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Government Finances
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Government budget allocations for research and development

Data are received and published once a year. The primary data source is the State Budget for Research and Development, though Statistics Denmark gathers data from additional sources as well. The Ministry of Finance ensures quality control of reported data based on the state budget. In a few cases Statistics Denmark examines further the relevance of reported data.

Source data

The data for the the government budget allocations (GBARD) is collected from from the Ministry of Finance, Nordic Council of Ministers, the budget for the EU, The Danish National Research Foundation, and the statistics on Research and Development in the Public Sector and in the Business Sector.

The total government expenditures with and without international funds as a percentage of the GDP in a given year is computed with the use of a GDP estimate from the economic briefing from the Ministry of Finance.

Frequency of data collection

Data are received and published once a year.

Data collection

Statistics Denmark receives from the Ministry of Finance the State Budget for Research and Development in an excel-sheet. The Ministry of Finance collects the data from the ministries in questionnaires.

Data validation

Data from the State Budget are validated by the Ministry of Finance and only in case of obvious mistakes, misunderstandings or errors will Statistics Denmark investigate these data further.

Data compilation

The current year’s budget for research and development from local and regional authorities is estimated by using historic expenditures on R&D in percentage of the total expenditures and using this percentage on the current year’s total budget.

Funds from the EU are calculated in the same way - the percentage is computed as the share of the former EU budget program paid to Danish researchers.


Fixed prices are calculated using the same wage price index as the Ministry of Finance.