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Input-Output Tables

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National Accounts, Climate and Environment, Economic Statistics
Peter Rørmose Jensen
+45 40 13 51 26

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Input-Output Tables 2020

The purpose of the input-output table is by means of an organized tabulation of detailed economical-statistics to inform about the interactions between production, imports and uses in the economy for a given period. An input The table facilitates a compilation of an input-output model showing direct and indirect interactions in the economy.

Statistical presentation

On the basis of National Accounts product balances tables are compiled which in monetary terms describes how goods and services have been flowing in the economy between suppliers and users. The table contains detailed data for economic structures which enables the compilation of an input-output model that can be used to calculate direct as well as indirect consequences of changes in the level of final demand.

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Statistical processing

The national accounts as well as the input-output tables are compiled according to the definitions in EU's "European System of National and Regional Accounts - ESA2010", which is a European version of the UN's "A System of National Accounts 2008". In terms of data the input-output tables is almost entirely based on supply and use tables.

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Input-output tables are used by e.g. Central Government Administration, trade associations, consultancy companies and others as an important part of large macroeconomic and general equilibrium models and also as an independent tool for assessment of the consequences for e.g. employment and CO2-emissions of various changes in final demand.

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Accuracy and reliability

The inaccuracy of the national accounts figures relates to the inaccuracy of the various sources, which are used. However, the conceptual consistency and, the uniform adaptation of the sources over time contribute to reducing the inaccuracy of the national accounts figures. In particular, the combination of the primary sources into a coherent system in many cases gives rise to the detection of errors, which therefore are not reflected in the final national accounts or in the input-output tables.

The uncertainty in the three most recent years (2021-2023) in the series of input-output tables with 69 industries is greater than in tables at the full 117 industry level. This is primarily due to the fact that the data base in the preliminary years is not as complete and comprehensive as in the final years.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The input-output tables are released once every year at the same time as the final national accounts. The time of release is approximately (almost) 3 years after the end of the reference year.

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With a few exceptions the input-output tables can be aggregated into the Danish Industry Classification (DB07) and, thus, input-output tables can therefore easily be combined with other statistics applying the DB07 classification. There is a high degree of international comparability of input-output tables. A lot of effort has been put into keeping the entire time series of input-output tables intact from 1966 through 2011 with no breaks.

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Accessibility and clarity

Input-output data is disseminated mostly on the internet through the and the input-output subject page in various file formats. The latter is easier to use because extraction of input-output data from the statbank requires some knowledge of what you are looking for.

The strongly aggregated input-output tables published in Statistical Yearbook and Statistical 10-year review are great for a quick overview of the material.

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