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Anne Vibeke Jacobsen
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ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals

The survey is harmonized with the EU model questionnaire, which is used in most member states.

Comparability - geographical

The survey is harmonized with the EU model questionnaire, which is used in most member states.

Comparability over time

The survey has been carried out since January 2001. A large part of the indicators have been replaced with others to be able to measure the newest trends in ICT. Key figures are comparable over time. The survey replaces the survey Personal computers and access to the Internet (Pc'ere og adgang til internet), carried out from May 1997 to the end of 2000.

All responses were collected during the corona crisis and closures in mid-March -to end of May 202., COVID19 has an impact on comparability over time. The population's use of IT have increased during the period.

Coherence - cross domain

Similar surveys are carried out in other EU member states based on the same Eurostat model questionnaire. Results from all EU countries are available on Eurostats homepage.

Coherence - internal

A number of checks and validation mechanisms as well as reporting aides for the respondent’s understanding of the questionnaire are built into the digital form. This includes among other things filter and routing mechanisms.