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National Accounts, Climate and Environment
Michael Zörner
+45 24 41 73 66

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Forest Accounts

The forest accounts are of relevance for administrative bodies, researchers, NGOs, businesses, the educational sector and individuals - all with interests in forest, natural resources, interactions between environment and economy, natural capital, sustainability etc. In the context of the United Nations and other international organizations, there is a large focus on green national accounts.

User Needs

Users are administrative bodies, researchers, NGOs, businesses, the educational sector and individuals - all with interests in forest, natural resources, interactions between environment and economy, natural capital, sustainability etc. In the context of the United Nations and other international organizations, there is a large focus on green national accounts.

User Satisfaction

The plans for the statistics are discussed with expert users in the expert committee for environmental-economic accounts and statistics, material in Danish only.

Data completeness rate

There is no EU regulation for this statistics. The forest accounts are produced following SEEA-CF, the UN statistical standard for environmental-economic accounts. Compared to a complete set of forest accounts, cf. SEEA-CF, the Danish forest accounts are lacking an account of the value of forest land. It has not (yet) been possible to produce these with sufficient validity based on available data.