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Population and Education
Eva Lotti Hansen
+45 21 59 99 06

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Highest Education Attained

The Attainment Register gathers information about the highest completed education for each single person based on the information in the Student Register and the Qualification Register. It is a longitudinal register based on an assessment of each person's education "career" and shows how the qualification career develops over time. The register is formed by interpreting the qualification career (skills in chronological order) in order to determine a change in the skill level. Once a year a status register is also produced with the population and information about education the 30. September the current year.

Data description

Variables in the register of the highest educational attainment:

  • Person number (PERSON_ID)
  • Starting data for the highest level of education (HF_VFRA)
  • Ending data for the highest level of education (HF_VTIL) .
  • Institution (INSTNR)
  • Highest attained education (HF_AUDD)
  • Sources for the highest attained education (HF_KILDE)

For further definitions of the variables see the documentation in TIMES.

The register is available in three other versions with a similar content.

  1. Highest attained youth education
  2. Highest attained professional education
  3. Latest completed education

Classification system

In connection with publications of the highest level of education Statistic Denmark classification system, "DISCED" is used. A description of it can be found at: DISCED

Sector coverage

The population consist of people who are registered with a qualification in The Student Register or in The Qualification Register.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Highest education completed: The highest education that a person has completed at any given point in time. The highest completed education is defined in relation to the main groups in the Statistics Denmark's educational nomenclature (DISCED) and follows the hierarchy herein. In the statistics, the highest education is assessed yearly per 30th of September.

Statistical unit

The statistical entity is completed education qualifications.

Statistical population

The population consist of people who are registered with a qualification in Statistic Denmark's Student Register or in Statistic Denmark's Qualification register. The collection of information about PhD students cowers the period from 1. January till 31. December. Since 2012 it has not been possible to have data about PhD student ready together with data from the other education area because the publication of The Student Register has been advanced. When The Attainment Register is updated, the information concerning PhD is therefore a year behind.

Reference area


Time coverage

Since the student register is the primary source for the highest attained education, The Attainment Register covers fully from the beginning of 1970 which is where the information in the student register starts, although there are many information before 1970 from other sources.

Base period

Not relevant for this register.

Unit of measure

The unit of measure is number of people.

Reference period

The reference time is 30. September the current year in both the longitudinal register and the status register.

Frequency of dissemination

There is an annual update of both the longitudinal register and the status register.

Legal acts and other agreements

Law concerning Statistics Denmark § 6

Cost and burden

The register are based on registers and therefore there is no respond burden


Further information can be found on the topic site: Befolkningens uddannelsesstatus.

The main contact person is Eva Lotti Hansen, phone.: (+45) 39 17 30 86, email: