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External Economy
Søren Burman
+45 30 51 45 62

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International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics

These statistics have been disseminated since 2014 and contains values from 2010 and onwards. It is in its present form comparable from 2010 and onwards. These statistics are compiled according to common European guidelines and are therefore comparable with statistics from other EU countries published by Eurostat. The comparability can be influenced by the difference between the general- and special trade system.

Comparability - geographical

These statistics are compiled according to common European guidelines and are therefore mainly comparable with statistics from other countries published by Eurostat. The comparability can be influenced by the difference between the general- and special trade system, where data to Eurostat is based on the special trade system and the data disseminated in the National Danish Statbank is based on the general trade system.

Comparability over time

These statistics are comparable from 2010 to 2018 where there is a break. It is again comparable from 2019 and onwards.

Coherence - cross domain

These statistics are fully comparable with International Trade in Goods. Due to limitations on the economic activities presented and thresholds on the value, these statistics are only to some extent comparable to the Business Statistics.

Coherence - internal

These statistics are fully comparable with International Trade in Goods.