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Food Industries
Mona Larsen
+45 24 81 68 47

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Fur animals production (Discontinued)

The statistics on fur production are of great interest to agricultural organizations, the Ministry of the Environment and Food, and the EU. The statistical data are also used in other areas within Statistics Denmark for, among other things, to calculate volume and price indices, as well as Agriculture's gross factor income, which is included in the National Accounts. No survey on the user satisfaction is available. The main impression is a high degree of satisfaction.

User Needs

The statistics on fur production are of great interest to agricultural organizations, the Ministry of the Environment and Food and the EU. The statistical data are also used in other areas within Statistics Denmark, among other things, to calculate volume and price indices, as well as Agriculture's gross factor income, which is included in the National Accounts.

User Satisfaction

The statistics can be discussed at meetings of the Committee on Food Statistics. The User Committee consists of the central users of the statistics with representatives from the agriculture and fisheries organizations, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and research institutions. The main impression is that most users are satisfied with the statistics.

Data completeness rate

Only total data from Denmark is publish. Data is a part of the economical statistic of the agriculture.