Accessibility and clarity
Results of the surveys are published monthly at Statistics Denmark; Key indicators are published in the newsletter edition Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik, Konjunkturbarometer for Industri and in English at the homepage Short term trends. Detailed data is available in English version at Statbank; choose English language and look for the tables BARO1-BARO8. Read here about the statistics. Moreover an analysis of the Business Cycle of the industry - Business Cycle Tracer - is published monthly here.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
Newsletter Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik, Konjunkturbarometer for Industri is publish monthly.
The statistics is not part of any publications from Statistics Denmark.
On-line database
The statistics are published in the StatBank in the following tables:
- BARO1: Trends in industry, quarterly by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment, progress and time
- BARO2: Assessments in industry, quarterly by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment and time
- BARO3: Production limitations in industry by industry (DB07), type and time
- BARO4: Capacity utilisation in industry by industry (DB07) and time
- BARO6: Trends in industry, monthly by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment, progress and time
- BARO7: Assessments in Industry, monthly by industry (DB07), indicator, assessment and time
- BARO8: Confidence indicator for the Industry by indicator, seasonal adjustment and time
- BARO9: Duration of production, in number of months, ensured by current order-book by industry (DB07) and time
Manufacturing industries, adjusted for seasonality and break
- BARO1K: Trends in industry, balances, quarterly (seasonally adjusted) by indicator, seasonal adjustment, progress and time
- BARO2K: Assessments in Industry, balances,quarterly (seasonally- and break adjusted) by indicator, seasonal adjustment and time
- BARO6K: Trends in industry, balances, monthly (seasonally adjusted) by indicator, seasonal adjustment, progress and time
- BARO7K: Assessments in Industry, balances, monthly (seasonally- and break adjusted) by indicator, seasonal adjustment and time
- BARO8K: Confidence indicator for the Industry (break adjusted) by indicator, seasonal adjustment and time
Sentiment indicators for businesses
- TILLID: Sentiment indicators for businesses by indicator and time
Investment survey for manufacturing industry
- IFI01: Investment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07) and assessment
- IFI02: Investment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07), investment Category and assessment
- IFIB: Investment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07) and influencing conditions
- IFIF: Investment survey in manufacturing industries by industry and purpose
- IFI01R: Investment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07), calculation (time of collection) and progress
- IFI02R: Investment survey in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07), calculation (time of collection), investment Category and assessment
Micro-data access
Scientists and analysts have the option to buy detailed micro-data through the Division of Research Services, Statistics Denmark. In this case data will anonymized in order to ensure enterprises confidentiality.
Data are sent to and published at the homepage of the EU-commission partner Directorate General Economic and Financial affairs (DG ECFIN) along with similar data from other EU countries.
An analysis of the Business Cycle of the industry - Business Cycle Tracer - is published monthly here.
Confidentiality - policy
Data confidentiality policy at Statistics Denmark
Confidentiality - data treatment
Data is aggregated into wider industry groupings if necessary to ensure confidentiality especially for large enterprises.
Documentation on methodology
Please refer to the EU-commission partner DG ECFIN's homepage on methodological guides.
The database TIMES4 contains descriptions on the variables of the statistics.
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.