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Accuracy and reliability

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Business Dynamics
Alina Grecu
+45 30 55 18 24

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International organisation and outsourcing

The statistics is estimated to have a high degree of precision for the main variables.

Overall accuracy

The statistics is estimated to have a high degree of precision for the main variables.

Sampling error

As the survey is a census-survey among the enterprises in the activities and size classes specified, no sampling errors occur.

Non-sampling error

Coverage errors are believed to be minimal. Measurement errors may occur, but guidelines for respondents as well as the checking and re-contact, is believed to have minimized these errors. There is no knowledge on other measurement errors in the statistics.

Quality management

Statistics Denmark follows the recommendations on organisation and management of quality given in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and the implementation guidelines given in the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF). A Working Group on Quality and a central quality assurance function have been established to continuously carry through control of products and processes.

Quality assurance

Statistics Denmark follows the principles in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and uses the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF) for the implementation of the principles. This involves continuous decentralized and central control of products and processes based on documentation following international standards. The central quality assurance function reports to the Working Group on Quality. Reports include suggestions for improvement that are assessed, decided and subsequently implemented.

Quality assessment

The statistics is considered relevant, as it describes a phenomenon of interest to the Danish economy and business sector, and it is expected that the statistic - like is the case for the previous survey - will be foundation for research projects as well as analyses. The quality and reliability is believed to be high, especially concerning central variables as share of enterprises with international outsourcing and number of jobs having been outsourced. due to the guidance of respondents and a comprehensive quality checking and re-contacting of the respondents in order to obtain correct responses.

For a range of the variables collected, these can be compared to corresponding variables in the previous survey, and the statistics may be compared internationally when results from the survey in which several other European countries participate, are published. Furthermore the statistics may be compared to statistics on Accounts for non-agricultural industries and General enterprise statistics, for the activities and size-classes of enterprises included in the survey.

Data revision - policy

Statistics Denmark revises published figures in accordance with the Revision Policy for Statistics Denmark. The common procedures and principles of the Revision Policy are for some statistics supplemented by a specific revision practice.

Data revision practice

No revisions of the statistics has been carried out.