their information are postponed, i.e. possibility to report later. Data is processed and scanned at the individual visitor sites and by looking at the aggregated numbers. The statistics include museums that have informed activities. Museums that have not stated activity have the opportunity to write in the comment why they have not reported, e.g. if there is renovation, the exhibition is closed, merging with another museum etc.
Museum visit sites/museum departments that belong to a state-funded museum according to the Museum Act, are allocated the same museum type as the administrative unit, e.g. state or state-recognized. If an administrative unit's visitor sites have different museum categories, the administrative unit and its visitor locations are assigned the "Mixed" .
No correction is made of data other than what has already been described during data validation and data processing.