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Short Term StatisticsBo Eriksen
+45 61 50 41 27
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The statistics is carried out in collaboration with the EU-commission since 1982. Please refer to (DG ECFIN).
Comparability - geographical
The statistics is carried out in collaboration with the EU-commission, and the same survey is carried out in other EU-countries. Please refer to (DG ECFIN).
Comparability over time
The collection of data for these statistics has not been affected by COVID-19.
The survey was initiated i 1982 in Statistics Denmark and is conducted in agreement with the EEC, now EU-commission. Taking use of historical data from the homepage of Directorate-Generale for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN)) it is possible to compare data over longer time span.
Since March 2009 the statistics has been processed and published with classification according to "Dansk Branchekode 2007" (Danish Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, DB07, which is based on the EU classification NACE Revision 2.
Coherence - cross domain
The estimates on annual changes in the survey can be compared with subsequent annual results in regnskabsstatistik (Industrial accounts statistics), cf. 3.2. The survey follows the harmonized EU guidelines as recently described in a Commission Decision of July 15 1997. The European Commission, DG ECFIN, publishes the results of the European surveys.
Coherence - internal
The data set to the survey is consistent.