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Prices and Consumption, Economic Statistics
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Household Budget Survey

In addition to the general public the Household Budget Survey has a wide application. Internally in Statistics Denmark during the compilation of national accounts and price indexation. Public authorities' planning and feasibility studies, etc. Internationally, where especially EUROSTAT is very active in order to establish comparable figures between countries. Research in a number of areas, as well as for marketing purposes.

User Needs

In addition to serving the general public interests the survey has a broad group of users:

  • It is used internally at Statistics Denmark in compiling price indices and national accounts statistics.
  • Government bodies use the survey for purposes of planning and for conducting analyses of the consequences of new legislation, etc.
  • The survey is used for researches purposes within several fields.
  • The survey can be used for marketing purposes, etc.
  • Internationally, the survey is widely used. Especially, Eurostat is very active in enabling comparability of the survey results among the EU Member States.

The statistics are very rich in detail and have a relatively long production time.

User Satisfaction

A user satisfaction survey has not been conducted.

Data completeness rate

The Household Budget Survey is indirectly subject to the Council Regulation (EC) No. 2494/95 ( 1 ) of 23 October 1995 concerning harmonised indices of consumer prices. The Household Budget Survey provides data to Eurostat every 5 years and meets in this respect the guidelines sent out by Eurostat.