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Personal Finances and WelfareUwe Pedersen
+45 23 72 65 69
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The indices are used to compare and analyze how the Danish labour costs perform in an international setting, as it is an important indicator of the state of play of the Danish competitiveness compared to other countries. The statistics are therefore often mentioned in the daily news press and are often an important feature in the national public debate.
User Needs
The international labour cost indices are used in particular by national and international organizations, ministries and other public institutions. The indices are often used to follow the development of the labour costs in an international perspective. Furthermore, the European Central Bank (ECB) follows the indices closely to see how they affect the inflation rate in the Eurozone, as they are an essential element in deciding on the right strategy for monetary policy.
User Satisfaction
When looking at the extent of coverage in the press, the user satisfaction is taken to be quite high.
Data completeness rate
Not relevant in relation to the international labour cost indices.