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Statistical presentation

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Population and Education
Lene Riberholdt
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From Primary and Lower Secondary and General Upper Secondary School to Further Education

The cohort analysis is an analysis of the education of a cohort of students with lower or upper secondary general school leaving certificates after graduation. A cohort is defined as pupils leaving lower secondary or traditional general secondary education. It is established how many students are in education, have completed an education, have interrupted an education or have no records about further education

Data description

The cohort analysis is an analysis of the education of a cohort of students with lower or upper secondary general school leaving certificates after graduation. A cohort is defined as pupils leaving lower secondary or traditional general secondary education. It is established how many students:

  • Are in education
  • Have completed an education
  • Have interrupted an education
  • Have no records about further education

The analysis only covers students who have graduated their lower or upper secondary school in Denmark. Based on the annual data transmissions to Statistics Denmark it is possible to follow the students way through the Danish education system.

The analysis is annually (per October) displaying the share of lower or upper secondary graduates that either continue on a further education, interrupt an education, complete a further education or do not attend a further education according to Statistics Denmark's integrated student register.

Classification system

For this statistics "hovedområder " from Statistics Denmark's education classification system "DISCED-15" is used. A description can be found at: DISCED-15

Sector coverage

Education sector.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Interrupted: The student has continued at a further education, which has been interrupted

Graduated: The student has continued at a further education, and has successfully completed

Enrolled: Status per 1st of October same year

Not known in the integrated student register: The student has not continued at a further education according to Statistics Denmark's student register

Statistical unit

Number of people

Statistical population

The target population is all graduates from lower secondary and general upper secondary educations at all educational institutions in Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage

Data goes back to the 1970ties and is updated annually.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Number of people.

Reference period

Time of reference is September 30th.

Frequency of dissemination

The analysis is made on yearly basis.

Legal acts and other agreements

The statistics is based on gathered information used for the Student register.

Cost and burden

These statistics are based on the Student register. There is thus no direct response burden, in relation to the compilation of these statistics.


Other information is not available.