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Short Term Statistics
Morten Skovrider Kollerup
+45 24 52 61 68

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Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services

The statistics are comparable since 2002, as no significant changes have been made since then.

Comparability - geographical

There is no international regulation for these statistics.

Comparability over time

It is possible to compare DB07 industrial groupings back to 2002, as data have been revised backwards in time. Data of previous years are only available according to older industrial groupings.

As the survey was introduced in its present form in 2000, the data from this year are subject to some degree of uncertainty since the companies was not familiar with the statistics.

Historically, the survey was carried out in 1975, 1980, 1986, 1991 and 1997. However, the 1991 survey was never published. See them here. From 2000 the survey has been conducted annually and also contains information concerning industrial service input in addition to commodity input.

In the period 2000-2004 the statistics also covered water consumption.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics are comparable to the Industrial Accounts Statistics, for the same size class (50+ employees or a yearly turn over of at least 100 million DKK) and activity code of enterprises. The statistics are an important input to the National Accounts, but the data are not the same as the National Accounts make further estimations to cover purchases in smaller enterprises and adjustments to match other sources.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.