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Population and Education
Iben Birgitte Pedersen
+45 23 60 37 11

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Since 2015, the statistics has been prepared on the same date source. In general the statistics is therefore comparable during time. As a consequence of law amendments or wishes for more information on specific kind of offences the division of type of offences has been altered during the years.

Comparability - geographical

There is no international comparable statistics.

Comparability over time

Police activity such as speed controls or special efforts in the night life can in itself affect the number of arrests. Therefore, one need to take this into account when studying the development in the number of arrests for violation of the road traffic act and other special laws such as police regulation and euphoriants act. An increase in the number of arrests in these areas does not necessarily reflect an increase in the number of persons committing this kind of crimes but can also reflect that a greater proportion is discovered and causing arrest.

Due to a technical error, information about arrests regarding Executive Order on Public Order not transferred to KR from mid-2017.

Coherence - cross domain

There is no other Danish statistics on this subject.

Coherence - internal

Data are internally consistent.